
Radiant Sun

Alone they can do little, but together, they can withstand anything. Starr Turnabout is a peppy young girl who has just moved to Sun City, and her family moved into the nice suburb community called Dogwood Corner. Starr, find a handful of friends with bright personalities, which is just what she needs; after a rough past, a heart of gold is something she holds. Gifted to her was a Golden Light Crystal when called to it, the crystal lends her its powers, and she becomes a Guardian of Light and uses her Sun Reaper to defeat the darkness.

Candy215 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 2

That's the house! A heart of gold! It shines brighter than any star in the sky, and it's just in time there is a dark shadow covering this small cheerful town. I hope she's willing to protect the city against the darkness because I can hardly keep up. I jump up into the open window finding a room of a young teen. She was reading some magazines and kissing the model in the picture. By the stars is she really the heroine the heavens have called to, "Sighhhhhhhhhhhh." I jump onto the dresser watching her carefully cut his picture out and hang it on the wall. "Starr it's time to go to bed!" the maternal figure calls up to her. "Okay!" the girl named Starr walks out and I see my chance.I sit on the bed just in time for her to come back and change into a pair of sleep clothes. Walking over to the window, she shuts the window and closes the curtains. I try not to look, but she's kind of young, isn't she? "Oh, who are you?" she picks me up and I blink causing her to jump and let out a yelp.**"Whoa! It just blinked at me!" I toss the small round fuzzy ball with a small yellow curl on top of its head. "Shush, Starr; please do not awaken your family united, I am here to ask you if you'd like to protect Earth and the galaxies as you know it." I cock my head to the side. "What do you mean?"The fuzzy thing sighed, "I come from a place called Flora...well that was the last planet name we lived on before we had to leave an older colony behind. Now I have come as one of the last elder administrators of light. I have searched the galaxy for something I'm about to give you."The fuzzy thing spun around and a box appeared in its wake. "This is a Light Crystal, and the gold crystal only activates when there is a pure heart of gold." I nodded now my heart was fluttering. "Now there are many of those who have a heart of gold, but there are a few requirements, firstly the holder must be older than its 13th lap around their home star."I smile, I'm 14 and going to be turning 15 in three months. "The holder has to have overcome a harsh obstacle and still have a bright and pure heart." I guess they counted my constant bullying from my past for this one. "Lastly the gold crystal has to find you compatible with it, the last Golden warrior was a strict knight who led with a compassionate heart. I'm not saying you are a bad pick, but you seem a little silly, compared to the others."I blink and take the box. "Can I open it...um...say little fuzzy friend what is your name?" The fuzz ball smiled, "I am called Bee. It's a pleasure to meet you; Miss Starr." I smile, "You as well." I open the box and find inside not one crystal but four, and four empty spots. "Now that you have accepted the job you can now also see the other Crystals of Light; well the other three, I have found on Earth."I grab the gold one as its warm light felt like a hug in my hands. "Now Starr, call out to its power. Gold Crystal, Glitter and Shine!" I shallow hard this is like that show I grew up watching as a kid. "Okay, Gold Crystal, Glitter, and Shine!" I was confused as my body moved on its own, my pajamas disappeared as a pair of white pants appear first. They were tight and hugged every inch of my waist down.My sun earrings reappeared on my ears, white gloves came, and white boots. The sun broch on the jacket connected the silver chains, unknowingly I had a silver forehead tiara on with three golden jewels in it. A sword appeared at my side and my hair changed. "If I must say Starr this is the first time, I've seen such a perfect first transformation, really go with the flow don't you."I step over to my vanity and find gold eye shadow and glittery gold specks all over my face. I touch my once black hair as it is now longer and silver. Even my eye color changed to a gold color. "Now then we must hurry there is a disturbance in the city center." I look back at Bee, who is now in front of my open bedroom window.We jump from rooftop to rooftop until we're at a Designer store. The door was open and inside was a shadow figure made what looks like a black flaming smoke-type character was eating the shadow of the store owner or just the late-night worker. "Why are you standing there call out to it, the monster is going to eat that poor girl's soul." I look at Bee then back at the situation, "What am I supposed; to do?" Bee; if they had hands, they would be pulling the facepalm right now."You have a sword use it!" Ah right, I unsheathe the sword, it had a golden hilt and the blade looked like a...butterknife. "Bee how can I defeat that with this!" The fuzzy ball yelled back, "Do you know, to believe in yourself or something? Where is your courage?" I sweat as our yelling made the smokey monster come toward us instead of finishing off the woman. It began to chase me around, "Okay is there some special thing I can do to make the sword better?"Bee went into deep thought, "Why not give yourself a pep-talk?" I scowl over at Bee, "Oh sure let me just run around and tell myself I can do this, while I'm at it why don't I sheathe it and then call out something causing the sword to change then unsheathe it?" Bee gives a kind of shrug movement, "Try anything I never really saw the Light Guardians fight up close to know if they did or not!" I roll my eyes, something so cute can be this annoying.I put the butterknife away when I hear a whisper. Stopping I clutch the hilt, "Glitter and Shine, turn this sword; Divine!" I yell out and unsheathe the sword, the blade turned into a Rapier. I point the blade at the smokey monster, "! Now take the Wrath of the Sunlight Rapier!" I dash and call out another move, "Sun Ray!" the monster was sliced in half and faded, and the street lights cause the room to glow lightly keeping my face in the shadow the woman woke up.She looked around confused, "Where am I?" I help her up, "You should be careful not to allow your negative thoughts to eat you away. Try to stay positive alright?" the woman nodded as Bee and I take off.Back in my room, Bee sat on the bed as I untransformed. "This is wonderful, Starr you are now a new guardian who protects the people of Earth as Radiant Sun." I look at my normal self again and turn to Bee, "Does this mean I'm a superhero now?" Bee nods a little, "Sure but you have more responsibility." I squeal, "It was a little nerve-racking but we did it and I had so much fun. Oh; I saw three more crystals, that must mean three more friends!" Bee smiled making them look super cute, "Yeah three more friends." I turn off my bed side lamp and head to sleep we had much to do tomorrow.**"Ashly; dear; do you hear something coming for Starr's room?" Tyron asked looking at his wife across from him in the living room. "I think that it was coming from Christian's room." She said as she places the last items on the entertainment center; making the Turnabouts fully moved in. Tyron tore boxes down as he looked at the ceiling. "I think I should go check on him for a minute."Ashely turns to her husband, "Stop right there, are you going to interrupt a teenage boy during his alone time in his room? We just moved, Ty; honey. He is mad at us already enough no need to make it worse by walking in on him." the man stopped in his tracks, "I should tell him to do it in the shower where he won't be so loud." Ashely laughs and slides onto her husband's lap. "Oh, I do love you, honey." Tyron smiled and slapped his wife on the rear. "I could make it so that you love me even more than you do now."The couple didn't even notice their daughter transform, leave the house for about 90mins and then return, squeal loudly, and return to normal. This couple was busy steaming up the living room.**Meanwhile in Chris' room**Chris in his room, "Why do they have to be so loud and how is Starr sleeping through all of this?" Sitting up in his bed, he looks for his headphones. Goldie was snoring away in the corner of the room. He finds the headphones, under Goldie. Chris spent half the night trying to save his headphones unknowingly all the noise the Turnabouts made, it caused them to unknowingly seal the identity of their daughter.