
Raemondo Renn- Student of Madara and Lucifer [Hiatus]

A boy was dropped from another world to our earth. Who exactly is he? Is he some magical and a supreme being? or just a normal person? Read it to find it out as the boy discover who he is through his hardships, pain, and his journey See him getting trained under Lucifer and Madara Uchiha. See him visiting different worlds of magical beings and strange concepts. See him make friends from the world of Naruto and Fairy tail If u think that the power level from naruto and Dragon ball Z is high that u have seen nothing The MC would be OP, but if you guys have seen my previous work then u would know that I would make it as realistic as possible. The MC would fail a lot and progress through rigorous training. Hope u guys would enjoy this new story of mine.

TheSilverPrince · Komik
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13 Chs


Hey guys, sorry for the late update. i have posted 2 chapters today for the compensation

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It has 15 advanced chapter, so that is the bonus



[A/N: Characters like Dumbledore would be side characters, so they would only appear for couple of chapters. There would be more side characters down the line]

"Alison!! You have an old man waiting for you" shouted the receptionist. After some time, Alison came running down the stairs wearing her caretaker's uniform.

"My name is Albus Dumbledore. I sent you a letter requesting an appointment and you very kindly invited me here today." Said Dumbledore extending his hand for a handshake.

"Hello, my name is Alison. You said something about Axel. What might that be?"

"I am here, as I told you in my letter, to discuss Axel Blaze and arrangements for his future," said Dumbledore.

"What arrangements? And what is with this weird costume?" asked Alison. Dumbledore gave a small laugh and continued "Oh, it is just something that I would do to surprise the kids. As for the arrangements, Mr. Axel Blaze has been selected as a student in Hogwarts."

"What is this Hogwarts?" "It is the school for kids with special talent"

"How did he get selected? He does not have any money. Did he get a scholarship? But how could that be, he has never stepped a foot outside the childcare. And what do you mean by special talent? Axel is not crazy. He is a normal guy." Alison started to fire her questions.

Dumbledore was surprised by the questions. Alison was smart.

Alison knew that Axel was not a normal kid. She knew this the movement she took Axel in her arms. So, her instinct was flaring and telling her that this was trouble. The old man was wearing a weird dress with a pointed hat. The man seemed to be rational and overly polite. Axel's brother had left him here saying that he would come for him someday. It seemed to Alison that her brother had encountered a problem. And as far as she could connect the dots, this Dumbledore guy seems to be the problem.

If not, then why would such a shady old man come to the childcare asking about Axel, when Axel had not even stepped a foot outside of this childcare. She was ready to call for the police.

"He didn't have to get the scholarship. His name has been registered in our school since his birth. And though I don't have the pleasure to meet him yet, I am sure he is not crazy. But as a personal caretaker, I believe you are quite knowledgeable about his special talent. We, the teachers here at Hogwarts help those in need. Please read this document. This ought to clarify things" said Dumbledore handing Alison a white paper.

As soon as Alison bowed her head down to read the paper, Dumbledore pulled out his wand seemingly out of nowhere and did a flick. Alison had been compromised!!!

"Hmm.. The papers seem to be in order. Come this way, I will take you to his room." Said Alison leading the way.

"If I am not too rude, may I ask how Axel is doing in the childcare?" asked Dumbledore. "He does not have a lot of friends. Actually, he only has me and Agnes to share his feelings. He is a weird guy. When he was up to 3 years old, he use to say that he could see ghosts and demons. He use to burn things around him when he was angry. He says that it is not something he could control and I believe him.

You see, Axel is a nice kid with a good heart. But the children here do not accept him and treat him like an outcast. Maybe going to your school could change this.

He is a curious child too"

"Well, every child is curious in their own way," said Dumbledore.

"Yes, but his curiosity is on the next level. He had once found a cat and made it, his friend. One day, I could hear a lot of screams from the children, so I came rushing down to see what had happened. I could see Axel crying while holding a mutilated cat. The cat was dead beyond measure. When I asked him, as to who did it, did you know what the answer was? He said he did it"

"Really? But why would he do that?" asked Dumbledore clearly interested in the story.

"He said that he could see the cat's chest go up and down and could see the same phenomena in his chest too. So to confirm it, he cut the heart to the cat to see what it was. However, he didn't know that the cat would die. Poor child. He was just curious. He cried for weeks after that" said Alison with a sad face.

"One time, I caught him injured. He had a sharp dagger in his left hand, nothing I have seen before. There was a long cut on his right hand with veins and blood pouring out. I was horrified."

"Merlin's beard!!! What happened?" asked Dumbledore shocked to his core.

"It seemed that he did that to himself, to study the veins and the blood flow of a human being.... Yes, he is a curious child, but his curiosity had harmed him more than once. I just wish that there would be someone to take care of that." Said Alison sighing in sadness.

Dumbledore had done the student recruitment for more than he could remember. Most of the stories of the kids were the same, with some magic misfire, here and there, some of them were different. However, this was the first time, that he had heard such a story.

They had reached Axel's room. Alison knocked on the door, saying "Axel!!, there is this man named Dumben- .. Dumbelore… here to meet you. Open the door."

"The lock is already opened" came a young voice inside the room.

Dumbledore turned towards Alison and said, "Thank you Miss. Alison for your help. We would have to part our ways now as I would like to talk to Axel all alone"

Alison nodded her head and left. Dumbledore then opened the door slowly. He could see that it was a normal room, with a double sized bed at the center. The room walls and the floor were colored in light brown with a big window in the right corner.

He could see a young kid, sitting on the bed and staring at the window. The kid had light silver hair down to his shoulders, had silver-colored eyebrows with sparkling blue eyes. The kid was wearing a black jacket and brown trousers perfectly resembling the ambiance of the room. The kid turned his head towards the old man

"Hello Axel, My name is Dumbledore. Albus Dumbledore"

"Hello sir, My name is Blaze. Axel Blaze"