
Random Reward System

Brandon Michaels woke up one day and realized he was in a new world inhabiting the body of someone by the same name. This world was very similar to Earth, the only difference was that things were not quite as developed in certain areas as Earth was and that cultivation seemed to exist here, at least different ways to increase your strength as well as lifespan did. Entertainment seemed to have stalled, even technology hadn't made any progress in years. In this new world Brandon realized he had a system that would give him random gifts for doing something. What are these gifts? Read the story to find out. I will try to include some slice of life however as I the author am not very good with people and am mostly a shut-in (I only leave my house when I have to) I don't interact with many people. So my dialog and character interaction may seem awkward or even forced at times.

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6 Chs

Testing The New Skills

Brandon only had $25 to his name so he couldn't afford much. He decided the best use of this money would be to ensure he had something to eat since he still wasn't sure if it actually worked or not.

He decided he would walk around until he found a place that seemed appetizing to him before buying some food and after walking for almost an hour he finally settled on a fast food place and bough himself a burger and a soda spending a total of $12.

[Host has spent $12 and triggered the rebate skill. The triggered rebate is 500 times. Total amount returned to the host is $6,000.]

Right after the system said that he received a text message.

{Bank account ****572 received a deposit of $6,000}

After receiving both notifications he realized the skill worked and decided he would go on a small spending spree. First things first he would buy a new phone instead of using the old one he currently has.

On the way to his phone company he asked the system to automatically distribute his gained EXP to his cultivation technique. Once he arrived at the phone company he asked for the top of the line phone they had. It was the Iphone which was just released. As mentioned previously this world was way behind in technology compared to his previous one. This world had only just now come out with an Iphone while his old world had just come out with the Iphone 15. He payed for this Iphone which cost of $600 and again triggered the rebate.

[Host has spent $600 and triggered the rebate skill. The triggered rebate is 200 times. Total amount returned to the host is $120,000.]

{Bank account ****572 received a deposit of $120,000}

After he got the new phone he went to the nearest car dealership to buy a new car since he didn't have one even though he had a license. He already knew what kind of car he wanted. Though it wasn't a sports car like Lamborghini or Ferrari or a super expensive luxury car like a Rolls Royce it was still a Luxury car. He wanted to purchase a new Range Rover. He expected this car would cost him almost $90,000. He was hoping that after buying this car he would receive a large enough rebate that he would be able to also buy a few houses so he could rent them out to have a regular income not reliant on spending money to trigger the rebate.

When he arrived at the car dealership a salesman came out to greet him.

"Hello, My name is John. Are you looking for anything specific?"

"Hello John. I want to purchase a new Range Rover with all the upgrades please."

"We currently have 2 on the lot that meet your requirements. One is silver the other is black in color. Which one would you like to see?"

"I want to see the black one first, if I like it then I will buy it."

He followed John to the car and immediately liked the way it looked. It was completely black on the outside and it had a maroon interior. The price displayed for the car was actually more than what he had expected, it was going to cost him $115,000. Luckily that was still within his price range since he had received $120,000 when he purchased the phone.

"John, I would like to purchase this car. I will pay in full right now if that is okay with you."

"That is absolutely fine. Please follow me to fill out the paperwork needed and I will process it immediately so that you can drive it off the lot today."

After following John back into the building he paid for the car and spent the $115,000.

[Host has spent $115,000 and triggered the rebate skill. The triggered rebate is 150 times. Total amount returned to the host is $17,250,000.]

{Bank account ****572 received a deposit of $17,250,000}

While he was waiting on the paperwork for his new car to be processed he wanted to view the system status again.

"System can you show me my status please."

[Showing Current Status]

Host name: Brandon Michaels

Age: 17

Power Level: 1 (0/1,000 EXP)

EXP: 0

Charm: 1

Spirit: 1 (normal value of a human is 1)

Luck:100 (System has boosted the hosts luck as the hosts previous luck value was negative.)

Life Skills: Cooking (level 2), Music (level 1), Singing (level 2), Driving (level 3), Rebate

Money: $17,260,413 (US Dollars)

Cultivation Level: none

Cultivation Skills: Breath Returning Technique (Level 1, 30/100)

Rewards Available: 4 (Basic), 1(Intermediate), 0(Advanced)

Current World: C Earth

It had been 3 hours since he received his cultivation technique. He had decided to distribute all the EXP to that technique first to level it up so that he would earn more EXP faster so that he can hopefully increase his strength faster.

After viewing the status and noticing that he had more than $17 million he was happy since this was more than enough to purchase a few different houses and even apartment buildings to be able to rent them out and earn money. He also knew that when he purchased those he would still earn a rebate on them however that was fine. He still wanted to have a different source of income.

While he was waiting on the paperwork for the car he browsed the internet on his phone to find out more about cultivation. He learned there were in fact spirit stones which were the main currency used by cultivators. The exchange rate for spirit stones to regular money made it almost impossible for normal people to cultivate. It was $100,000 for 1 low grade spirit stone, and it was 100 low grade spirit stones for a medium grade spirit stone, 100 medium grade spirit stones for 1 high grade spirit stone and 100 high grade spirit stones for 1 supreme grade spirit stones. There were also Immortal Crystals and God Crystals. It was 1,000 Supreme grade spirit stones for a single Immortal Crystal and 100,000 Immortal Crystals for a God Crystal.

This meant that 1 medium grade spirit stone cost $10 million, 1 high grade spirit stone was $1billion and 1 Supreme grade spirit stone was $100 billion. Since cultivators used these spirit stones, immortal crystals and god crystals as currency that is typically what all cultivation related things like herbs, techniques and so on are sold for. This was why cultivation was almost impossible for normal people unless they were extremely lucky.

After learning about this he was informed that all the paperwork had been processed and he could drive the car away now. Since that was the case he decided he would go to purchase a house for himself first before doing any other shopping.

Once Brandon arrived at the real-estate agency he informed the agent that he wanted to purchase a few properties, he wanted a large piece of land for himself that didn't have any buildings on it. He also wanted to purchase 2 Apartment buildings and 4 houses. When the real-estate agent realized how large of a purchase he was making he was happy since he would be receiving a large commission off of this sale.

The total cost of all 7 properties came out to $15.5 million and the real-estate agent would get a 3% commission off this so he would make $465,000.

After paying for the properties he was told to wait for a while for the paperwork to be processed so that he could sign it and then they could file it with the county tax office to transfer ownership of the properties to him.

[Host has spent $15,500,000 and triggered the rebate skill. The triggered rebate is 15 times. Total amount returned to the host is $232,500,000.]

{Bank account ****572 received a deposit of $232,500,000}

Since he had managed to purchase the properties he asked the real-estate agent if he knew of any good construction companies that could build him a house on the empty property. This property was located in a rather wealthy side of town and it was only by luck that it was still vacant and for sale. The agent recommended a company to Brandon after which Brandon went to the construction company to talk about what he wanted his house to be like.