
Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero

An undead Rabbit, a robot in his head, a guy with vines, a bird girl and a nervous wreck of a centipede? Why do I have to write about them? Huh? I get to be in the story? Uhm... Hey, you. Read Rabbit's Foot. Featuring The best Character ever written in the world: Ra- I mean, This story is pretty 'great'. What do you mean "write a plot summary"? I think I did pretty good. Okay, okay. It's about this guy and he collects hearts. there. Done. Huh? Oh yeah, this book is pretty mediocre, so don't expect much. Buuut Fanservice, right? Wait, was I not supposed to say that? Then tell me that before I say it! Mollia, you frustrate me. What's a good way to get people to read this... Oh, we've got lgbtq+ representation! Yeah. Beat that... Huh? That doesn't automatically make something good? Then... Then why did I write this? Because I had nothing else to do? Fair... I should have done a harem... Rabbit's Foot part 40: Harem Hare. Boom. I'll sell millions. Do harems even sell still? ...You don't know either, do you? I knew you didn't know everything. Ha, in your face... What? I am not- Mollia, I swear if you... Okay, since I'm not allowed to ramble on anymore, I should now mention that I have this thing called a disconnect. Huh? Discord? I don't care how it's spelt! Hang on... Okay, the link is this; https://discord.gg/NwRK4zJB ______________________________________________________________________ A Chain loving Demon, a Size altering dragon, a Bio weapon with a mimic for a scarf and the Four Horsemen? Huh? I'm not in this part? What, I'm only a cameo appearance!? Oh screw this, I wanna speak to my manager. Huh? I'll get kicked out if I don't do this thing? Fine... Hey you, Reader. It's me, the best character from the last part. I'm sure you're wondering "Rat, why O why aren't you in this part?" Then read Heartbreak Hero first, dummy. But Anyway, the story ain't finished. Not until I deem it is, anyway. This is Rabbit's Foot: Devilish Deals. The one were Panila finally learns to- Huh? That's a spoiler? Are they even gonna read that far? To be fair- Mollia, just let me speak! Fine, fine. Feel free to read, or not. I don't care. At this point it's to stop the madness of- I can't even talk about that? See, look at the witty banter I have with myself. I truly am the next Lenard Divinski. Huh? The guy's a painter? I... I said it wrong? Well whatever one starred in the Matrix movies. I'm the next guy in the Matrix. Well, rat-girl. But hey-ho. Oh yeah, we reached 100 chapters a bit ago... That's it. Hey, can I spoil my entire story in this? Wait I can just do that? Oh hells yeah. Alright, so #### gets with ##### at the end... Did you really censor me? I can't have anything... I'm not just a cameo... I'm more than you. Two Becomes One | One Was Two

Ratstick · Fantasi
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138 Chs

Dreams, Memories and Jackals

Tid-Bit scanned over the ever shifting buttons of the elevator before finding the one she needed for the two to get through whatever game Cheshire was playing. "It seems the next button is... Anubiz?" 

"Who's that?" Nvr2B asked with a curious glance as she pressed the button. "Apparently she's a big weapons maker in the city... Kinda sad I never met her." Ven said as they floated about the elevator before landing on their feet this time when it stopped. 

The elevator door turned into a more ornate golden door with hieroglyphs on it. Ven opened the door to enter into a quiet, white, black and orange nursery with a young jackal headed woman crying silently in the corner of the room.

The two were slightly freaked out at the sight, but stepped inside and began looking around the room. The only thing they could really find were some children's toys and one baby's cot. "I don't know why... But I don't want to look in there." Nvr whispered, as Ven felt the same weirdly enough. 

But the two didn't have any other choice as they wearily peaked into the cot, seeing a sleeping baby with 3 different hound heads. They jumped back slightly as it began to cry in a deafening howl.

The Jackal quickly rushed over to the cot and began soothing the child, picking it up and helping it get back to sleep. The duo noticed that the blanket in the cot had fallen down a hole now inside it. "You reckon we have to..." 



The two muttered to each other before Ven took the initiative and leapt inside, with Nvr following behind as they fell through a void and emerged on the other side in a depressing yet ornate studio apartment filled with different historical pieces, overlooking Desires Domain, seeing the same young Jackal headed woman sitting alone, tinkering away on a revolver. 

"Huh... I don't get what this represents." Ven mumbled before a knock at the door was heard.

The jackal headed woman stopped her tinkering to open the door, seeing her beloved. "Ah... Bass. You finally came to visit?" She smirked as she welcomed her cat eared love inside. He laughed slightly as he scratched his brown hair. "You always know how to push my buttons..." He smirked, his tail brushing against her bare legs.

"So... How is our little one?" He asked as he sat down. Biz moved over to her work desk, hiding the gun in the draw before turning to Bass with a sigh. "The... The doctors say they won't make it past eight..."

He seemed upset for a moment, before giving her a comforting smile. "Well doctors aren't always right. And I'm the best one I know."

She looked at the floor for a moment before letting out a slight laugh, smiling lightly. "You're a psychiatrist. I barely count you as one." She said with a smirk, sitting next to him. "Maybe I should have married a business woman instead of a Biz-ness woman?" 

She sighed, just wanting to keep living in this single second for awhile longer, but was pulled from that fantasy by a phone call. "I've got to take this... Can you make sure they're sleeping alright?" Biz asked as she left for her room.

Once she was out of earshot, she kicked a compartment on her desk, revealing her weapons workbench covered in tools and pieces of weaponry that could rival an army with just one gun. She picked up her phone and said with a more calm, almost dead tone; "Mother... What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Get out of your apartment now!" Rat said with slight concern in her voice, confusing Biz. But Biz knew two things for certain about Rat. One: Rat hated the past. And two: When Rat sounded even slightly concerned, it means she should listen. 

Biz grabbed her revolver before quickly burst out of her room and instead of leaving, rushed towards her child's room. Before she could open the door, a loud cry of pain could be heard behind the door. She kicked open the door to see Bass lying dead on the floor and her child missing.

Biz froze at the sight, staring at the open window with a hollow stare, slowly looking out of it to see a feminine figure with a white veil over her face jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Biz took a cold, deep breath before unloading all 6 bullets towards the figure and managed to hit her.

She jumped out the with all her strength. Biz began chasing down the wounded figure, who had slowed down significantly to the point that Biz was able to catch up with her. She quickly loaded in a bullet before cornering the figure.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you now? Now... Give me back my kid." She said with a cold sigh, readying her trigger finger. But when the figure turned around, they had raised hands. 

"W-Where is #######?!" She yelled, but the figure didn't respond. Biz let out a howl before firing, only for an inky black substance stopped the bullet. She looked stunned, and tried to load in another round, but her revolver was knocked out of her hand by a tentacle.

She fell backwards as the figure darted away as a woman covered in zippers emerged from a puddle. "I'm sorry. But the person you are searching for is currently unavailable. Would you like me to leave a message?" She said in a cheery tone, confusing, angering and slightly scaring Biz.

"Give me ####### back!" She yelled, trying to grab her gun, only to feel nothing from her hand. She looked down to realise, her left arm was in the woman's hand. "That won't work. Please leave before I take you apart." 

Biz refused to listen, trying to grab her gun with her right arm, but refused to listen, going to grab the gun again. But once more, the zippered woman took her arm. Biz didn't even feel pain, as an inky substance was covering her limbs. 

The woman let out a sigh as she began making a call, seeming to be talking to her client. Biz tried using her mouth to grab the gun but the zippered woman kicked the gun away as hung up her phone. "It seems it is your lucky day, Anubiz. I'm not allowed to kill you. But Splice does need more limbs..."

The zippered woman quickly took Biz's legs with one quick swipe of her tentacles and stored her limbs inside her body. "I'll send a call for someone to come pick you up. Thank you for everything you have provided Splice." 

Biz powerlessly watched as the zippered woman faded into a puddle and disappeared. But was soon picked up by some guards of the Underbelly, getting her rescue. But at what cost.

"So you took Biz's weird kid and left her to die?" Ven asked with a glance as Nvr looked away in shame. "Splice said that she needed her child for a project. And Biz was the perfect target for them."

Ven sighed, not one to really judge. He had done some regrettable things, so didn't really care or judge. "Look, an elevator appeared. Let's just leave." He sighed, pointing toa door appearing out of thin air. 

"I... Don't tell people about this."

"I won't. I don't care."
