
Rain, Oscar, Yael, Gino, Ben, Ian, and Vincent

Seven different faces of gays and seven stories represent the rainbow's seven colors. The lives of Rain, Oscar, Yael, Gino, Ben, Ian, and Vincent will be written. Whose color and the story will dominate?

Cliff_Chew · Lainnya
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House Invitation

Yael, my best friend. Because once we fought with one man, it was wrong with two men. It's like Christmas, we exchange gifts with the boys. Because this friend of mine is also very beautiful, she was conceived on a Japanese doll, not only is she tall, but she is chased by peppers; once again she was mistaken for a woman in a man's CR.

That's right, there was a boytoy fight between us. First, Tommy, my boyfriend of six months, he dared when I left and went on vacation and they broke up just a few weeks ago because he was hurting her. Second, Jeremy is his super-hot model boyfriend who is open to all when one night we had a drink he dragged me to the bathroom while everyone was asleep; What we didn't know was that Yael saw us coming out of the bathroom. Gay only cried in the morning. We didn't pay attention to each other for a few months, of course I'm beautiful too! And for several months I also had messy and messy hair because we were always fixing and beautifying at Yael's salon.

*Tick* "Aunts, food will be served today at noon eh. No one should be missing, I have something important to say." ---the text is Yael.

Of course, we are on good terms so we are seeing each other. And because those two friends of mine are still missing in action, I called so that we can go to Crame (Military Camp) together.

"Hello? Ben? Where are you? Are you eating food again? I'll pick you up at your bakery."

"No! Daddy might see you and might think I'm gay." ---Ben answered as if shocked.

"Crazy! You're twenty-three, you act softer than me. Your father already knows that, it's just a denial. I'll just pick you up around the corner. Bitch."

There's Ben. Benedict Anthony Dimalupig III, from the family of retired generals, so Darna was afraid to lay down the cape. Not allowed to be tagged in status and pictures. If you're not friends with him, you can say he's a real man, but when we're with him, he's like a siren being set on fire and loud as if he's being roasted.

Fortunately, I saw Ian posting a status on Facebook. Went shopping at Greenhills. That bitch bought so many stuffs, is he going to build a new house? Well, let me write comment on his post.

"Hey girl, I'm still at the office. I'll go to GH then we'll pick up Ben. Let's go to Yael together."

"Okay madam. Let's just meet at Goldilocks, Yael is asking us to buy a cake." --- What's with Yael and he wants us to buy a cake?

I was already at GH and saw Ian. She is very beautiful, among our friends she is the only one who has a long-time partner for 10 years; From the 4th year high school, he and his American boyfriend, who is a doctor, have been together. He is visited every year, sometimes every six months. I don't even know when will his boyfriend ask her to visit and live in New York so they can get married.

"Hey Bestie, we're almost there. I'm with Ben and Ian. Are you guys done? Gosh! I'm hungry!"

"What else is new? You're always hungry."

"Ouch! You're awesome! It's so good to eat!"

Let's take a picture! Social climbing! My favorite sport. #UberExperience #FeelingRich

And now that I have introduced my friends, I am Gino, 25, very single and always ready to mingle. I'm a photographer-slash-freelancer, I work at Pink*, where Oscar also works. It's my job to make the people in the photo better and hide what they don't want to see in the picture, in short, I filter those imperfections. In the picture, they can freely express their dream of being who they are. My life is simple, alone, away from family, black sheep, you can say that.

"Were here!!!"