
Customizing a Ship

Seeing his status, Jhin was very satisfied. He walked instinctively, dodging and avoiding anything in his path. Anyone who lived blindfolded would also develop such instinct. And adding to the fact that he was a Haki user and strong one at that, of course it would be a piece of cake for Jhin to do it.

Infact, there were many things he developed from his 6 years and 3 months inside the forest. An example of that is he learned how to Half-Sleep. It is a state where his body is sleeping but his consciousness is awake.

As to his level is low despite the appearance of thousands of beast, it is because he only trained and killed the strongest of the group or when he did not like the appearance of the wild animal.

Thinking about it, Jhin never really checked all of the other functions of the system. But looking at his appearance, he looked like sh*t. His whole body was dirt and his clothes were already tattered beyond recognition.

It was currently night and the moon was full.

He decided to look for a place to wash his body. As a Devil Fruit user, he has a natural weakness against water. So he rarely washed himself.

Several minutes later, he found a small lake. With a radius of about 20 meters. Just enough for a normal to swim in freely. Jhin also released a bit of his Conqueror's Haki to scare off the wild beasts around the area. After all, they might attack him while still in his weakened state. That would not be good.

Finally, he removed all of his clothing and jumped directly to the lakeside. Several seconds later, he felt his strength being sapped in an alarming rate. But he just let it be and just 'floated'.

(According to what I know, Devil Fruit user are weak against all kinds of water as long as they are in physical contact. As shown when Brook and Luffy took a bath in a hot bathtab.)

Jhin never felt so weak in his life before, but, he also never felt so relaxed. Like experiencing the epitome of relaxation.

After several minutes, Jhin got out of the water and dried his body. He took out the body armour he got from the starter pack and wore it.

It has already been nearly 7 years since he left his Grandpa's place. In this 7 years, Jhin has grown significantly taller and handsome. Standing with a height of 180 cm, the height of an average adult.

His face also lost it's naive temperament as he looked cool and mature. His crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thin and narrow. He carried an imperious nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw. Those red eyes that were reflected by the moon looked devilish and enchanting. And his completely black hair which added a touch of mysteriousness.


Moments later, Jhin found a large stone to sit on.

"Open the Quest interface." commanded Jhin. But after that commanded, Jhin was startled and nearly jumped.

'Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 2 on Observation Haki. Rewarded 100 Shop Points."

'Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 2 on Armament Haki. Rewarded 100 Shop Points."

'Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 2 on Conqueror's Haki. Rewarded 100 Shop Points."

'Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 3 on... Rewarded 200 Shop Points

'Ding! Congratulations on reaching level 3 on....

'Ding! Congratulations...


Dozens of notifications sounded out of nowhere which startled Jhin greatly.

"Why is there so many notifications?! is there anyway to stop the sound?! F*ck, my head is already hurting!!" Jhin cursed and shouted. Moments later, the notifications stopped. Jhin sighed in relief.

'Ding! You did not open the Quest interface since the system integrated with you. It is one of the system's function. You need to open the interface in order for it to truly work.'

"F*ck..." Jhin could only curse from exasperation. If it had that function, it should have told him a long time ago. Is this system really legit?!

"Tch... So how much did I gain from that? Only 4,100 shop points? So I only have remaining 7,600 shop points... sigh." He used 20,000 points in purchasing the manuals of Great Boundless Sword Qi for 19,000 and a Tier 5 katana for 1000. He got the Shop points from the 500 shop points per level up. Adding the 4,100 shop points he got from the Quest, he only have a total of 8,600.

Weapons and Armors Costs

Tier 1: 100

Tier 2: 300

Tier 3: 600

Tier 4: 900

Tier 5: 1,000

Tier 6: 3,000

Tier 7: 6,000

Tier 8: 9,000

Tier 9: 10,000

Ship Cost: 5,000 per customization

"Sigh... Not that I need it anyway." He could only console himself. "Right, system, do you have amap or something? I need to get out of this forest already, I think it's about time I set sail already." Jhin asked. He never really knew how to navigate out of this place. And even though he stayed in this forest, it seemed endless.

"Should I go back?" Thinking about going back, Jhin remembered Old Man Jack, his Grandpa. It has already been 6 years since he left.


Right by the door of a small cabin, two person was standing. An old well built man and a young boy.

"Just leave already!" shouted the old man, his voice was trembling. It was full of sadness, yet there is also trace of relief.

"Mmm..." The young boy nodded, his gaze was full of determination and resolve. He shifted his legs and entered the endless forest.

The old man watched as the shadow of the boy disappeared. After it truly disappeared, the old man finally moved and entered the cabin as tears streamed down through his cheeks.


"Grandpa..." Jhin murmured. His eyes flashed a trace of sadness but it again turned to normal.

'Ding! There is no such thing as map. You must navigate the place in order for you the system to Generate a map for you.' The emotionless voice woke Jhin up from his trance.

"I see, so it isn't completely a cheat tool, huh?" Jhin accepted the answer. After all, it would be bad if it was all given to him. There is no point in being a Pirate if that was the case, would it? The purpose of being a Pirate is to discover new things, find a new path, take the path yourself and leave steps behind.

"Right, it could be considered that I have navigated this place right? I mean..." Jhin was cut of by the mechanical voice.

'Ding! Generating map... 10%.. 20%....90%...'

'Ding! Map Generated!'

A 3D map appeared in front of Jhin. He zoomed it in to look for the place closest to the sea. He remembered hearing the strong wave of the sea, one day while he was training blindfolded.

"There it is!" It was in the West of the map. Jhin immediately took off. Right now, what he needed the most was to find direction of the sea. Why is that? because it is easier to find a town or a city that way.

Jhin kept running and jumping towards the direction of the sea. Minutes later, he could finally hear the waves smashing the land like wanting to break it. Seeing the sea, Jhin was delighted. It was his first time seeing the see in this world. The moon and the stars illuminated the blue color of the sea making it darker and more dazzling.

"It would've been better if I had a ship!" said Jhin.... Wait... Ship?! I have a ship! No, I'll make one.

"System, You said it is 5,000 per customization, right?!" asked Jhin excitedly.

'Ding! Right!'

"Then make the Black Pe-" Jhin was not able to finish his words as he heard something from the distance. It was the sound of something creaking, a sound Jhin was familiar of.

"Yosh! Hurry!! We need to fix the mast as soon as possible!" Jhin heard a loud commanding voice. He did not hesitate and rushed towards the voice.

"Damn Navy! Thank fully, We still managed to get out before the mast gave out. What the hell are you dilly dallying for.. Hurry up!" The more Jhin gets closer, the more he finds the voice familiar. Moments later, he could finally see the ship.

Even with the moon as the light, the ship was still colorful. Jhin could feel a circus feel from it. The ship was fairly large and was facing Jhin's direction as he could see its figurehead which was an elephant with the trunk as a cannon.

"Buggy-senchou! The construction is nearly finished!" JHin again heard a voice.

"Buggy?! AHAH.. my luck is truly good. Meeting a 'big fish' in my first encounter...hahha" Jhin laughed. He stopped right before the ship. The ship was floating near the wall of the cliff, as if hiding from something. So Jhin was looking down at them. He could see the shadows moving.


On the ship, a person with his hands crossed across his chest, his face was ugly and was fuming with anger. It was Buggy, the Captain of the Buggy Pirates and also a former crew member of the Roger Pirates.

"Sh*t, those damned Navy, if I meet them again, I will sink their ship!" spat Buggy.

Buggy was a blue-haired man with an appearance resembling that of a clown. But one thing is for certain, the big red nose on his face, is in fact, his real nose. His face is covered with make up, the crossed bones going down his face forming an X and has two blue lines near both of his eyes, red lipstick and his jolly roger on his hat.

"Is it not finished yet?!" Buggy shouted again.

"Just a little more, Buggy- senchou!" shouted a crew member back. They were already used to the rambling of their captain and did not take it to heart.

Several Minutes later...

"Captain, It is done!"

"Good! Let's set out. It would be bad if those f*cking Navy finds us." said Buggy. He was about to steer the wheel but he stopped when he saw a shadow falling down to his ship in a fast speed.

He was shocked and closed his eyes.

"..." Silence.

"Hahaha! What are you doing, Buggy? You got scared, didn't you?!" A young loud voice sounded near his ears as Buggy opened his eyes. He did not hear what he expected to hear. It was supposed to be a loud Bang, not a voice, Is my ears playing tricks on me?

"Who are you?!" Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Buggy was first dazed but he instinctively asked.

"I am Jhin. Yoh, Buggy." Jhin tried to introduce himself coolly, like how Red Haired Shanks speaks.

"I don't know you and I don't like you either. Go back where you came from, before I beat you up!" shouted Buggy. 'Who is this young man, He feels so dangerous.' Is what his real thoughts are.

"Ahaha, you really are funny!" Jhin Laughed again but a strong pressure suddenly came out from his body.




All of the crew collapsed, with only Buggy remaining.

"You!..." Buggy was frightened, but he did not show it.

"Don't worry, I only need you to drop me to an island. Dawn Island, I need to go there." explained Jhin.

"Nani?! Dawn island-datto?! That's hella far from here!" as per normal, Buggy raised his voice again.

"Far? How far?" THe smile was removed from Jhin's face as he turned serious sending shivers to Buggy.

"Not far... Not far at all..."

"Ohh.. Then let's sail out!" said Jhin, he again smiled faintly.

"H-how about my crew..." Asked Buggy.

"Ahh... Then lat's wait until they wake up. No, Let's wait for tomorrow, then." Since they have not woken up yet, Jhin went to the bow of the ship and sat down.

"System, I will customize my ship, now." Jhin commanded in his head.

A TV like screen appeared in front of Jhin. To be clear, he is the only one who can see it. On the screen is a picture of a colorless ship. Of course he knew it was the one that he will customize from.

"Make it look like the Black Pearl from the Pirates of the Caribbean."



Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Thank you!

ShaRinGancreators' thoughts