
Chapter 13


"My name is Hayate Gekko and I am the proctor of the Third Exam." Hayate says causing a loud cheer to come from the crowd. (A/N: He did not die as Hayate was informed about the invasion and was extra careful)



"Don't worry, he has until his match to get here." Ino responds.

Kage Booth

"It seems the Uchiha doesn't understand the idea of being prompt" Z comments causing the "Kazekage" to nod in agreement

"His sensei is Kakashi Hatake so maybe he inherited his sensei's streak of tardiness" The Hokage responds causing the other Kage to shrug before turning to the match which was about to begin


"For our first match, will Samui Hito and Hinata Hyuga please enter the arena" Hayate says causing Samui and Hinata to jump down to the floor. They both get ready, Hinata in her Juuken stance and Samui just standing normally.

"Hajime" Hayate yells before Shunshining away. Samui flashes through hand seals quickly before finishing.

"Ranton- Reiza Sekasu! (Storm Release- Laser Circus!)" She announces causing many laser beams to erupt from her hands and shoot at Hinata who just smirks arrogantly.

"Shugohakke Rokujuyon Sho (Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty Four Palms)" She says before striking all of beams with her fingertips coated in chakra, blocking them all. Samui scowls for a second before she dips her bubble blower in her jug (A/N: Her soap jug not her other jugs…).

"Santoka (Acid Permeation)" Samui says before blowing a bubble at Hinata who gives a arrogant smirk.

"Really? Bubbles?" Hinata says before striking the bubble with a single jukken strike causing it to pop and spray her right hand with acid, burning her. Hinata then activates her Byakugan but could not see Samui.

"You rely on you Byakugan too much" Samui says from behind Hinata causing Hinata to turn around in shock as she did not know there was a blind spot to the Byakugan to see Samui with her bubble blower out.

"Blinding Bubble Technique" Samui says before blowing a bubble that explodes right in front of Hinata's face, sending red powder into Hinata's eyes.

"I CAN'T SEE!" She yells but by then Samui has her tanto to her neck. Hayate looks at the situation before he decides to call the match.

"Winner, Samui Hito" Hayate calls as Medics rush in and grab Hinata who is flailing. The crowd is silent as this girl had just defeated the Hyuga princess and had discovered and exploited a blind spot in the "All Seeing" eye of the Byakugan.

"Next match is going to be between Yugito Nii and Kurotsuchi Kamizuru. May you 2 ladies coming down?" Hayate calls causing Kurotsuchi to jump down from the balcony and for Yugito to appear in a hi-shunshin (Fire Shunshin). Both girls get ready for battle, Kurotsuchi in a normal battle stance and Yugito to pull out both Wakizashis from their sheaths.

"Hajime!" Hayate calls and Kurotsuchi flips through hand seals at a fast speed.

"Doton- Dosekiryu (Earth Release- Earth and Stone Dragon)" Kurotsuchi announces causing a large dragon made of stones to come from the ground and shoots at Yugito who jumps into the air and slices in an X-Formation, sending 2 waves of blue flame at the dragon. The Dragon hits the flames and gets instantly cut in 4 pieces causing Kurotsuchi to scowl at her most powerful Doton technique taken down so easily.

"Katon- Karyu Endan! (Fire Release- Fire Dragon Flame Bullet)" Yugito yells before blowing out a blue dragon made of flame at Kurotsuchi and hits her dead on. Hayate was about to call in but the flames recede to see Kurotsuchi covered in stones. She runs at Yugito who shakes her head on how ungraceful and slow she was and just appears behind Kurotsuchi, one wakizashi at her neck and the other at her heart causing Kurotsuchi to stop in her tracks.

"I would yield as these Wakizashis are charged with Raiton chakra and Raiton beats Doton so I can rip through this armor like paper" Yugito explains in a cold tone causing Kurotsuchi to nod.

"I Yield" Kurotsuchi says causing Yugito to nod and pull away her swords.

"Winner by Surrender, Yugito Nii" Hayate calls before both girls go up to the bleachers.

"The next match is between Omoi of Kumo and Chojuro of Kiri" Hayate calls next causing both Kenjutsu practitioners to jump downwards. They both get ready before they look at Hayate who nods.

"Hajime!" He yells causing both swordsmen to jump back and flip through identical hand seals.

"Suiton- Bakusui Shoha (Water Release- Exploding Water Colliding Wave)" They yell in unison before flooding the arena in water causing them to both stand on the water. Chojuro then pulls out Hiramekarei and place it in front of him.

"Hiramekarei Kaiho! (Hiramekarei Unleashing!)" Chojuro announces causing the bandages to unravel and turn to a hammer which he slams onto the water, sending a large wave at Omoi.

"Hiryu! (Flying Dragon!)" Omoi yells and creates a 20 foot blade made of lightning before slicing downwards and splitting the wave in half.

Flashback Start

"N! I need your help!" Omoi yells as he enters N's section of the training ground to see trees on fire and N in the center of it.

"Yo! Whadda need?" N asks as he causes the flames to disappear.

"My opponent has the range advantage on me and what if he keeps me there and he gets me and-" Omoi explains before N claps a hand on his shoulder to stop his rant.

"Okay, I got something for you" N says before dragging Omoi back towards another training ground that is not on fire.

Flashback End

"Raiton- Sandaboruto (Lightning Release- Lightning Bolt)" Omoi says as he holds out his palms and generate lightning in each hand before plunging them into the water sending a bolt of electricity that shocks Chojuro for long enough for Omoi to flash a ram sign

"Raiton- Kuropansa!" Omoi yells before a black panther appears around Omoi and leaps at Chojuro, knocking him unconscious from the volts of electricity. There is silence before Hayate walks up and checks Chojuro before facing the crowd.

"Winner by Knock out, Omoi!" Hayate calls causing the medics to grab Chojuro and take him to the hospital.

Kage Booth

"Raikage-sama, you now have 3 users of Kuroi Kaminari (Black Lightning) and a user of Shiroton (White Release). You also have 3 jinchuriki and the 3 fastest men alive. It seems like your village has become much stronger" Orochimaru, dressed as the Kazekage comments.

"Yes, our village has been blossoming very much recently unlike yours I've been sorry to hear" A says to the the "Kazekage" innocently who frowns at the jab.

"Yes but we have much young talent that I am sure will bring our village back and will win this tournament" Orochimaru says causing the Hokage to raise an eyebrow.

"Despite the fact that out of all the villages here beside Kiri and Iwa, you have the least genin in the finals" The Hokage says and gets no response making him inwardly grin as he had pushed some of Orochimaru's buttons.


"Will Shino Aburame and Sabaku no Kankuro" Hayate calls making Shino jump down how Kankuro stays in his seat.

"Proctor-san, I would like to forfeit" Kankuro says as to get his brother's match to start sooner.

"Due to Sabaku no Kankuro's forfeit, Shino Aburame will pass on to the second round" Hayate says before a large boo erupts from the crowd.

"Onto the next match between Shikamaru Nara and Sabaku no Temari. Will the 2 participants please come down?" Hayate asks causing the blonde and pineapple haired ninjas to jump down. (A/N:I will skip this match as we know who wins and how he does it)


"Wow, that was clever" N comments as he looks at the battle.

"Yeah, Shikamaru has an IQ of 200" Asuma who along with the rest of the Konoha nin was in the row behind Kumo in the bleachers.

"No way!" Yugito says as she looks at Asuma with shock.

"Yeah, really high huh. He has the highest IQ in the Land of Fire." Asuma say with pride in his student but Yugito just shakes her head.

"N, that's the same as you!" Yugito comments causing all of Konoha to get wide eyes.

"WHAT!" All of the Konoha nins yell causing N to look at them.

"I took an IQ test when I was 10 and I got a score of 200 as well. I haven't take one in a 3 years though so it could be different but I am the smartest person in the land of lightning" N comments causing the Konoha nin to look shocked.


"Karui of Kumo and Konan Uzumaki come down for your match" Hayate announces causing Karui to jump down and for Konan to appear in a flurry of paper.

"Hajime!" Hayate calls causing both girls jump back. Konan reaches into her sleeve but Karui has her flute up to her lips before Konan could attack.

"Mateki- Mugen Onsa (Demonic Flute- Phantom Sound Chains)" Karui says causing Konan to lose control of her limbs however Konan dispels the jutsu just in time to block a slice that would have maimed her. Konan then throws a bunch of shuriken at Karui who blocks them only for when her sword touches them, they explode.

"Kamiton- Bakushuriken (Paper Release- Exploding Shuriken)" She says before she takes several explosive tags and with her mind folds them into the form of a spear.

"Kamiton- Eisu (Paper Release- Sharp Spear)" Konan says before throwing the spear at such a speed that it was a blur and Karui couldn't dodge and it stuck her shirt to the wall.

"Yield or I set off the spear" Konan threatens causing Karui to sigh.

"I surrender" Karui says causing Konan to get rid of the spear and for Hayate to walk up.

"Winner by Forfeit, Konan Uzumaki" Hayate announces causing both girls to go back to the balcony.

"Can Rock Lee and Kei Kaguya please come down for their match?" Hayate asks causing Kei to appear in a shunshin but Lee jumps down from the balcony and lands in a crater.

"YOUTH!" Lee yells before him and Kei stand in front of Hayate. Lee had one hand at her hip in a fist and the other hand open in front of him while Kei had both hands in front of her in fists.

"Hajime!" Hayate yells causing both of them to shoot forward and meet each other in the middle, fists clashing. Lee however quickly pushes Kei's hand to the side before kicking her away although Kei lands on her feet and flashes through hand seals.

"This is my ultimate defense, Doton- Domu (Earth Release- Earth Spear)" Kei says before her body turns a darker color.

"Fine then let us fight as equals. Kaimon, Kyumon, Seimon, Shomon, Tomon, KAI!" Lee says causing chakra to erupt from him, his skin to turn red and for his hair to go upwards. Kei reinforces her fists, shins and chests by thickening the bones there. Lee dashes at Kei, fist out to punch her in the face but Kei blocks it with her right shin in a form of extreme flexibility before extending her foot into a side kick that strikes Lee in the face causing him to fly backwards but does a somersault and lands causing a crater.

"LEE! TAKE THEM OFF! I'LL MAKE AN EXCEPTION!" Maito Gai yells from the bleachers causing Lee to take off his leg warmers and when he drops them on the floor, they create a large crater.


"That's too much!" Asuma says to Gai who just waves his hand at his peers but N just sighs.

"UNSEAL THEM KEI!" N yells causing Kei to nod and for the jonin to give him a shocked look.


"Resistance Seals KAI!" Kei says causing a crater around her.


"You can make those?" Kurenai asks N who just nods.

"What are those?" Sakura questions causing Kurenai to look at her.

"Those are seals made to increase the resistance of air to the user, increasing the body's strength. They were created by our very own Yondaime Hokage to replace Weights." Asuma explains causing the Konoha ninjas to look in shock at the possibilities of that seal.

"Why don't we all use those?" Sakura asks, asking what all the genin were thinking.

"Only someone with a level 7 or higher seal mastery can make them or otherwise the resistance seals can increase resistance hundreds of times or they could not be able to be taken off" Asuma says causing Sakura to scowl as maybe then she could become stronger and Sasuke would fall in love with her.


Both Taijutsu masters dash forward speeds that only Jonin (With a few exceptions) and up could see and exchanged blows that caused shockwaves. Although Kei could stand up to Lee's strikes with her reinforced skeleton and Domu active, Lee was faster and was kick Kei into the air and perform the Shadow of the Dancing Leaf on her before restraining her in bandages.

"Omote Renge (Front Lotus)" Lee calls as he begins to spin him and Kei before pile-driving her into the ground causing a large slam upon impact and a puff of smoke. For a second there is silence until Lee hobbles out, gates closed and extremely tired. Hayate was about to call the match when Kei walks out of the dust cloud close to unharmed.

"How?" Lee asks as he falls to one knee.

"I reinforced the top of my head with Shikotsumyaku chakra to create a helmet of sorts then charged that with Doton to make it as hard as steel which allowed me to reduce the damage of the Omote Renge although it hurt like hell" Kei says as she rubs her head at the pain.

"Your flames of youth burn brightly" Lee says before falling forward unconscious.

"Winner by Knockout, Kei Kaguya" Hayate announces causing a large round of applause to erupt from the crowd from the good match.

"Will Yuki Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga please come down for their match?" Hayate says causing both to jump down and get into fighting stances.

"Hajime!" Hayate calls before shunshining away to avoid Neji's vacuum palm which Yuki dodges.

"Give up, Fate has declared me the winner" Neji declares but Yuki just ignores him and kicks him in the chest sending him flying into the wall but he crawls out of the crater and lunges at Yuki who once again dodges. He then keeps going for Juuken strikes which Yuki just continues to dodge until she gets tired and pulls out her jian. She then moves in so fast Neji couldn't move and stabs him in the shoulder before disrupting his chakra causing him to lose control over his body and fall to his knees.

"Just give up, you are out matched" Yuki says causing Neji to glare and try to move but Yuki just places his other Jian at his neck causing him to stop.

"Stop bitching about pain and grow up. You are in your own world and you think the world is just trying to cause you pain but everyone has experienced pain and they are dealing with it. Otherwise you are nothing but a baby crying over spilled milk" She scolds before striking Neji in a pressure point, knocking him out.

"Winner by knockout, Yuki Uzumaki" Hayate announces causing the Medics to take Neji away to wrap up the shoulder wound and for Yuki to shunshin away to the balcony.


"Time for my match!" N yells as he gets up and begins to stretch.

"Looks like it will just be you against Gaara as Sasuke isn't here" Samui comments but N feels the bioelectricity of 2 familiar people enter.

"Nope, he's here" N says as he watches Sasuke and Kakashi appear in a shunshin.

"Are we late?" Kakashi asks causing Hayate to shake his head.

"Just in time" Hayate comments causing Kakashi to nod and disappear in a shunshin.

"Will Sabaku no Gaara and N Yotsuki-Namikaze please come down?" Hayate asks causing Gaara to Suna-Shunshin down there and for N to flash.

"Hajime!" Hayate yells causing Sasuke to lunge at N who dodges easily. His speed has increased but I am not the fastest man alive for no reason, N thinks before throwing Shuriken at Gaara who dodges. Sasuke then runs at Gaara and tries punch him however blocks his sand blocks his strike. His old sand would have not been able to block it but with the new seal, it was faster than ever. Sasuke however keeps trying to attack his and gets frustrated when he couldn't get past the defense. Sasuke then flashes through several hand seals before grabbing his hand as lightning gathers in his hand. That fool! He taught him how to harness that jutsu!, N thinks before holding out his own hand to gather chakra there until it forms a perfect sphere made of chakra. A loud gasp comes from the crowd when they see the jutsu as it was one of the most famous jutsu in history.

"Chidori!" Sasuke yells as he charges at Gaara but N flashes in front of him and clashes his jutsu with Sasuke's.

"Rasengan!" N yells before there is large explosion and both ninjas are sent flying. N manages to flip and land on his feet despite skidding while Sasuke hits the wall. They would have engaged again however hundred of feather fall over the arena making everyone drowsy however the ninja's quickly dispel the genjutsu. There is then a large puff of smoke in the Kage Booth and several shouts.

"So it's begun" N says as he looks at Gaara who nods before he flashes to help his father in the Kage booth.