
R in Nethoria

The story about a girl in the world Nethoria. An unknown god of The Universe and a forgotten God of Nethoria. Uncovered truth in the history of the seven God of Nethoria. The MC will be mysteriously connected to the unknown god. She once failed to slay the last and final god that she thought he would be but her failure led her to death. Somehow she was sent back to her certain age. Then with the knowledge of her last timeline, what difference can she make?

Its_Rei · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Darkness and Night

The next day,

Rei arrived at the bottom of the mountain and shouted " Sikhi, I'm here as you want. I'm here to bring you and Sun."

"I didn't expect you to come yourself. So tell me. Why should I come with you? How sure are you that you'll succeed this time?" Sikhi walked around Rei and asked.

"You wouldn't know what I had to suffer before this life. You wouldn't know how hard it is to lose everyone. You just can see the other timelines. You can't feel it. So have some faith in me and come with me." Rei's voice was full of emotions.

" You have to prove me. You're worth a shot." Sikhi released his Holy aura.

"You might be a demi-god. But you can't escape from one thing." Rei shouted through the fight of Auras.

"What?" Sikhi replied.

"Death!" Rei's aura overwhelmed Sikhi's. Sikhi falls onto his butt.

Rei walked towards Sikhi and give a hand to Sikhi. "I won't let anything happen like the last timeline. I don't want any of you to leave. I'm sure we can do this time."

Sikhi took Rei's hand and got up. "Release!" The mountain prison was lifted from Sun.

"Arghhh My back! My back!... See. Didn't I tell you she will come? "

"Yeah Yeah, Whatever. I really don't want to evolve in Human Affair but just because of Rei, I'll be your ally." Sikhi stuck his hand together and chant something. "I'm Buddha, for peace, Neither do I fight nor do I hate. But in thy name of Rei, I shall find peace within people after facing a hard cruel ship"

Just at that moment, Sikhi ended his chanting, and a golden dragon aura flew around in the air. Then Sikhi continued but no one could hear.

The golden dragon aura became a sold golden head bang and was placed on Sun.

"Hey? What's the deal? I can feel my aura feinting." Sun said confused.

" You will know later. Now let's go, Rei." Sikhi told Rei and started walking towards Merlinhaven's direction.

"Hey! Take this off. It's really uncomfortable!" Sun jumped on and on and followed them.

On the other side,

Cratos got to the place Rei mentioned, the Monument of Seal.

Cratos went down till he reached the 100th floor. Every floor was full of monsters waiting for him.

He finally reached the 100th floor. He noticed this was the widest room he had encountered. He even remarked on this as another dimension.

He looked around and finally found the boy hung by the chains. He's not alone.

He's as huge as Cratos. Maybe that guy's even bigger than Cratos. Even if his height is not 8 feet, he is not less than 7 and a half feet.

"Hummmm... Impressive for someone who can't even wield arts. What do you desire from me to come all the way here?" the giant guy said in a thundering voice.

Cratos pointed at the boy. "I do not demand any longing from you. but him."

The giant guy squinted at the boy and Cratos alternately, "Do you know who I am? You don't want to mess with me. I'm in a good mood now. Consider this your lucky day. Shuu shuu"

Cratos insisted. "I won't leave if I can't bring him with me. And it doesn't matter who you are. If you don't let me take the boy, I'll make you regret it."

"Well, I like your spirit. I, Erebos, the god of Darkness and Night praised your foolishness or courage whatever. Now come at me." Erebos spread his dark wing.

The clash between Cratos and Erebos, the god of shadow, was long overdue. As the two gods approached each other, the tension in the air was palpable. Cratos held his blades of madness at the ready, while Erebos summoned his shadowy tendrils to encircle him.

With a roar, Cratos charged toward Erebos, who responded by launching a barrage of shadowy projectiles toward him. Cratos deftly dodged each one and swung his blades toward Erebos, who effortlessly dodged them with his speed and agility.

The two continued to exchange blows, their weapons colliding with a thunderous clash. Cratos unleashed a flurry of attacks, each one more powerful than the last, but Erebos seemed to absorb them effortlessly. Erebos then countered with a powerful blast of shadow energy, sending Cratos flying backward.

As Cratos recovered, Erebos approached him, his eyes glowing with malevolent power. Cratos retaliated with a powerful strike, but Erebos effortlessly dodged it and retaliated with a swift kick to Cratos' stomach.

As the battle wore on, both of them were beginning to tire. Cratos knew he needed to end the fight quickly, so he unleashed a devastating flurry of attacks, each one fueled by his rage and determination.

As the battle between Cratos and Erebos raged on, the god of shadow seemed to be losing his grip on the fight. Despite his best efforts, Cratos' Blades of Madness were tearing through Erebos' defenses, causing the god of shadow to retreat further and further into the shadows. Cratos emerged, his blades glowing with a fierce red light.

But just as it seemed that victory was within Cratos' grasp, Erebos revealed his ultimate form. A shroud of darkness enveloped the god, and when it lifted, Erebos had transformed into a towering, monstrous figure.

Cratos was taken aback by the sudden change, but he didn't let his guard down. He charged forward, his blades at the ready, but he soon found that his attacks were barely making a dent in Erebos' new form. The god of shadow had become almost impervious to damage, and Cratos was quickly forced onto the defensive.

The battle raged on for what seemed like hours, with neither side gaining a clear advantage. Cratos was battered and bruised, his blades chipped and broken, but he refused to give up. He had to defeat Erebos, no matter the cost.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Cratos saw an opening. Erebos had momentarily lowered his guard, and Cratos seized the opportunity. He leaped forward, his blades aimed straight at Erebos' heart.

Erebos tried to defend himself, but it was too late. Cratos' blades found their mark, and the god of shadow was vanquished with a final burst of energy.

Cratos fell to his knees, exhausted but victorious. He had defeated one of the most powerful gods in existence, Leviathan Gods.

It proved that Cratos didn't get his name from his past life, God Killer for nothing. He passed out on the point.