
Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero

An undead Rabbit, a robot in his head, a guy with vines, a bird girl and a nervous wreck of a centipede? Why do I have to write about them? Huh? I get to be in the story? Uhm... Hey, you. Read Rabbit's Foot. Featuring The best Character ever written in the world: Ra- I mean, This story is pretty 'great'. What do you mean "write a plot summary"? I think I did pretty good. Okay, okay. It's about this guy and he collects hearts. there. Done. Huh? Oh yeah, this book is pretty mediocre, so don't expect much. Buuut Fanservice, right? Wait, was I not supposed to say that? Then tell me that before I say it! Mollia, you frustrate me. What's a good way to get people to read this... Oh, we've got lgbtq+ representation! Yeah. Beat that... Huh? That doesn't automatically make something good? Then... Then why did I write this? Because I had nothing else to do? Fair... I should have done a harem... Rabbit's Foot part 40: Harem Hare. Boom. I'll sell millions. Do harems even sell still? ...You don't know either, do you? I knew you didn't know everything. Ha, in your face... What? I am not- Mollia, I swear if you... Okay, since I'm not allowed to ramble on anymore, I should now mention that I have this thing called a disconnect. Huh? Discord? I don't care how it's spelt! Hang on... Okay, the link is this; https://discord.gg/NwRK4zJB ______________________________________________________________________ A Chain loving Demon, a Size altering dragon, a Bio weapon with a mimic for a scarf and the Four Horsemen? Huh? I'm not in this part? What, I'm only a cameo appearance!? Oh screw this, I wanna speak to my manager. Huh? I'll get kicked out if I don't do this thing? Fine... Hey you, Reader. It's me, the best character from the last part. I'm sure you're wondering "Rat, why O why aren't you in this part?" Then read Heartbreak Hero first, dummy. But Anyway, the story ain't finished. Not until I deem it is, anyway. This is Rabbit's Foot: Devilish Deals. The one were Panila finally learns to- Huh? That's a spoiler? Are they even gonna read that far? To be fair- Mollia, just let me speak! Fine, fine. Feel free to read, or not. I don't care. At this point it's to stop the madness of- I can't even talk about that? See, look at the witty banter I have with myself. I truly am the next Lenard Divinski. Huh? The guy's a painter? I... I said it wrong? Well whatever one starred in the Matrix movies. I'm the next guy in the Matrix. Well, rat-girl. But hey-ho. Oh yeah, we reached 100 chapters a bit ago... That's it. Hey, can I spoil my entire story in this? Wait I can just do that? Oh hells yeah. Alright, so #### gets with ##### at the end... Did you really censor me? I can't have anything... I'm not just a cameo... I'm more than you. Two Becomes One | One Was Two

Ratstick · Fantasi
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138 Chs

R.A.A.T Deployed: Which is Cuter, Lamb Or penguin?

"I suppose I should end this now." The suit wearing penguin, Zhil, muttered with a smirk on his little beak as he waddled over to three of his four adversaries. He had managed to already take care of Ro, Min and Arlo, now he just had to take care of the Lamb and he'd have enough time to flee the island. 

Lamb rested against her crook, the boardwalk that was supporting them was all but ready to break. The Shepard hadn't a clue what to do, since the admittedly adorable critter was something much beyond what she had estimated.

As Zhil gave a light flick of his flipper, the psionic box they were contained in, began to shrink inwards. "Go... Away..." She said in a tired whisper, trying to draw sigils and at least keep up her attack.

Yet no matter how many elemental blast the Shepherd fired, Zhil waved them away with his flipper. "Come on. I know that fighting till your last breath is honourable and all... But this is just sad." He remarked with a dismissive tone, fed up with how much of a fight the four had given him.

Zhil wasn't a fighter, he was just the guy who got information. Even so, The Eye was considered the weakest star in all of Ennuiara's domain. By his own calculations, he was most likely close to a god on this star. 

But even an ego as big as his was nowhere close to Lamb's will to fight. 

As he continued easily dismissing Lamb's blasts, the Shepard, in her increasing desperation, charged at the penguin and tried to strike him with her crook. The bell rung with each failed strike, like an annoying tune a child would hum. 


With a simple flick, Zhil almost seemed to cut reality in two. Lamb could only let out a pained baah as her chest split open. With a thud, she collapsed backwards, wrapping herself in her faded white cloak as she laid on the wooded walkway.

The penguin could only let out a bored sigh in response to the entire fight. It was a joke to him, really. Yet, when he got ready to pull his barrier down, the deafening sound of a bell began ringing in his ears.

With each ring growing louder and louder, a growing sense of dread began to overcome him. Zhil turned back to see Lamb, barely standing with her crook for support, carefully tapping the golden bell.

Zhil wasn't dumb enough to just let her little lullaby continue. With another slice into the air with his flipper, he tried to break the crook in two. Yet, as the psionic energy shot towards her, Arlo jolted up from the ground and, with a summoned shield, blocked the attack with the remainder of his strength. 

Zhil was struggling to even think with the bell's ringing and decided to go all out. "You little, uncultured, easy pickings in a foul existence of a world, no master having, four ungrateful, shit eating fucks!" The penguin screeched, the glass in his ornate monocle shattering.

With the deafening screech in his mind, he raised a flipper as hundreds of cubes made of an unfamiliar energy appeared behind him. 

Min and Ro both wearily came to their sister's aid, using every bit of their ego to help with Lamb's attack. As the cubes rained down on the four, Arlo was doing his best to try and take the brunt of the assault, yet it was clear he was weak in strength.

But with a final shake of her crook, Lamb unleashed the full extent of her ego's power for the first time in a hundred years.

"[Deaths Embrace]"

It was almost instant. With a final ring, Zhil fell to the floor. Dead. The barrier that contained the four disappeared like dust. "I... Can't believe that... Actually worked..." The shepherd muttered with a light laugh before falling to the ground.

The remaining three were all too weak to even stand anymore, but it was at this moment a familiar void faced girl just so happened to make her way to the board walk. 

"Oh... A-Are y-y-you guys alright?" Ami asked, somewhat out of breath from the running. Min sat himself against a crate, pointing over to the large shark fin that poked out of the ocean. Ami was a little stumped on what he was pointing at, but Ro decided to just yell the answer instead.


Ami flinched a bit but quickly got her act together. Handing Min a card and wind up robot, the oracle held her sister's guitar with confidence. She had watched her sister play many times, so how hard could playing a guitar be?


Ami was just randomly playing notes like a drunk toddler playing with a pen. She had also failed to realise that the electric guitar was powered by Avis's own ego, so it was practically useless to her. The three where to weak to yell at her, luckily Ami realised her own failure and just threw a rock at the fin instead. 

It apparently worked as the tides began to stir, crashing against the boardwalk. A thunderous, yet monotone groan rung out like a storm as Lucy emerged from the depths, breaking some parts of the dock.

"What..." The leviathan groaned, wiping her seven eyes with a tentacle before leaning down to her associates. Ami was somewhat bewildered by her former boss's form, but held her breath and pointed out to the sea. "C-C-C-Can y-you do something a-about that cannon?"

Lucy turned her head to where the young woman pointed, and sure enough, in the far distance was a giant alien laser cannon gearing up to fire a final island ending round. 

"Why... Can't you take care of this?" She sighed. The demon was in no mood to really bother with anything right now, she just wanted to sleep and mourn. But Ami wasn't exactly in the mood either. After everything they had all gone through, she wasn't having any more.

"J-Just deal w-with the fucking laser!"

Lucy was taken aback by Ami's tone, yet instead of snapping back, The Leviathan dived below the ocean and swam directly towards the superweapon. Ami let out a sigh, resting next to the four with a cheery attitude. 

"W-Well... L-Let's hope this w-works o-out, r-right?"

While writing this, i just realised I've been spelling the name Shepard instead of shepherd... Pfft, my bad guys.

You know, I did the same thing with performance and preformance. Eh, I'll be real and say I ain't gonna change it. Too lazy.

Remember guys, attend your literacy classes or else you make... This.


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