
Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero

An undead Rabbit, a robot in his head, a guy with vines, a bird girl and a nervous wreck of a centipede? Why do I have to write about them? Huh? I get to be in the story? Uhm... Hey, you. Read Rabbit's Foot. Featuring The best Character ever written in the world: Ra- I mean, This story is pretty 'great'. What do you mean "write a plot summary"? I think I did pretty good. Okay, okay. It's about this guy and he collects hearts. there. Done. Huh? Oh yeah, this book is pretty mediocre, so don't expect much. Buuut Fanservice, right? Wait, was I not supposed to say that? Then tell me that before I say it! Mollia, you frustrate me. What's a good way to get people to read this... Oh, we've got lgbtq+ representation! Yeah. Beat that... Huh? That doesn't automatically make something good? Then... Then why did I write this? Because I had nothing else to do? Fair... I should have done a harem... Rabbit's Foot part 40: Harem Hare. Boom. I'll sell millions. Do harems even sell still? ...You don't know either, do you? I knew you didn't know everything. Ha, in your face... What? I am not- Mollia, I swear if you... Okay, since I'm not allowed to ramble on anymore, I should now mention that I have this thing called a disconnect. Huh? Discord? I don't care how it's spelt! Hang on... Okay, the link is this; https://discord.gg/NwRK4zJB ______________________________________________________________________ A Chain loving Demon, a Size altering dragon, a Bio weapon with a mimic for a scarf and the Four Horsemen? Huh? I'm not in this part? What, I'm only a cameo appearance!? Oh screw this, I wanna speak to my manager. Huh? I'll get kicked out if I don't do this thing? Fine... Hey you, Reader. It's me, the best character from the last part. I'm sure you're wondering "Rat, why O why aren't you in this part?" Then read Heartbreak Hero first, dummy. But Anyway, the story ain't finished. Not until I deem it is, anyway. This is Rabbit's Foot: Devilish Deals. The one were Panila finally learns to- Huh? That's a spoiler? Are they even gonna read that far? To be fair- Mollia, just let me speak! Fine, fine. Feel free to read, or not. I don't care. At this point it's to stop the madness of- I can't even talk about that? See, look at the witty banter I have with myself. I truly am the next Lenard Divinski. Huh? The guy's a painter? I... I said it wrong? Well whatever one starred in the Matrix movies. I'm the next guy in the Matrix. Well, rat-girl. But hey-ho. Oh yeah, we reached 100 chapters a bit ago... That's it. Hey, can I spoil my entire story in this? Wait I can just do that? Oh hells yeah. Alright, so #### gets with ##### at the end... Did you really censor me? I can't have anything... I'm not just a cameo... I'm more than you. Two Becomes One | One Was Two

Ratstick · Fantasi
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138 Chs

So Many Cells, So Many Domains

"Everyday feels like I'm going to die. So Bit, where is my blade being stored?"

Ven was locked up in a cells with Avis, his hands and eyes being bound up due to his ability needing sight. 

Tid-Bit sighed, saying: "Well I need your eyes to see, soooo..."

"Will you guys shut up for a few minutes!? I'm to young and pure to die!" Avis cried, also bound up. She was on the verge of crying, seeing as she didn't want to die.

"Avis... I've already died once, it's not as bad as people make it out to be."

"Yeah, but you got brought back, like a demon. And you're part of the thing that ended the world! Why do I always get unlucky!"

"Will you shut up!?" A young voice shouted from across the room.

Ven, being the smartass that he was, said: "Make us, Dumbass."

He was then promptly hit in the head with what felt like a plant vine.

"Ow..." He laughed, tapping Avis with his foot. "Who just hit me?"

"Some kid with plant limbs..."

"Hey, that's mister Kid with Plant limbs to you, Harpy."

Ven paused at the kid's call back. "Hey, uh... What did he say?"

Avis sighed, letting out a sad bird like chirp.

"Yeah... I'm Technically a Harpy."

"Not technically, just straight up a giant bird girl. I mean if Dead Rabbit over their could see you're mug, he'd say you're more of a creature then most of the people in this city."

"Says the kid with plants for limbs!"

"Shut up, I could escape whenever I want with these."

Ven and Tid-Bit both quickly grew tired of their bickering, banging his head against the wall. "Shut. Up. Plant. And. Bird."

Everyone awkwardly went silent, with the plant kid sighing loudly. "So, what are you two in for?"

"I have that AI that destroyed the world in my chest."

"I kinda caused a public disturbance and got lumped in with him as an accomplice. What about you, Ivy league?" Avis said with a smirk, to which he threw another plant vine, this time at Avis.

"I'm in here 'cause I got caught stealing from Dreamy... Wait, did Rabbit just say he has Eden in his chest!?"

Ven and Avis both said in sync: "Yep."

"My grandma fought her! She said she fought like a valiant hero but barely escaped with her life! So you must be the cowardly Rabbit, Ven!"

Ven seemed stunned, despite not being able to see the kid, he was furious at being called a coward.

"Is your Grandmother Vitis Vinctum?"

"Yeah! The sensor of life and hero of the world."

"Your Grandma was a coward. She was the one who ran off. Like a pathetic child."

The plant kid looked stunned but laughed it off. "yeah, and she's human. You can lie to me, but don't lie to yourself, Venny."

Avis looked down dis-heartedly at the thought of not being human, but Ven was just festering with anger in the corner. "What's your name, kid?"

"Vinea. I'm assuming you already know my last name..." He laughed, leaning on his cell bars with a smirk. "Ya know? From what Grandma used to tell me, you could use portals right?"

"Yep. But, can't right now because I can apparently be beaten by a blindfold." Suddenly, the blindfold was ripped off by a whip of a vine. Vinea stood across the hall with a smirk on his face. 

"Now then, Rabbit trick. How about you get us out of here, if your at least as half as impressive as Grandma used to say."

Ven quickly used a portal to drop himself through, and as he was dangled briefly from his chains, he cut the connection to the portal to instantly breaking the chain. "Thanks plant kid." He smirked, using the same Technique on Avis, only for her to face plant.

"I thought harpies could fly?" 

"I'm new to it, okay!?" She yelled in annoyance as she slowly got up, adjusting her hair. She quickly glanced around fist bumping Ven as thanks.

"Hey... Aren't you forgetting someone?" Vinea said with a smirk as he motioned to himself. Ven and Avis shared a glance before The two stepped through a portal into his cell.

"H-Hey, you uh not gonna open one outside?"

"Nah, I'm just gonna hit you first." Avis said with a smile. Before Vinea could say anything, Avis punched him round the face, spit leaving his mouth.

"F-Fair enough..." He tried to play it off, but their were a few tears in his eyes. Avis felt a bit bad now and pat him on the head. 

Ven meanwhile, was talking to Tid-Bit to find Heartbreaker before finding an exit.

He loudly clapped his hands together with a grin. "We're gonna get our stuff back. And I should be able to call in a favour with a Rat to get us out of this whole mess."

And so, with the help of Ven's portals, the trio of fools and the AI in a rabbit's head snuck through the prison, bumbling about but somehow not getting caught by the patrolling Decaynines.

They finally reached an old store room, filled to the brim with items taken from prisoners. Ven quickly found his beloved Heartbreaker and the phone he got from Rat. Avis and Vinea on the other hand, were searching through the items for anything they would consider cool.

They found nothing really of note, and since Avis couldn't carry all of her musical equipment with her, had Ven scale it down for eases sake. Tid-Bit searched the room to see if the heart was still in one of Avis's boxes, but thanks to Ven kinda blurting it out in the trial, they had lost it.

"Well this sucks." Vinea shrugged as he headed for the door. The other two rolled there eyes as they continued on for their escape.

As they wandered the cold steel halls once more, spotting many different creatures and people locked up, the trio discovered an old map that looked aged with time.

"Says here that we're even deeper then we started..." Ven said with a groan, his cold, robotic heart whirring in frustration. Avis pointed at a place marked 'Pandemonium's chambers' on the map, it having a red pentagram to symbolise where it was. Tid-Bit glitched slightly at the name slightly, though Ven payed any mind to it.

"Maybe we could try there?"

"I calculate that whatever Pandemonium's chamber is, it is not something we should visit." Tid-Bit said through Ven's mouth, much to the Rabbit's amusement. Vinea laughed and began walking towards the chamber. "We don't have an exit yet, so how about we check it out? I mean... What if has cool stuff like lasers or magic?"

The other two decided that they might as well see what it is, not having anything better to do.

After a short 4 minute walk, the trio walked through a large steel archway to enter into what seemed like an old laboratory, filled to the brim with tech from Ven's time.

"Woah..." They all let out, Even Tid-Bit seemed impressed by the technology. The trio began searching through the room, finding more bizarre tech.

"What do you reckon this does?" Avis said as she pressed a button on a control panel. In an instant, the centre of the room opened up with a familiar robotic frame rising from the ground. Ven looked at the frame with a growing sense of dread.
