
Ranging Desire

Even the surrounding will tremble with fear when the great Lioness and the mighty Alpha are in a cold war with none bowing to defeat... .... The business world being the battlefield and marriage ...the weapon.. What happens when the one you hate so much suddenly fills you with an unquenchable RAGING DESIRE... "Do you know the meaning of the letter 'H' in my name?" Crystal asked Xender while leaning dangerously close to him. Gently she whispered.. "It means Heaven.. I can take you there.." The sides of his mouth raised slightly "You can't take Hell to heaven Becca" ... IT'S SOO ON!

ArmyElla · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 9: Unbelief IV

Xender was already parked in front of of The Camelot's Company. The building stood tall and intimidating but not today! He was on a mission and he was furiously shaking with anger and it was all thanks to one person, Crystal.

Not minding the ear piercing siren, probably the police cos he was speeding above the limit but there was a reason for it. Desperate times calls for desperate measures and whenever it got to this 'ice stone' , it always requires desperate measures and today was the day he had it up to here! He was going to give her a piece of his mind today.

Stepping out of his car Xender heard a female's voice calling out to him to stop with a megaphone. But something else held his attention, two dark figures were emerging from the building and one of them had something or rather someone over his shoulder. As they got closer, Xender was able to see that it was a woman and he became shocked as to how possible it was to kidnap a person in a place so tight with security, and that was when it clicked... Assassins!

Aliyah looked ahead and saw the scene.

"These crazy mother fukers...

Hey! Put the lady down and put your hands in the air!" she shouted pointing her gun at them. They stopped and looked at her, then at the man before them. Seeing this Aliyah was on alert cos it was obvious what they wanted to do and out of instinct she shouted.

"Run away from there Mr! Move!"

But it was too late, Xender became a captive and a human shield.

"Stupid civilians!" She spoke into her phone, "I need back up!"

"Drop your gun or he dies..."


Aaliyah refusing to drop her gun resulted to a pocket knife being placed to his neck.

"Ok.. ok.. don't hurt him" slowly, she kept the gun slowly on the ground.

"I don't appreciate people touching me and you stink.." Xender calmly said to the guy who held a pocket knife to his neck. The assassin was dumbfounded when he heard him.

"Shut the fu*k up! You don't understand the situation you're in so let me.... ahhh"

In the next second the predator became the prey as he had his hand twisted backwards making the knife fall out of his hands and kicked to the side.

Seeing this the other one tried to make a run for it cos the mission to get the lady was more important than their cover being blown. But before he could move a gun was pointed to his head.

"Drop the lady slowly.."

Aaliyah said making the assassin freeze on the spot.

"I said drop the lady slowly!"

Very slowly he dropped Crystal who had a dark thick cloth over her face.

"Now put your hands in the air". He complied, Aaliyah looked over at the lady whose hands and legs were tied with a dark material over her face that made it impossible to see her face or recognize her. In that moment of distraction her captive took the opportunity of hitting her gun away and landing a punch in her stomach which got her groaning and clutching her stomach on one knee. With the intention to finish her off with a kick on the head, the assassin made a flip with his right foot but before it could accomplish that he came in contact with another foot and yet another one to his chest. He fell back to see what hit him and so did Aaliyah to see who saved her and it was none other than the one who led her here.

Every kick and hit from the assassin was met with one twice as good. Aaliyah watching this scene and knew for sure that this man wasn't ordinary... Even his fighting style wasn't the usual street fight but more like a professional. She couldn't see his face cos of the darkness but she could make him out, he was quite tall and mascular..

Where had she seen him???