
Rain Again: Rescuing My Soul From The Mob

Love is about healing, cure but it pains More than ever imagine... He was my first love that betrayed me but then I found the man I saw my future with, he had shown me a path of life and happiness. I chose him and he chose me. Until the ashes from the past dusted our fantasies. Forever doesn't last longer than I once thought.

PNewmi · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

How generous of him!


He ushered me to a large hall room and a group of guys hugged him he hugged back. I moved away from their sights without noticing and ambled through the crowd. Brielle's snoopy gaze fell on me following mine as I stood in the corner and she strode towards me.


"Who is the hot hunk?!"

She spontaneously muttered throwing a sinister smirk in his direction.


"Don't you have a boyfriend?"


"Oh-ho I'm backing off bestie, I know he is yours."

She said in her strong British accent jerking her whole body before me, completely flabbergasted.



"What?! I'll rather die than see his face."

I exclaimed like a hypertensive rolling my eyes.


"Calm down women I just wanted to know his name."

"I never asked."

I blurted out.


It screamed grabbing everyone's attention while I slapped my forehead. It was her turn to get surprised.

Flashing them an apologetic smile she whispered and yelled.

"Don't mess up with me."

"Do I look like I'm lying?!"

I stated tediously.


"Tell me it's a lie."

She dramatically gasped widening her eyes. She sighed as if she is extremely sad.

"Did you talk with him the way I trained you?!"

Suddenly her demeanor changes into a serious one saying 'don't try to act smart with me'.


I curtly said. Abruptly her appearance changed into a pained one as if dealing with thousands of agony.

"Oh, Jesus take me away from this extremely dumb girl!!! Have mercy and grace on me. I thought I taught you better."

She exclaimed clutching her heart while blinking and wiping her tears as if ready to flow____someone please arrange an audition of America got terrible talent.



"You let go of the handsome man?! Oh Hazel you will find love anywhere but we find true love once in a lifetime. When and where we never know..."

She started lecturing me for about an hour to get a grip on life and find interest in boys.

A waiter came to us holding a tray of two flutes.

"Courtesy of the gentleman at the table."

He said gesturing over the man I'm annoyed with his whole existence. Brielle squealed happily and thanked the waiter who certainly melted at her smile. He delivered a warming boyish smile to her.

"I'm going to inform Beckett about your flirting session with any man your eyes could reach."

I said making her scowl.

"Then I'll cut your boobs only to replace them with a thin white sheet."

"That makes no sense."

I said monotonously.

"Well, it makes sense. You know most men love boobs and few of them are obsessed while playing and getting in high pleasure. It's really good for male sight while having____"

I palmed her mouth before she open up her foul mouth that exactly doesn't have any filter.

"I'm taking back my word. Now shut up."

I said almost in a pleading tone.

"Not having boobs means won't be able to grab men's attention and you got a round nice amply full one."

She said cupping her both hard and drawing the attention of an old lady with a child. Her grandchild maybe. The old lady's eyes were so wide like a saucer and ready to pop out of the socket. I awkwardly laughed before dawdling away firmly tugging her along.


"You won't form any word until I say so."

I said in finalized tone and gulped the whole glass angrily. The taste was a kind of fruit rum, cranberry juice, mixed with vodka and other things, I kind of liked the lingering taste on my tongue.

A small smile escaped from my lips almost noticeable but taking a deep breath I composed rigidly.