
Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Arthur Astley, a man who has his wishes indirectly granted through a strange assessment in form of survey. He wanted to be a knight? Was born bastard of the drunkard king, Robert Baratheon. Liked rain? Spent his childhood in Storm's End. Wished he had physical gifts? Well, it goes without saying, he has the blood of House Baratheon and a system to boot. Simped for Raiden Shogun? She's right there. Though, nothing is ever quite so simple. His beloved Goddess is practically useless, majority of nobles look down on him due to his heritage and the conflicts of the ever-spinning Game of Thrones are on the horizon. Given the opportunity to succeed in his ambitions, Arthur... now Edric Storm is determined to make the most of his new gifts despite all the obstacles ahead of him. Tags: Weak to strong, Romance, Action, Adventure, System, Multiverse (potentially), Harem (possibly), Bannerlord-Skyrim-like System, character development, hot-blooded protagonist, strategic battles, handsome mc, kingdom building, reincarnation. One advanced chapter alongside a timeline are available in my discord server: https://discord.gg/JNz6rh9Xev 5 advanced chapters on my patreon (https://www.patreon.com/SovereignOfHeaven)

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85 Chs

Rose's Sweet Thorns

Edric watched alongside Robb Stark, Renly and other lords and ladies as the Kinsguard trained at a yard. Sandor Clegane was the only non-Kingsguard participating. The exercise at this time started with jousting, which Loras was comfortably dominating. He fell Ser Arys, Balon and Arthur consecutively without being hit once. Though, he had a lot more trouble with Sandor, who broke several lances with him.

"Surely Ser Loras is the finest lance in the Realm," Renly remarked, hardly even trying to hide the glazing as Loras fell Sandor. "Such prowess is beyond rare… yet he continues to improve."

"That is expected of a Kingsguard," Edric replied.

"Aye, he is good." Robb Stark added with a more grounded tone. "Perhaps a bit full of himself."

Then they moved on to duelling, which was a lot more balanced.

With an ordinary sword, Arthur evenly matched Ser Arys and narrowingly lost to Ser Balon. He then took a close defeat against Ser Loras. Sandor Clegane almost dog-walked him in less than a minute, however. Despite not winning anything convincingly, his improvement was very much clear… except against the Hound.

'Is this the influence of my leadership skill… or Arthur's will and determination to improve?' Edric observed. 'I suppose it could be both.'

"Again… Ser Arthur, draw Nightfall this time."

"Yes, Your Grace." Arthur bowed, drawing his black blade. 

With Nightfall in hand, Arthur was twice as deadly. He bested both Ser Arys and Balon convincingly before putting down the Knight of Flowers as well. Then he took on Sandor Clegane in an intense duel, overwhelming him with lightning-quick blows and slicing through his sword.

"Fucking valyrian steel." Sandor cursed.

He had completed the entire gauntlet, in this case. Barristan was already on his way out of King's Landing, and Ser Mandon was taking his beauty sleep from the night shift.

"Nightfall seems to be growing sharper," Robb remarked, smiling slightly. 

"Quite the gift for a friend," Renly added, glancing at Edric.

"He's living up to it." Edric shrugged.

"The difference a valyrian steel sword makes is outstanding," Loras remarked.

"Well, yes… it is the finest steel ever made." Arthur nodded, looking at its blade with pride. "It truly is magical to be able to cut even through castle-forged steel blades."

"While clearly superior, it requires a level of skill to properly utilise. Ser Arthur has adjusted quite well to the blade." Edric remarked, his gaze scanning all five of them as he addressed his subjects. "You all should train like this more often. You are sworn brothers of the Kingsguard, after all, some of the most skilled fighters in the Realm. Push each other to be even better… over and over again… until there is no doubt that you are the greatest knights in the Seven Kingdoms."

"Do I look like a Kingsguard?" Sandor questioned.

"My sworn sword… it's not too far from being a Kingsguard." Edric chuckled. "You're just missing the white cloak and fancy oath, Hound."

"What of our duty to protect you, Your Grace?" Ser Arys questioned.

"Not only would you improve at that duty but…" Edric grinned, spreading his arms open. "I'm here, aren't I? This is what I do every day. We can train together. Matter of fact…"

Edric stepped down from the podium, joining them in the yard.

Before he could draw his sword, Robb Stark joined him.

"Your Grace, may I?" He asked, smiling slightly. "I never liked just watching."

"Of course." Edric chuckled. "How could I deny my friend from improving?"

They would proceed to train at arms for hours on end while having breaks in between. Edric would most notably push every single one of them, occasionally pitting many combatants against a single one. He lasted the longest against all of them… managing to get by for an entire minute without a bow. This was mainly due to Hyper-Focus, of course, but his raw sword skill was not that much worse than the best of them.

"Alright… now let's do archery." Edric grinned. 

"... I was never good at archery, Your Grace." Robb Stark smiled. "I may sit this one out-"

"No running away now, Robb." Edric chuckled. "You can't just come and go from my exercises, Warden of the North or not. If you're participating… then you're not leaving until this session is finished."

"..." Robb Stark chuckled, giving in. "If that is your wish, Your Grace."

To say that Edric's archery skill was transcendent was understating it. Ser Loras, Arys, Arthur, Robb Stark, and Sandor Clegane were all slightly above average, if not downright horrible (in Robb's case).


Robb's arrow went flying left of the target.

"Robb, what are you aiming at, the raven?" Edric laughed.

"Bastard." Robb smiled. "I told you I was no good."

Balon Swann, however…

He struck true from a hundred paces.

"Oh?" Edric grinned. "At least there's on good archer in my Kingsguard. Well done, Ser Balon. Why don't you guide these clueless chickens on how to aim a bow?"

"As you command, Your Grace."

Sandor Clegane grunted as his arrow missed again.

"Fucking bow and arrow… a coward's weapon." He remarked, drawing another arrow. 

"The only people who call it a coward's weapon are those who can't use it properly," Edric remarked. "If you learned the bow, you'd be even more deadly with your strength… able to make use of it from great range or within sword's reach."

Sandor didn't look much more amused, though he hardly ever did.

After that, he ran an exercise based around spear-throwing. Sandor Clegane was surprisingly talented in this regard, using his strength well. It seemed like he had practised it before. 

"Your Grace." Renly suddenly shouted as Edric was finishing up.

"Yes, uncle?"

"We have visitors from the Reach."

"... I see." Edric smiled, glancing at his training partners. "Well, I suppose we shouldn't keep them waiting. We were finished anyways."


When I walked into the main hall, one figure caught my eye immediately. She wore a green gown with a tight-laced bodice that bared her shoulders and the top of her bosom. Her thick, softly curling hair and brown eyes reminded me of someone…. Her sweet smile, most of all.

Though, unlike the one I had once known, her's was… feigned.

"You must forgive us for so suddenly arriving without awaiting your return, Your Grace." She performed a curtsy, bowing to me. "I had grown a little restless."

"No need to ask for forgiveness, Lady…" I paused intentionally, giving her space to introduce herself.

"Margaery of the House Tyrell." She bowed her head.

"A pleasure to meet you at last." I nodded, smiling slightly. "If anything, it is I who should apologise for putting aside my duties to train for what was most of the day."

"Indeed, His Grace would not leave the yard." Renly chuckled.

"There is no shame in the pursuit of martial prowess… if anything, such dedication is admirable. It would be one of the many reasons why His Grace is the youngest knight to ever be anointed," Margaery remarked, keeping her smile as she looked directly at me. "I've heard many tales of His Grace's skill with the bow and his mighty prowess with the Warhammer, which some say will soon surpass even the late King's at his best. The Reach knights who fought during the invasion of the Iron Islands sing your praises daily…"

Not only did she glaze me, but she put sprinkles on it too.

"Pardon me, Your Grace." Alester Florent came alongside a woman I did not recognise. When she saw me, however, she looked quite… affectionate. There was another man by her side. "Your mother… well, she couldn't wait."

"My baby boy!"

I blinked as she charged in and wrapped her arms around me. Her embrace was rather tight.

I'd imagine that Margaery was at least slightly annoyed at being interrupted, especially by Florents… but she did well to hide it.

"How I wanted to see you…" She sighed, rubbing my back. "Between you being fostered by Lord Renly and my marriage… all I could do was dream."

"I wouldn't blame you, mother." I smiled, leaving her embrace. "I'd imagine that no man wants another man's bastard running around his household. I would have just been a daily reminder of the stain on your and House Florent's honour… finding a man to wed with those circumstances would have been almost impossible."

"... Don't say that." She acted wounded.

"I would have gladly accepted you, Your Grace." The man at her side bowed. "I, Ser Hosman of the Ho-"

"Please, Ser, there is no need to lie to my face just because I have a shiny crown on my head." I retained my smile. "I am proud of who I am, of my upbringing and the people I met because of it. Though I am young, I understand why matters turned out this way and do not hold any grudges against anyone."

"Well, His Grace does have a point…" Renly added. "Lord Alester did not put himself forward to raise him at Brightwater Keep. If anything, it was the opposite - from what I know."

"Well…" Alester did not have much to say.

"No need to drag this matter further, Lord Regent." I glanced back, shaking my head, before turning to Ser Hosman. "I trust that you treat my mother well?"

"Of course…"

"Good." I pat his shoulder and smiled. "That's all I ask of you, to keep her happiness. That is the least that my mother deserves."

He nodded. "I would not dare do otherwise, Your Grace."

"If you do, I'll whack you on the head with my Warhammer." I jested.

"Hahaha…" He nervously laughed. "Even more reason to obey, Your Grace."

Delena smiled slightly while Margaery chuckled.

"Never mind that; let's host a warm and plentiful feast for our new arrivals." I glanced at Renly. "Show them a King's hospitality… it's the least that we should do after the long road that they've travelled."

"Why, of course." Renly smiled. He was a natural for such occasions.

Between the feasting, songs, and laughter was a lively dance. It was as if the Realm hadn't been at war only two moons ago. Arya definitely looked out of place, as usual. She just watched from the side. To be honest, I was surprised that she was even in the main hall.

Sansa Stark offered to dance with me, and out of courtesy, I accepted. It was then that the floodgates opened, and countless ladies lined up to dance with me afterwards - despite me stinking like shit from my training (yes, I hadn't had the time to clean myself up). Perhaps they liked a more manly odour… 

Regardless, I showed them all a King's courtesy. There was no harm in dancing. If anything, it raised my Charm stat ever so slightly.

My last dance would be with Margaery Tyrell, who later asked for a tour of the royal gardens. I complied, curious as to what she would have to say to me. As per courtesy, we locked arms and had a nice stroll under the night sky. 

It was almost romantic.

"I did not expect His Grace to be so fine of a dancer," Margaery remarked, smiling sweetly. "I don't believe I've seen a man at your size dance with such refined flair."

I smiled slightly. "In my youth, I was a horrible dancer, indeed. Though… there was a sweet girl who taught me how to do it."

"I should thank her in that case, should we ever meet." Margaery kept her smile.

"Unfortunately, that would not be possible."

"Why is that?"

"She sank in a storm," I replied simply. 

"Oh… forgive me." 

Margaery lowered her head, showing an expression of sympathy. She had probably heard a rumour or two about my 'lost love'. It was a popular topic at court, even to this day. Singers loved keeping it alive.

"There's no need." I shook my head. "I have come to terms with what happened."

"It must have been a difficult burden to bear alone… suddenly becoming a royal prince, being betrothed to a lady that you did not fancy and losing the girl you loved most." Margaery looked at me with a look of care. "Then… you had to face the challenge the Lannisters posed, putting a halt to their plotting and going to war… only to lose your father and the Hand of the King in the first battle. You had to lead the royal forces to many great victories at such a young age… and now you bear the greatest burden of all; Kingship."

"I cannot imagine how strong your inner will is… to overcome such hardships at so young an age."

"It is not a burden I bear alone." I smiled, shaking my head. "I have some of the best uncles a nephew could hope for, the finest knights in the Realm at my side and many lords who serve me faithfully." 

"Of course… and yet…" Margaery paused.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"Sorry, I do not think it would have been appropriate to say…"

"No, do speak plainly." I shook my head, looking at her. "I am not so easily offended."

After a pause, Margaery continued.

"... Has any of that healed the wound in your heart?"

"..." I stopped for a moment. "There is no wound to speak of. Even if there was, what would be the use in pondering about it?"

"Would it not be wiser to treat it rather than ignore such a wound?"

"If this wound were to exist… how would you treat it, lady Margaery?" I asked, already knowing the answer to that.

She let go of my arm and turned to face me directly.

"I dare not believe that I could make you forget… but, perhaps… I could soften the wound and help you find love again." She raised her hand and touched the side of my face.

I froze for a moment, seeing Alysanne.

Raiden Shogun floated behind Margaery with an unamused expression. 

"By that… you mean that you would be my Queen?" I replied quite bluntly.

"If that is your desire, Your Grace… I would gladly accept it." 

"... You say that as if it isn't your desire in the first place."

"Would it be so wrong to wish to stand by the side of a handsome, noble and strong King? To share his burdens, comfort his heart and watch a truly great King blossom."

Sure enough, Margaery's flirting was realms above any of the other ladies of great houses I had met. She really is Olenna's protege.

Go back to the beginning, and I'd totally be head over heels… except this kind of offer wouldn't fall in my lap. 

"... I appreciate the compliments, my lady." I smiled, putting down her hand. "Alas, I am betrothed to a lady of House Stark… something you very well know."

"And yet… she is not someone you wish to marry, is she?" Margaery questioned.

"What does it matter?" 

"The King has the right to choose his Queen."

"Of course… but are you worth dishonouring the Houses Stark and Tully, the late Lord Eddard and even my father? Such a selfish act would not be viewed so favourably by many; I'm sure you would agree." I smiled. "Perhaps if I valued love over duty as before… but that is no longer the case, my lady."

"I see…" Margaery didn't look offended in the slightest. If anything, her lips curled into a smile. "There is nothing wrong with that, Your Grace. If anything, it is a testament to your strong will."

"..." I chuckled. "Even so, I am not against being simply friends."

"In that case, I shall keep your company whenever you should wish it." Margaery nodded.

The Tyrells are as ambitious as they are relentless…

"Hm… one wish of mine has always been to travel the world… and Highgarden is one of the places that I've always wanted to see in person."

"You would be more than welcome, Your Grace." She spoke with her usual sweet tone. "There are many wondrous sights to see, believe me. You need only to have the desire."

"And time…" I remarked. "I still have the duties of a King."

"That is why you have the Hand and Lord Regent." Margaery smiled, shaking her head. "Let them rule for you and enjoy your freedom, Your Grace. You've worked more than hard enough in the war to secure the Realm's peace."

"You are a very persuasive lady," I remarked, smiling slightly. "I might just consider it."

It wouldn't be the worst thing… I could make a better impression on the Reach, befriend a number of lords and improve stability in the region. I've yet to meet Willas Tyrell, the heir to Highgarden, too. Maybe we'd get along.

As I continued the 'tour', Margaery told me all about Highgarden and enticed me a little more about going there. Once we were done, I decided to rest early. 

No doubt, news of Ser Barristan's absence would spread soon.

I might get a scolding or two for it… considering the timing of his absence and the small council meeting.

When I went to my bedchamber, I saw Arya chilling on my bed again.

"... You better not be growing accustomed to invading my bedchamber," I remarked. "Don't you have a place to sleep?"

"Of course, I do…" She replied with a slight frown. "I don't see why you have an issue with it. Married people sleep with each other."

"Except we're not married."

"Not yet."

I chuckled.

"Why are you here, truly?"

"Why haven't you gone to practice with Syrio?" She questioned. "Not even once."

"Awwwwww, does poor little Arya miss me?" I pouted slightly.

"Shut up." Arya frowned, hopping off the bed. "That's not what it is."

"I think otherwise."

"You're wrong."

There's really no winning with this wolf girl.

"... I might make time for a session after my journey to the Vale. You see, the life of a King gets quite busy. Everyone wants my time… yet I am only one person. I can't be everywhere at once." He shrugged. "Anyway, would you leave my bedchamber, or do I have to throw you through the balcony?"

"You wouldn't be able to catch me." She raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe not." I chuckled. "Could you leave, pretty please?"

"... Fine."

Peace at last.

I looked at Raiden Shogun, who was floating about very slowly. She had quite an indifferent expression on her face.

"You're not jealous of the rose, are you?"