
Chapter 116: normal day

Race to the


Chapter 116: normal day

All members of '5 Shadows' expressed their view on Hao Jiazhi's decision of closing the organization

All of them said that this organization is not just a place where there earn money to live but also a reason to live, a dream that they all shared with each other

The organization was built upon fear but soon it turned into a trust as everyone enjoyed each other's accompany

They don't want to close the organization

Hao Jiazhi listened to each and everyone's view and then presented his idea of turning the '5 shadows' into an information hub center

And no one will need to leave the organization, and also sub-organizations (for example, metal body clan, medicine hall, etc) will keep on working

All the money needed for the work will be provided by Hao Jiazhi and the organization is not allowed to collect any more money, until he is out of money, in the name of protection fees or anything else