
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · Derivasi dari game
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43 Chs

Hell and new ability applications

just comment if you need a image for certain creatures as i can easily provide it.


In the course of a single hour, Finn found himself ensnared in the nightmarish clutches of the forsaken wasteland. The putrid, sickly green hue of the garbage waste stretched as far as the eye could see, an eerie reflection of the despair that had consumed this forsaken realm.

During this harrowing time, Finn endured a relentless onslaught of perilous encounters. Countless leeches latched onto his flesh as he unwittingly ventured into random, murky puddles, their voracious hunger punctuating each excruciating bite. He was forced to flee for his life from a monstrous red centipede, a creature that dwarfed him by a factor of ten, its venomous mandibles snapping hungrily at his heels.

Perhaps the most perilous moment of all was when Finn found himself on the brink of ambush by a cunning lizard, a creature that had already tasted the blood of many unwary travelers. The predator halfheartedly pursued him, never fully committing to the chase, thanks to the eerie protection provided by the vulture mask that adorned Finn's face.

This single hour in the heart of this desolate landscape was a testament to Finn's resilience and resourcefulness, as he confronted the grotesque and unpredictable horrors that lurked within the wasteland's unforgiving embrace.

'Sadly i will have to endure 10 days of this' Finn contemplated his situation, his thoughts mired in the reality laid bare by SM (Spearmaster) – they were to remain trapped in this desolate stretch for days. Initially, a pang of disappointment coursed through him, casting a shadow over his spirit. However, as gained another level, a subtle transformation swept over his demeanor. His countenance shifted as he resolved to redouble his efforts in the relentless pursuit of vanquishing creatures for exp.

*30 minutes later*

As they strolled along, they stumbled upon a river characterized by an unsettling, sickly green hue. The water was teeming with an abundance of leeches, a sight that instantly deterred them from entertaining any thoughts of venturing into its depths. With no other option but to seek an alternative means of crossing, they pressed on.

*15 minutes later*

As they strolled along, their hopes rested upon discovering a location where the river dwindled in size. Their anticipation grew with every step, but their enthusiasm was soon dashed as they came upon an unforeseen disappointment. Instead of the anticipated shrinking river, they were met with a a myriad of vivid orange lizards. These creatures engaged them in a fierce and uncannily coordinated battle, which, though short-lived, sent shivers down their spines.

'We need a way across that river and quick' with that Finns mind began to race as a idea suddenly came to him making him approach the river which caused the spearmaster to stop walking and stare at his direction as he got closer to the river.

'Lets see if this work' With that contemplative notion, Finn commenced his concentration, endeavoring to conjure a protective shield of bone. Yet, instead of the conventional circular shield, he yearned for a tower shield, a colossal fortification of bone. Initially, his efforts seemed futile, for as Finn poured an increasing amount of mana into the skill, only a customary shield materialized. Fortunately, the enchantment did not cease there. It burgeoned, metamorphosing from its original round form into a sturdy square structure. Then, with each surge of mana, it elongated, resembling a bridge-like wall crafted from bone. Remarkably, it grew to such proportions that it could serve as a makeshift bridge, spanning the chasm before him.

{Impressive} The spearmaster, his voice resonating through the connection, approached Finn with measured steps. Finn, his breath labored, fixated on his mana pool, which languished at a mere 3 out of 57.

'Protag shit right there' As Finn gazed upon the bridge he had just crafted, a profound sense of joy welled up within him. The significance of this achievement extended far beyond the mere act of constructing a bridge; it was a gateway to a world of boundless potential. With this newfound skill, he realized that he could now embark on the journey of crafting not only bridges but also powerful weapons and resilient armor.

'For now though we need to keep moving' As Finn made his way toward the bridge, he couldn't help but appreciate its stability. Constructed from the same resilient material as his trusty shield, it exuded a reassuring sturdiness that instilled confidence in him.

{How long will it take if i do this?} Finn, still gasping for breath, inquired as he gradually regained his composure. His gaze remained fixed on the nimble spear master, who remained on high alert as usual.

{4 days} The spearmaster's words resonated through the air, and a warm smile graced Finn's face in response. His mana surged with remarkable swiftness, a sensation that brought forth another smile as he carefully invested his newly acquired skill point into the formidable bone shield.

*20 minutes later*

Finn, once more fashioned a bridge across a new river, his effort markedly diminished. The ease being made even more clear as he still had one-third of his mana, a phenomenon he associated with the advancement of his skills and the experience he had from the first time.

{Wish I could do something like this} Echo Voice reverberated through the connection as he descended gracefully, numerous leeches filled his mouth, reminiscent of Finn's indulgence in gummy worms during his human days. He watched echo savored each leech as if it were a delicacy, savoring the peculiar sensation and taste that coursed through him.

{That would be great so we could take turns}Finn, wearing a faint smile, spoke as he advanced alongside Echo and Spearmaster, their senses heightened and alertness keen. They proceeded cautiously across the bridge, but a sudden halt overcame them as they collectively discerned the presence of shadowy figures lurking on either side of the bridge.

'The hell are those!' Finn, despite his profound horror, observed in sheer fascination as a creature, seemingly plucked from the darkest recesses of his nightmares, materialized before him. Its elongated, serpentine black form exuded a viscous, slimy substance that clung to its body, remnants of the murky waters it claimed as its dwelling. Its eyes, an unsettling and luminous shade of white, resembled not so much the organs of sight but rather glistening orbs of white pus.

'Oh thank God its a garbage worm' Finn pondered deeply, his memory slowly unveiling the recollection of an inhabitant dwelling within the garbage waste. This denizen, he realized, had always remained non-hostile, its peaceful disposition only changing when provoked through an initial attack or if you took back what it stole from you.

Sadly for Finn he forgot to share this information with his allies who attacked the worms with a ferocity on the level of the of a red lizard rage with spear flying as they attacked the worms who ran away after a bit.

'Poor dudes' finn thought watching a worm go back into the water after having a spear scrape one of its eye's


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 7(89/700)

HP (Health Points): 159

MP (Magic Points): 57

STR: 15.90

AGI: 8.7

END: 15.90

WIS: 5.7

INT: 5.7

skill points: 1

stat points: 1.5


[Bone shield(LV 7/10)]- allows the user to create a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used.

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....



[Name: Echo]

[Relationship level: 90](Blood brothers)

[level: 11](14/300)

[Skills: vision share,stealth,High speed flight,Bash]

(Note: none)
