
Chapter 10: Artifact

I spend my week in the village. In this week, I learned that there are skills that can only be learned with practice. For example horse riding. I ask fendrel if there is a skill book for that and he said that you can't learn horse riding through skill book.

The moment I learned how to ride a horse I expect that a notification would appear but it never came. I also tried learning how to cook and found it the same as horse riding. Then I tried Blacksmithing.

Ding! Congratulation for becoming an apprentice blacksmith

So I concluded that those skills that don't need mana to maintain can't be learned through skill book and other cheat method but it must be learned through hard work.

So I spend another week, getting familiar with the village and the villagers while taking krea and ryia around the village and asking the villagers to teach them various skills like cooking and sewing, washing clothes. I also want them to learn a combat-related skill but they only know is swords and bows.

Sunset arrives and we went back to the mansion.

"fendrel" I called fendrel whose sitting in the couch while eating roasted chicken

"Yes master?" he answered and run in front of me while holding his chicken.

"I will leave tomorrow" after I said that the surrounding fell silent

"Where to?" fendrel ask nervously

"Where is the nearest kingdom here?"- I answered him with a question instead

"If you go with a horse, it will take about 9 months before you arrive in the Dragonov Kingdom."

"9 months? Isn't it way too far?"

"Master, maybe you don't know this but currently we are at the border of this world, and was named Wasteland. Since there are no minerals that can be mined here, the powerhouse of this world never takes an idea of building a kingdom in this place.

Only those slave traders are the one constantly coming to this place."

"9 months huh, well I don't have a choice anyway. So why is it called dragonov kingdom? Is it because there is a dragon residing there.

"Yes, there is, it is their contracted guardian beast. Rumors say that their founding king fought the dragon, it loses and submits to him for 10000 years"

"Ok you can go back eating"

"Merec" I called the village chief and told him to bring his wife and son to me

"Here they are master" he bowed to me respectfully

I cast a spell on the three

"Blood manipulation: Bloodline refinement."

After that the three suddenly trembles and their vampire aura suddenly increase

"Master?" merec look at me confusedly

"Don't worry, I just purified your bloodline and increase your rank from commoner into a knight so that you won't constantly crave for blood."

After realizing what I have done to them they suddenly thanked me.

"Ahh!" merec suddenly shout and I look at him, noticing my gaze he hurriedly said.

"Sorry master, I just suddenly remember something." He put his hand in his pocket and fetches a small crystal ball."

"I don't know what this is but ever since my first ancestor, it becomes our family heirloom. It even causes a kingdom annihilation that we have no choice but to relocate here." Merec gave me the crystal ball

I take a look and concentrate but nothing happened. When I was about to give it back to merec I saw my ring and taught of something

Ding! God class magic artifact detected! Analyzing compatibility, Analyzing completed.

User compatibility 100%, artifact spirit are requesting for assimilation yes/no

I subconsciously clicked the yes button.


1% 2% 3%.... 100%

Assimilation complete! Artifact merges with the user's soul.

Displaying artifact status

Name: Crystalized Uratan planet

Class: God

Durability: Indestructible

Skill: Inner planet manifestation, Vacuum

Description: An artifact forged by the Ancient gods in order to allow their worshipers to escape a great calamity!

Bound to Liam Anderson. Cannot be drop, trade and stolen.

Inner planet manifestation: Open a spiritual entrance into the user's Soul world.

Vacuum: Creates an adjustable vortex and enable an extreme suction force.

Destination: Soul world


The crystal ball suddenly shattered and turn into numerous dust

"Eh?" merec looked at me with a great confusion

After looking at the information, I look at the confused merec and make up a lie/

"Strange, the moment my mana touched its surface it suddenly cracked, do you have an idea? I ask merec

"No, I already tried it but nothing happened."

"Then, I think it's because of my mana huh. Forgive me merec, as a compensation I'll turn you into a 3rd class baron."

(Author's note: From now, every time someone become a baron. They will start into a 3rd class up to 1st class, for them to know the difference of new noble and old nobles. Of course, it also applies to the other ranks like viscount and earls.)

"Thank you very much master, it doesn't have use to us now anyway."

"Aleida, prepare a bath for me"

"As you wish master" Aleida answered with a slight grin her face.

I arrive at the bathroom and entered into it. I saw Aleida following behind with a towel covering her body.

"What are you doing?" I ask her nervously

"To help master wash his back" she answered with a smile on her face

"No need, I also need to be alone to think something" I said while trying to hold back my Divine weapon prototype mark II from standing up and taking a peek.

Aleida left without saying anything with a disappointed expression.

'Wuhhh! That was close, hey! Junior, she's already gone, so please calm down already and don't go berserk.' I pat my divine weapon and tried to calm him down

"Now then let's see what awaits me. Inner planet manifestation!"

After chanting, there is suddenly a blurry door in front of me. I open it and enter through it and saw what's inside.

What presents in front of me is a barren land. I roughly measured it and found that it was at least 30,000 m2 or 3 hectares.

Ding! You have entered your soul world.

Ding! Please set the appearance and name of the artifact spirit.

A window like game appears in front of my eyes, and then I set it up.

Name: Alice Ashdown

Title: Uratan Spirit

Age: 19 (The age set up by Liam, not her actual age)

Race: Elf

Owner: Liam Anderson