
Random Protagonist A

A very nice and good collection of stories that are definitely most absolutely written coherently. Stories about cultivation and other stuff. The most unique and most extraordinary story you'll ever read frfr. Great plots and great "plots" and even greater face-slapping. Definitely does not seem like it was written by a 13-year-old. (The first 2 chapters were written when I was like 10 and I just found it there and decided to expand on the story) INSPIRED BY INVINCIBLE DRAGON (great novel go read it) [Each volume is a new main character and maybe if a certain main character is like really loved by everyone ill make a sequel to that character and make the next volume about that and yeah]

AGuyWhoReadsStuff · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Floridian Martial Artist Finds Nothing (Shocking!)

zhOU ling had finally reached the peak of da Forbidious Mountain which took him so long too climb like it took him like 29 seconds if you were binge reading or maybe it took him 12 hours if your reading this before it commes out ORRR i decided to just release all the chapters at onice idrk and idc

So zoou ling finda and old cabin at the top but befor he goes he decides to do some quick cultivationing and goes from Forbidden Spirit realm to uh Karam Soverign Realm


Karma Sovereign Realm? No thxx broski i now have Earth Sovereign Realm!! But then zhou lng fells like breaking thru, AGAN!

HEAVENLY SOVEREIGN REALM omG!!!??@#^^ so OP but he wants to break thru agan but unfortunately he cannot cuz like his foundation feels like breaking bro so he cannot break thru or else his foundation becomes unstable.

^^^(pls ignore the part in chapter 3 after he absorbs the partriach souls cus like, its different yknow what i mean? Also why tf was this bolded in google docs)

And so with his cultivation at Heavenly Sovereign he felt like he could take anything on


He was just dat strang!

anywaysa he sees a small cabin from a distaratacad distance and decides to cautiosusly approach the big cabin, inside was a guard dude slowly standing guard, shou zou zhou ling had to be very careful

"Heyyy paul"

"Oh shet wassup word! Michael it must be u bro its been so long since weve met, like i havent even herd from you at all. Last time i heard of you was when you had blonde hair!! dont worry, your wife must like blondies too huh? ive only had an affair with your wife twice! Just kidding, your wifes lesbian btw."

"Oh, thx bro… for teh heads up."

"yeah.. … and also the HYRDO organizaitonns wants to gather all memebrs from the easturn part of the continent, ssomtinthf like hunting a big spooky scary dragon. If you kill some draognkin its possable to earn SPIRIT STones too!"

"why ur dialog so long smh"

"Wtf bro fine ill speak less"

"Nvm ill just kill you" zhou ling quickly peformed SWIRift executions after checking nobody besides this guy was guardian this medium-sized wooden hut/cabin and man really died instantly -_-

At leasstt zhou ling got som valuable infarmation, 'so this organ zation is called HYRDO and is gathering troops to hunt down a dragon? That draogn must be my parents!! I better go rrescue dem!' So Zhou Ling with his brilliant critical thinking skills came to the conclusion that his parents are dragons woooo

Zhozhou ling eventuaally zohu lingfound a secret switch that activated a TIER 1 FORMATION!!!!!!!!!!! Omg TIER 1 FORMATIONS ARTE SO RARE!!!! ANWYAYS ZHOU LING THEN WAS TELEPORTE TO A SEcret hideoutn\ bqsase that had evill men (probs evil zohu ling does not know yet) and met some

"Oh heyyyy nobbie, you came fram the announcement of the oraganization for hunting down de Supreme Heavenly Dragon? Its said it be the interfering with our goal or somethin like dat."

"Oh dam, jason, i totally thot that."

Zhouuu ling looked around the very cool looking base. There wAS metall and weh stuff stuff stuff yeah so its stuff. Just know that is was stuff idk how to write detailed things like what do u think im doing by writing this "novel". Anyways back to immersion, zhou ling was very surprised.

"Heyyyy noobie ur assigned to Sector 4, your cultivation is at Heavenly Sovreign realm? Wow u must be lucky to be at that realm at such an age."

"Yo thx im really glad yk"

"Yeah man i get you but becareful since sector 4 is filled with people who are the same realm plus higher"



So Zhou Ling was sent to sector 4 where he had to meet with other higher peeps. There he met a person at the Astral Sovrerign Ream which was above his current realm. Wow these realms are getting confusing some one should make a page detailing all the ranks of the realm (not that it matters since it becomes irrelevant in the next chap anyways)

Zhou ling says hi to the astral sovereign realm guy. His name is Bobby Jones and hes the team captain of sector 4. Zhou ling secretly felt liek he could totally take this guy on.

Zhou ling made it to sector 4 and there was at least 50 other ppl at the same realm as him. WOOWWW super powerful!! However some of the members were from the jaihun family so he had to be discreet or else theyll recogogognize his face… unless…. He uses his [Heavenly Divine Godly Void Ancient Deity Poop Sacred Golden Earth Origin Dragon Veins of Pee Diamond Overlord of Qi Reincarnation Heaven and Earth Scripture] to use the disgusing skill!

DISGUISE OVERLOAD! It was a top-tier disguise skill which hides and morphs his body and facial features into smtg totally unrecognizable, however if the person has more purer qi than u, or if they are at a higher realm and DISGUISE OVERLOAD is at a low lvl, then they can see thru your disguise.

Zhou ling soon turned into a young polar bear man. I mean polar bear-looking not actually a polar bear. The team leader discuses the plan to kill the Supreme Golden Dragon. They talk a bunch and basically were cannon fodder while the true elites in sector 1 tries to kill the dragon. GOOD PLAN!

ZHOU LINGG follows the crowd and they eneter a TIER 2 FORMATION! ITS a teleportation formation which can teleport large crowds to faraway distances. Once teleported zhou ling finds himself in the Eternal Forest which is a famous forest which connects the Eastbound Continent with Westbound Continent, the weird part is that from a bird eyes view it should be impossible for them to connect since there is the abyssal sea separating them

So people think the ETERNAL FOREST has teleportation properties. It is said that around 10 days worth of walking that youll meet beasts that are at tier 9 demonic beast level so you have to be careful.

The HYDRO group walks for 9 days and they set up camp. During that 9 days zhou ling has killed 24 members secretly. He is now at the Lost Sovereign realm, which is above Golden Sovereign realm which was the relma after the astral sovereign yeah.

During that time he practiced with alchemy and made a [Body-Refining Pill] which is considered to be a tier 2 pill that helps people break through. It becomes ineffective after Earth sovereign tho which is why zhou ling was selling it instead,

They finally meet the dragon and all 100 sectors finally meet up. With one swipe the dragon kills 10000 people!!!! So zhou lings stays in the back kiting the dragon. His cultivation is powerful enough to land him in the 2nd sector, but nobody knows it yet. Soon, sector 4 gets orders to launch an attack on the right leg of the dragon. The commander looks at his soldiers sorrowly, as he knows this is the last order since it's a suicide request to like go near the draogn at all,

But yet, he stills does it cus like the commander is very good person!!! So they all rush at the draogns leg. Btw this dragon is as tall as 50 earths and as wide as 100 earths, so he is very big. Hes like 10 billion super metres big! His wings cover the entire skies and makes it look like an eclipse!!!

Anyways, when the group is running, zhou ling looks at his comrades with tears, these past 9 days have been very great to them, and they even helped him with his alchemist quests. Theyve helped him and theyre really kind, he starts to doubt if this is the right organization… so as a final act of justice…

Zhou ling uses TIAN EXPLOSION and kills all of his comrades and the comander and steals there souls. He pretends that all of sector 4 died from the dragon and he was the only survivor. Now that he stole all there souls he sifts through there skills and picks and matches them and fuses compatible ones wit his current skill. One of them even had a rare physique called the 'Shadowing Yang' physique!! He trains it by absorbing the shadows of other people, unfortunately this person didnt know they had it and never learned any shadow techniques. Zhou ling was different though…

Actually not really he doesnt know any shadow techniues since they are rare and forbidden, HWOEVER he will now learn cus yes.

After another 10 days only 25 sectors remain. The dragon is half-wounded and is now using everything it can to survive. During this time zhou ling evolves to the Mortal Ruler realm which was right above Lost Sovereign. Anyways he starts to snipe people off using a small concentrated magic shot which acts like a sniper bulelt. He calls it "One Nick" since he just nicks them in the head and they die in one shot.

He continues to harvest souls and all of a sudden and new page of the [Heavenly Divine Godly Void Ancient Deity Poop Sacred Golden Earth Origin Dragon Veins of Pee Diamond Overlord of Qi Reincarnation Heaven and Earth Scripture] book opens. Its called the soul emperor class. If youve harvested over 100,000 souls, you may now walk the journey to the Soul Collector class. It goes from Soul Emperor > Soul Eater > Imperial Soul > finally Soul Collector. It is said that even in the higher worlds Soul Collectors are considered valuable commodities.

In order for ZHOU LING to obtain the Soul Emperor class he first has to to have a intelligent soul which is very rare since most souls are in a coma after death, so he has to find a soul of nice quality and refine it constantly until it is fit to be awake, and then not only that but the soul but be Goldenized which means it must have gone through the Nine Tribulaitons of Sin which is a test that a soul can go through if it wants to linger in this world as a strong soul. And NOT ONLY THAT, but the soul must from someone/something you kileld. Very strict restrictions mhm mhm.

While waiting for a perfect opporoprptunity


Opportunity Zhou Ling notices a tier 9 demonic beast appearing from the woods. An Earth-King Bear! Actually a little bit smaller than other demonic bears but this bear is the king of the forest! No matter where it goes itll be respected by the othr animals of da forest!


The bear speaks which astounds multiple experts, some even get killed during this momentary confusion. The bear hlds up like a ubnch of dead soldiers which belonged to us, it seems like the dsicipe which were plann

The disciples were gunna like either desert the mission or walked a bit too far from the battle ground and it like got attatacked y the ebear. And the bear thinks its a declaration of war / so yeah

Soon the Earth-King Bear and the Supreme Golden Dragon joins forces to kill us the rest of the sectors, meanwhile zhou ling finally perfects the "One Nick" and renames it to the "Fingergun", it can now exert 150% more attack power than zhouu lings actually combat prowess… now being too excited he uses Beserk Body to twofold his power and uses Fingergun on the commander of sector 1 accidentally killing him. Seeing this, the rest of the organization gets angry!

He quickly cultivates for a few sec to break through to the Pure Ruler realm, but seeing that the dragon and the bear are also looking at him, he gets pressured to break thru to the Primordial Ruler realm!!! Once u reach primordial RULER realm, you unlock the power of the primordials, it's an ancient energy in the air and you can store about 10 units of it during the first layer. However, since zhou ling is extra cool plus he has a super good foundation + he ha sall these crazy buffs he can actually store 11,000 units on his first go! Plus using his [Heavenly Divine Godly Void Ancient Deity Poop Sacred Golden Earth Origin Dragon Veins of Pee Diamond Overlord of Qi Reincarnation Heaven and Earth Scripture] he sucks all the primordial energy in the air to create a god bomb thrower which is reinforced with primordial energy and all at once releases the power of 11,000 primordial energy into those bombs blowing away all 25 sectors at once!

"arghs! so... much.. power@!!"

"how can a mere mortal be this stornk!!!"

"no... that's 11,000 primortidal energy! run!!"

Unfortunately, even the souls were blown away and they were disintegrated so like he couldnt even harvest the souls. The only things that wer eleft were the wounded Earth-King Bear and the Supreme Golden Dragon! The dragon was very exhausted after fighting with all 100 sectors at once for 10 days and 10 nights. The EartH-King beEar wa sin better shape since he arrived much later but he wasnt actually as strong as the dragon so he was only in a slightly better shape. The dragon and bear duo were thinking of escaping, but the dragons pride could not let it escape since how could ti run away from like one dud right!!!!!

The bear went with ti since if it managed to refine and drink some of the blood of zhou ling it might breakthourhg!!! So zhou ling smirked as he managed to successfully trick the duo into his trap. Now that they were about to attack zhou ling. He shot 10 fingergun attacks into both of there heads and then attacked with SwiftExecutions and then uses multiple Nirvana strikes!! And since he had SUPREME SWORD INTENT he used Piercing Sun 2.0! Which was an upgrades version of his normal piercing sun and since he aimed it so that the bear and the dragon were in a line…

IT PIERCED BOTH OF DEM!!!!!!11!! Blood gushes out like a tsunami and the blood from the draogn was leik posionous and it causes a bunch of forest fires. If it was in earth, the dragon could be arrested for Arson which is a very bad crime!

Anyways the bear died instantly, but the dragons scales suddenly glew blue and it's eyes turned extra golden!! IT WAS ENTERED IT'S GOLDEN STATE! Zhou ling quickly used hundreds of fingergun attacks at it's scales but any external damage did nothing. The dragon deemed zhou ling as feeble prey now and went for the kill! However, niravan strike dealt external damage AND internal damage, and therefore went through the golden blue scales! Not only that, but Dragon Buddha Palm also only focused on the internal side as well.

After launching a never-seen-before nirvana strike which only focused on internal organs, it was combined with Dragon Buddha Palm. It was called Nirvana Palm! An attack that enhanced internal injuries and would make it seem like even though the enemy seemd perfectly fine, all of his insides had actually just been disintergrated!

Using Nirvana Palm, zhou ling crushed the dragon and blood spew out everywehre! The scales started to degenerate and the bloods and guts and flesh fell out of the dragon. The supreme golden dragon went for a final push, and spat out a golden fireball. At zhou ling btw. Seeing this, zhou ling realized he could not dodge it in timeand prepared to block it.

The fireball pushed him millions of billions of kilometers back and he broke thru like 42 mountains. He was almost ded… but he wasnt yet. The firebal had decimated at least a dozen empires and maybe a few thousand war crimes had occured. Using the super speed, zhou ling flew all the way back to the dragon and this time used a plain old Piercing Sun 2.0 and stabbed in in the exposed brain of the draogn, ending it instantly. The dragons soul was immediately absorbed and zhou ling heaved a sigh of relief from that battle. He could immediately feel like cultivation realm waiting to burst up.

Zhou ling then felt a weird bubbling feeling inside his heart. It got worse n worse n worse until zhou ling even had trouble breathing while laying down! The arrogance of the soul of the dragoon refused to be absorbed, so zhou ling forcefully tried to absorb it. Soon, zhou ling realized why devil cultivators or soul cultivators only absorbed the soul of other human cultivators…

zHOU LING gained retractable scales and a pair of All-Seein Dragon eyes… and a huge boost to his attack power and defenseive power! His breath contained the power of chaos… his horns could be retracted back but when brought up it could focus and summon a ball of chaotic energy which would destroy anything in it's path!

It also gained an arsenal of dragon skills, a pair of dragon wings (retractable as well), and was now in the bloodline of dragons. It was still a No-Blood in the dragon hierarchy. Once zhou ling has consumed, devoured, and absorbed enough dragon bloodlines to become an Imperial True-Blood, it could even participate in the competition to become heir to the Dragon Emperor! However, zhou ling tought he would probably never have a chance to even meet another dragon, much less travel to the dragons realm and become the next dragon emperor, right?

ZHou ling quickly hid all of his dragon features and moved on to the Earth-King Bears soul. He realized that it was actually close to becoming intelligent! Maybe he could use this soul to ascend to the Soul Emperor class.

Zhou lingw as feeling very happy wit how things turned out.. Then he felt somethingmoving in ihis presence… what could it be!??! It was under the dragons corpse… a round object….

It was a dragon's egg!!!!1!!1

wowww now he has dragon powers!! and a dragon egg, who could've guessed, right? anyways the mc hinted at some maybe blatant foreshadowing. and ofc you cant forget the clique dragon egg. now it's only gonna get better! I'm pretty sure it is, i just haven't written it yet, but I'm sure in my mind it will be better!

AGuyWhoReadsStuffcreators' thoughts