

planetsky · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Good afternoon to all the student officers and faculty, it truly is an honor to stand before you here, today marks your graduation and a commitment to take your first real steps out into the world, time will feel rapid and very limited

You need to grasp every moment before you realize that you missed everything that you wanted to do and that time has run out

I know that many of you are afraid, afraid to let the world see who you are, but we must always show our genuine selves because when everything is taken away from you, you only have yourself, so don't be afraid, so what if your poor, so what if your loud, quiet, queer, short or tall, when you forsake yourself even if you become rich and successful you will never fully experience true happiness, Always Have fun, and always ask yourselves if what your doing is the one where you'll be happy the most when life is giving you hard time you stand your ground and be ten times stronger than the world, a world where you will go out and do extraordinary things but you'll also encounter many situations that will compel you to ask yourselves am I doing this right? What could have I done better? Should I keep going after so many failures? Yes, the answer is always yes because in this world there are ways to chances of success, always remember that out of all the sperm you were the fastest, you won a race of impossible odds out of Millions you were the one. So go out there dream big, be kind, and do your best.

Here s are 3 important pieces of wisdom to remember

1. time will feel rapid and very limited

You need to grasp every moment before you realize that you missed everything that you wanted to do and that time has run out

2. Always Have fun, and always ask yourselves if what your doing is the one where you'll be happy the most

3. Always be kind and good, life is too short to spend it all in hatred, in kindness you'll find peace in yourself and others

Because with this, you have gained the gift of failure, all your success is just the product of your multiple failures, you've become who you are today with these trials and errors, and these mistakes have shaped you into one big success, So when you go out into the world, so try hard, dream big, be kind and fail.