

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

The Blacksmith

they make it to the first town they come across. Aktlass sees a poster on the wall with the rogue woman's face. He digs around his mouth and pulls a silver piercing from between his teeth, seeing that it was the item that was asked for on the bounty.


"I'll find you soon, friends."


"Oh. okay then. See you later."

Karma waves him a farewell as he waves back and vanishes into the shadows of the alley. Sarale looks at her dimension bag thinking about the armor inside.


"I'm reluctant to let you be on your own. I do need to sell these weapons and armor, though… It can wait. Your safety takes priority. So what are we doing, Karma?"


"Huh? Oh, I was actually gonna follow you. I got nothing much to do."


"That checks out then. We should get going. Wanna grab a drink after we're done?"


"can't say no to that… but let's... get them after Aktlass finds us. Prob'ly won't take him long. so let's sell that stuff and wait for him."

Karma picks up on whispers of their name and a subtle chills creep up their arms. Sarale laughs heartily and follows after Karma as they head to the blacksmith. They chatter and banter on their way to the shop and are greeted by a gentle and friendly, yet harshly accented voice.


"Hello there! What can I do fur ya both today?"

Sarale stops in her tracks as soon as she sees the man. He was a firbolg that stood well over 8 feet tall with a strong build that was subtly covered in a soft, short coat of pinkish brown fur. His dark dirt-rose colored eyes were nicely framed with a set of bronze thin framed glasses that rested on the bridge of his freckled nose. He smiles at the two and Sarale's gray dove skin floods a dark red undertone with wide eyes and looks away quickly before turning around to walk back out.


"I think we should go find a different smithy. Let's go, Karma."



Karma grabs Sarale by her collar and turns her back around to push her back inside. Sarale lets out a squealing groan of embarrassment as she's forced back in.


"What are you, crazy? This is the best smithy in town! Not to mention like the only one here in this tiny town. Get your stuff out to sell."




"You two lovely's alright over there?"


"*Swoons in fear.*"


"Oh we're fine. We got some wears to sell to you, good sir."

Karma bumps Sarale's shoulder and she quickly pulls out her dimension bag and dumps the loot she collected in front of him. The blacksmith smiles at the amount of goods he was just given and takes one of the swords to examine it for a bit before looking back at them.


"Ya sure you want to sell all of this? If ya like, I can touch it up for ya for ten pieces. You'd be getting fifty for everything else."


"Ooh… I'll let my friend here have it, my good man. Her's is actually getting a bit difficult to touch up on, so a new sword would do for her as a paladin."


"Oh yeah? I got just the thing for… wait…"

The blacksmith notices the blood on Sarale's armor and has a mild panic.


"Oi oi. Lass, are you alright?"


"Hm!? Oh!! I'm good, I'm good! J-just uh~ flesh wound! It's nothing to worry about."


"Ooho~ no. you're getting that patched. C'mon."


"What!? N-no! No, no! I'm fine! Really!"

The blacksmith grabs Sarale by the wrist and drags her to the back, leaving Karma alone in the shop to look around. In the backroom, the blacksmith sits Sarale down by his crafting table and digs around to get a small jar of salve to set it on the table.


"Alrighty, lass. Take off your armor. Let me have a looksee."



Sarale removes her armor at the cufflinks and hands it to him. Her eyes meet his as she does and she quickly looks away. He notices her reaction but doesn't pay too much mind to it as he looks over her wound. He cleans her wound with a prestidigitation cantrip then puts the salve on it, letting it dry for a moment before putting a bandage over it.


"There we are. Now let's have a look at that armor."

He grabs the chestplate and examines it to find no real damage to it except for the undercoat.


"Well, it seems to have cut through the joints. No real damage to this lovely thing."

He casts the cantrip again on the chestplate and hands it back to Sarale. She takes it and puts it back on quickly.


"Th-thank you…"


"Well, no need for that, dove. You just be careful from now on."



Sarale rushes out the door to the main shop and steps next to Karma, who was enjoying the view of a few trinkets.


"Can we go now please?"


"Hey, come on. This isn't like you. Hm?"


"I can't help myself right now. If I don't leave soon I think I'm going to die of shock."



Karma sees the blacksmith watching them with a strange expression.


"... Oh~. I see what's going on."


"Karma, don't you dare."


"Hey, handsome, thanks for taking care of my good friend here. We really appreciate your kindness."


"Hm? Eh. I'm just doing my job. Can't have the lass hurtin' like that."


"That's what I've been telling her she can heal herself, sure, but does she bother? We ought to have a gentleman like you around to help her out, you know what I'm saying?"


"KARMA!!? NO!!"


"Really now? You think a lovely lady like that would want a big oaf like me around."


"I mean I would always like to have a big boy like you around."


"Hahah. Sorry to tell you cuteness, but ya not me type. I prefer a more… Strong looking lady." (winks at Sarale)

SARALE: *Squeals internally turning red like a tomato.*


"Really? How about a bit of darkness under that holy facade though, right?"


"Oh you bet. A dark beauty with a sense of righteousness and a sweetheart? Sign me up, darling. You know where I can find a fine lady like that?"


"OKAY!! WE'RE LEAVING! Move it, Karma."


"Hey! That conversation was getting good! Sarale!"

Sarale shoves karma out the door and back into the street.

Aktlass makes his way through the shadows to a dark shop that sits at the very end of the alley. He turns in the silver trinket he got from the rogue and collects his bounty then begins a small conversation of random banter then leaves to wander the alley some more, listening to conversations and banter as passes by the homeless. Some greet him as he continues to the entrance and ends up back at the main road. He investigates the area for a moment before following the trail he picked up on.

Aktlass hears the banter of familiar voices and quickened his pace to meet and greet Karma and Sarale.