
Galaxy Against Humanity

Day 1

As 140 students pass a general of the Space Forse they noticed that he looks scarred everywhere like he has been in the front line for ages. All of sudden as the last person sits down he says in his deep voice. Well class to the new general program I am G Arwin I am from plant Skwiar. All of a sudden someone gasped in disbelief. As ever one turns to look as who gasped. (Arwin) Aa D13 you seem to to now what happened to my people. (D13) Well actually sir my name is Arwin raised his hand in a moshin to silent her (Arwin) listen I now you new recrots are eager but you don't now how I run my class. You will not yous your names but refer each other by your siting area. If you get a nickname you can be referred to that to. Now I will continue you all will be learning about basic history intill my army gets here and depending on how you do will depend on where I place you in my army. You all will start as squad leaders and more up the ranks (D13) But sir we interrupting you will get the first nickname Red. But since it's the first year of this program existing you all will determine now this program goes so try your best. Anyway you all receive a video wach it it explains all the monitory things I need to explain. Now feel free to talk to on another sins class is over in 3 2 1 Bell rings he walks out of the classroom. Most students leave soon after. (Red) So you guys want to now why I gasped in the middle.(J8) ya why did you. (Red) Well you guys now the astroyod system. Thay shake their heads yes. Well Skwiar was the capital of that kingdom that happened to. The system is also now as the wing people system and I didn't see any wings. (F4) Well do you think he is hiding them. (9C) like a mutant should.(Red) how dare you. 9C notice he was out number so he walks away saying.(9C) A mutant like you should be happy I even talk to you at all. (Red) Well he ruined the mode I am going to the dorms catchy you all later(Everyone) bye.



Name: Roon


Gender :Female


Hobby:learning about history

Fun fact :She loves using her light magic to play with her pet cats and fluffys.