
Rain of blood (uncharacteristically characteristic)

"Hey no running!" Called a nurse whom walked briskly behind two running children.

I was at the hospital now, another day had passed and I was doing as I'd promised and also preparing for the worst, after all I hadn't properly apologized for what'd happen to Cathy and I was entirely to blame.

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for the nurse to tell me when Cathy was ready for visitors.

Their mom hadn't said much to me, the night it happened Kate was in too much of a shock to make a phone call so I did instead and when I told her that Cathy'd gotten hurt and that we were at the hospital, Cathy being in the I.C.U. What I remember was that there was a dead silence on the other end before the dial tone.

And she did slap me, I deserved it. After all I was the one who suggested that we deviate from out usual path that afternoon. But what tore at my heart was the fact that I was so helpless to protect her.

Was my promise to protect them all those years ago simply the naive thoughts of a child?

Suddenly I was aware of the person standing in front of me. The woman looked at me with eyes that only contained sadness "why are you here?"

She asked me "didn't I tell you that I don't want you anywhere close to my daughters?" She didn't sound upset.

I didn't reply, after all what could I say?

"Why are you so kind to my family?" She asked "all I ever try to do is put distance between you and my daughters whom you try so hard to protect."

Silence was my reply again.

Guilt grew over my heart like strong roots.

She wiped her tears and sat in the chair next to me.

"Cathy woke last night while I was by her bedside and guess what the first thing she said to me was?"

She smiled a little, it was a futile attempt to suppress her tears

"she asked if you where ok..." She tried smiling again "Even though she's the one who's hurt, she asked if you were ok."

"She's always been like that," I replied finally "she's really shy but sometimes she cares more for the people around her more than she does for herself."

Mrs. Winslow gazed into the unseen distance, probably because of what I'd said something that struck a chord causing her to remember something .

"Her father was like that." She replied finally.

At the same time the nurse for whom I waited approached "she ready to take visitors now." I turned to Mrs.Winslow.

"Go on, she's waiting for you ," she smiled again faintly.


"Hi," she started "did you know that the food here's pretty awesome?" I smiled and sat in the chair by her bed.

"What's wrong?" She asked it was almost as if she could read my mind.

Maybe it was something a bit more normal, simple even.

"I was worried," I fibbed, partially.

She reached out and placed a hand on mine. I turned my gaze to her and for the first time noticed just how much paler she'd become.

Images from the night flashed through my mind, and my guilt grew even more. Before I could even try to stop it tears rolled down my face.

She was like this because of me.

Cathy smiled and wiped my tears "I'm ok now, see?" She smiled.

"I'm not going anywhere," she stated. I returned the gesture only I was trying to hide my guilt if anything, it was a feeble attempt at a smile.

"You know you still haven't said anything about my letter." She stated changing the topic. She was still smiling but I knew she was nervous about what I'd say in return.

I kept silent, I probably shouldn't have.

"Do you like Kate more? because I, I can be more like her if that's what you want," she'd stopped smiling "I'll cut my hair shorter or-or try to be braver!" She paused a little "I mean what's she got that I don't have?"

"You're pretty cute did you know that?" I stated ,she smiled a bit. A genuine smile, the type that'd make others smile without even knowing why.

"I know it might not be what you want to hear but I'm no good," I started "if you're with me then you'll only get hurt."

"I don't care," she stated "you don't have to worry about me, really I'll ask mom if I could take self defense classes."

"But your sister and I already-" I tried only to be cut off.

"-get out." She was angry.

"Wh-" I attempted again.

"I said get OUT!" She shouted and then softly "if you're not gonna take me seriously then I think you should leave."

"...If you're gonna reject me then at least let me keep my feelings for you, don't hurt me anymore." She said softly.

I don't know what came over me or why I even did what I did next, but after I had kissed her I could see how surprised she was "but, what about Kate?" She asked, her voice still but a whisper.

"We're not together," I answered putting a little distance between us. "She's just a really close friend ."

I stood and held my hand out to her,

"How about we go for a walk?"
