
Round 5 : Enchanter vs Fighter (3)

"So the real identity of that wand is merely another form of the daemon servus's Book of Legis." Moriarty said, heading to the first floor with Laveya.

Laveya nodded slowly"Indeed," Laveya responded, "The Book of Legis is not a mere tool that allows a daemon servus to harness demonic mana. Rather, it serves as a conduit, a medium to tap into and manipulate the mana of others."

Moriarty's sharp mind pieced the implications together quickly. "So, the mana Augustus uses isn't his own," he surmised, "He must be drawing upon the mana of something—or someone else—to activate it. If he could unleash ultimate amnis repeatedly in a single match, that must mean he was tapping into an external source, not demonic mana. But whose mana did he use?"