
Rage of the titans

In the world of Titans, they arrived on Earth as aliens with the goal of conquering the planet. Humans, gifted with elemental powers, fought back fiercely. Although the Titans were a common threat, the elementals' spirits, corrupted by the elemental tree, led to a division among the Titans. They split into clans and eventually cohabited with the elementals. A prophecy foretold the resurrection of Centro, the most powerful Titan from the clan of the Original Titans. Centro's plan was to open the gates and let the elder Titans conquer Earth. However, another prophecy spoke of a young Titan from a forbidden clan who would rise to stop Centro's plan. This young Titan would have to embark on a journey to fulfill the prophecy and seek revenge for the death of his clan.

Vicky_Styles · Fantasi
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A Forbidden Birth**

The Original Titans will never stop. They will hunt you to the ends of the earth, but the child cannot die. The child is special, with a pure instinct like nothing I have ever seen. I just hope the other twin is safe. What is his name? Bannial asked.

"His name is Yaamagsu," Fiiken replied. He held the child in his warm hands, knowing they weren't safe. He had committed an abomination that demanded the life of the child. He was also in the wrong place. If Bannial decided to betray him, the Original Titans would find and kill them both.

The Original Titans and the Moon Titans have been rivals for ages, a cursed bloodline of full-Titan hybrids known as the Blood Titans. Long ago, when Earth was inhabited by the Elementals and the Zogans, the Original Titans approached Earth in a massive spaceship. As they entered Earth's atmosphere, parts of the ship broke off, with one section landing on the moon and the other on Earth.

The Titans' goal was to conquer Earth, destroy all life, and claim the planet for themselves. They fought against the powerful Elementals and Zogans but couldn't defeat them. The Titans who landed on the moon absorbed its power and lost sight of their original purpose. They gained a new power source, the Rilla energy, in addition to their instinct. These Moon Titans went to Earth to fight against the Original Titans, unknowingly helping the Elementals.

During the battle between the Original and Moon Titans, some of the Original Titans discovered the sacred Elemental Tree, a powerful source that transformed humans into Elementals and Zogans. When the Titans ate the fruits of the tree, their monstrous forms changed into human shapes, and they gained both instinct and Rilla energy.

From this event, new Titan races emerged: Instinct Titans, Jegonee Titans, Floral, Wind, Rock, Underworld, Arcane, Gold, and Zogan Titans. But things didn't end there.

Yaamagsu, the child with light blue hair and soft skin, was destined to build an army and avenge the forbidden Blood Titan clan. A curse said that when an Original Titan and a Moon Titan united, they would produce a powerful hybrid called the Red Titan or Blood Titan.

Not long after the Blood Titan twins were born, Yaamagsu and Kiich-Ten, the Blood Titans were attacked by the Original Titans and almost wiped out. Before this, an abomination occurred between Fiiken, an Original Titan, and Rania, a Moon Titan. As the Original Titans closed in on them, Fiiken made a risky decision. He hoped they'd think Rania had only one child, and the Original Titans would pursue them endlessly.

Fiiken was in the Original Titan colony, a dangerous place to be. He wasn't sure if he could trust Bannial. At that moment, the Original Titans were searching another clan and had no idea he was in their colony. Fiiken's plan was to reach the ancient spaceship where the Titans first landed, now part of the Original Titans' colony, to escape with the child. It was the only way to make the Titans think the prophecy had been thwarted if the child left the planet. Fiiken had no other options and doubted if he'd succeed.

He feared that if he sent Yaamagsu to another Titan planet, they might reject him or destroy the ship. Yaamagsu wasn't the destined Blood Titan; that was Kiich-Ten, the other twin with red hair. Fiiken's goal was to get the child off the planet.

Meanwhile, Rania took Kiich-Ten, knowing he was the child of destiny. She was searching for a Titan clan that would accept him. Both Fiiken and Rania were on dangerous missions.

Fiiken watched the Original Titans outside Bannial's house, waiting for the right moment to move. Bannial approached a small opening and activated a device emitting a faint sound. Fiiken heard it and thought it came from outside. Fiiken, who could transform from human to Titan form, was once a warrior in the Original Titans' army before falling for Rania.

Fiiken was unaware there was a bounty on his head. He packed the baby tightly against his chest and sneaked toward Bannial. Through a crack, he saw Bannial sending a signal to the Titans outside. Realizing his mistake, Fiiken knew he shouldn't have trusted anyone. He rushed Bannial, stabbing him before the signal could alert the Titans.

Fiiken turned Bannial's body face down to prevent the instinct and Rilla energy from escaping and drawing attention. When Titans die, their energy beams into the sky, and their bodies disintegrate. Fiiken ran out of the house just as a group of Original Titans stormed in. They found Bannial's body too late—it exploded, destroying the house and killing the Titans inside.

The explosion was loud enough for every Titan in the region to hear. Fiiken ran toward the massive ship, now resembling a mountain. Unbeknownst to him, several Original Titans saw him and gave chase. Fiiken ran faster, knowing the ship was his only chance.

As the Titans approached, Fiiken transformed, growing into a twenty-foot-tall reptilian creature with glowing blue markings. He clutched the child and raced toward the ship. Climbing the ship's exterior, he dodged Rilla blasts fired by the pursuing Titans.

Fiiken reached the ship's top and quickly activated a small vessel. He placed Yaamagsu inside, set the controls, and watched as the vessel shot into space, leaving Earth behind.

Turning to face his pursuers, Fiiken powered up another ship. As it hovered, the Titans confronted him.

"You carry a cursed breed," one Titan accused. "Breaking the rules means death. You abandoned your allies for this?"

"The allies are wrong. The Earth has been in darkness for too long. It needs saving. The Elemental fruit showed me my purpose," Fiiken replied.

The Titans attacked, and Fiiken fought back fiercely. He unleashed a barrage of Rilla blasts, taking down most of his attackers. But two Titans pinned him down, initiating a deadly instinct link.

"Now you and the cursed breed will die," one Titan declared as they linked their instincts to Fiiken's, ready to beam up and take him with them.

The instinct light exploded with immense force, obliterating the ship above and lighting up the sky.
