
R.O.A.N.G : Awakening

Rise. Of. A. New. God. When Raymond thought his life was all set, fate decided otherwise. Little does he know that his existence isn't as simple as he thinks. Without any warning, his reality is shattered and his world thrown upside down. Now Raymond has to battle with forces that defy logic, bend the rules as he knows them, defeat enemies that are seemingly unbeatable and all for what? Life was much easier when he was still an ordinary human. Can Raymond overcome his obstacles and change his fate or will he fail as is expected of everyone? Will his legend transcend everyone's expectations or will he be another statistic?

macleen · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
58 Chs

She is a Goddess

The two settled in his room after passing through security and him flashing his school ID. It felt weird. Having a member of the opposite sex in his room for the first time was one thing, having a goddess, if what she claimed was even true, was something else entirely.

"Can I get you something to drink, beer maybe?" Having nothing to say, he decided to opt for an excuse to keep himself busy.

"Beer will be fine; do you mind if I sit here?" She asked innocently that he almost tripped. Just thirty minutes ago Ray was sure he was about to have his hands wrapped around her neck.

"Not at all." He replied as he went through his freezer.

He was glad his roommate went for sleep over at his girlfriend's. He didn't feel like explaining the situation he was in. Events kept piling up on him ever since his arrest that night. He got out two bottles from the mini freezer his roommate received as a gift and joined the quite beautiful goddess sitting on his favorite couch, watching his every move.

He handed her the beer and sat on the other couch. "Where did Adrastea go?"

"Is that what you really want to know?" She smiled at him. She had perfect teeth and whiter than he thought possible.

"I don't know. What am I?" He adjusted his posture to a more comfortable position.

"I still don't have the proper term to define you other than tell you. You have quite a lot power in you than you can imagine."

"An alien?"

"You wish," Athena smiled.

"A demigod?" It was the only other guess that made sense to Raymond since he was after all, talking to a goddess.

"No. You weren't sired by any god or goddess, and neither were you sired by both…or swallowed before birth. You are quite unique." Again, she smiled, and he had to bite his tongue just so not return her infectious smile.

"The closest word I could think of is incarnate. You're also your own individual with someone else's power residing in you, but you still qualify as its original owner. Think of it this way, you inherited his power and pretty much made it your own, and now its manifesting itself."

"Wait for a second, whose power did I inherit and what happened to him? Aren't you guys supposed to be immortal, at least from what the myths describe?" He switched his posture again, this time he leaned forward.

"That would be Zeus. We were, at least until a few decades ago. Something happened that made us all vulnerable. As it stands now, we can all die. And stop calling us myths, we're very much real." She finished with a scowl.

"So, I can live my life peacefully without you guys interfering since I'm no Zeus?" Raymond breathed a sigh and took a large swig.

"I don't think it's that simple. My father Zeus was killed for a reason. There's nothing that will stop his killers from coming after you in fear that you may have been reincarnated, or they may be planning against you just in case you show up." Athena had a slight pause as if recalling a lost memory before continuing,

"There have been only rumors that there is a human who has the power of the gods. Right now, your identity is a secret, but as you make waves by pulling off stunts like what you were about to do earlier, it won't take long before they take notice of you."

"So, what, they are just going to kill me for existing?" He frowned. "You just said it yourself. I'm not Zeus."

"I did, but that's just my opinion. Probably every god and supernatural will think you're nothing else but their king's incarnate. As to the kind of king you will be, will depend on how you treated them in your old life. Therefore, you can expect either hostility or hospitality."

"So, what now?"

"I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, Raymond." Athena smiled.

"What if I get attacked?" he frowned.

"Then you'll have to defend yourself. I won't be your personal bodyguard on the clock. I have things to do like you will, not for long. If it makes you feel any better, chances of you getting attacked are fifty-fifty.

"No one would want to gauge your power level at this moment unless they are sure they will come out on top. So, there's that." Finishing her beer. "I hope I've shed some light as to what is currently happening to you."

She stood up and placed the empty can on the table before switching her gaze to find him staring at her.


"You're not exactly what I pictured as a goddess. You act completely human."

"I thought that would be normal from a human's perspective, as you slowly integrate into divinity."

"What if I don't want any of this, I want to be left alone?"

"Well, even if we could, how long do you think you will last with the humans? When you start doing things that you shouldn't be able to do. What happens when you stop aging or start popping around demigods?" For the first time since they met, she frowned.

"What should I do then?"

"Enjoy your life as a human as much as you can, but know that your body is changing, every minute, every hour, and every day. Sooner or later you will hurt someone by just getting a little annoyed at them. Then you'll have to start hiding."

"I've lived as a human all my life without any incident." He said, more to reassure himself on his situation rather than argue his stand.

"That was because we protected you." Raymond's head shot up to stare at Athena. "Yes, the nuns you so thought aren't really nuns. And also, much of Zeus' life when growing up isn't impressive. Do you know why? Because he started coming into his powers when he was an adult. You're eighteen.

"Your abilities are gradually manifesting, but with power surges like the ones you've had, you could speed up the process entirely."

"What power surges?" Raymond felt a bit distressed.

"I think you know what I'm talking about. Now I will be going. One more thing." She said before turning to face him, "tell that stupid Centaur to remember why he's here."

"Centaur?" But Athena disappeared before it clicked in his mind.

It was now dawning on him just how much of his life he had no control over. Raymond was slightly pissed, but at his current state of exhaustion he just dropped on his sofa and blacked out.