These stories are from Literotica and other sources. Please note none of the stories are mine but of friends and of people that I've asked.
For reasons of Webnovel, all people in this fictional story are over eighteen. so enjoy. 😀
Stephanie was completely heartbroken; even though we were 200 miles apart I could almost see the tears running down her soft cheeks as she spoke to me on the phone. Her boyfriend of just a few months decided to ask another girl to the Senior Prom. It was late in the afternoon when she called me; I was not surprised to be the first to hear the news. Stephanie is my very dear sister, we are inseparable. We are 14 months apart in age; and grew up much more than close siblings or even best friends.
Our father left the family when we were too young to understand what was going on. Our mom works hard and has guided us through every adversity we have ever faced. Mom is too incredible to believe; Stephanie and I totally love and respect her. Mom brought us up to be self-sufficient and to rely on each other for moral and emotional support. Stephanie and I share absolutely everything with each other.
Dad sought a new life, but he did leave behind a very nice house in a great neighborhood; all we ever missed was having a father around. We both have our own rooms, and in between is a shared bathroom with a soaking tub, shower, two sinks, and a private toilet. Needless to say we grew up very comfortable being totally naked with each other and never thought about changing things as we got older.
As youngsters we ended up sleeping together whenever we chose. Usually this happened when one of us would be reading a story to the other at bedtime. We cuddled often and confided our secrets to each other. We shared kisses you might expect from close siblings; and we're not shy about hugging each other in private or in public.
Last fall I could not wait to go home for her 18th Birthday. We celebrated her Birthday on a weekend so I would be home. That Saturday morning, I vividly remember Stephanie jumping out of the shower while I was shaving. The mirror was a little foggy, not that bad though, I could make out her very feminine features quite well as she dried off. That was the first time I ever made a comment to her about how incredibly beautiful she was, and even told her she had become rather sexy.
With that she dropped her towel to the floor and walked over closer to me. Then slowly, with the grace of a ballerina, Stephanie turned around so I could see everything up close. Her soft words were heartwarming for me to hear.
"Thank you, Scott! I really wanted to hear that from you."
Stephanie then stood on her towel while at her sink completely naked as she dried her hair and applied the subtle make-up she uses. As always, we chatted away while I finished my job at hand; then I playfully snapped my towel at her very perfect little butt as I stepped into the shower. Her response to my towel snap was a large glass of cold water being tossed over the top of the shower!
Chapter One -- More about the Call
Our phone call that late afternoon became one of the deepest conversations we had ever shared. Stephanie confided she was terribly hurt but not completely surprised that Blake moved on so quickly without even so much as a proper break-up. After a month of flirting, they went on several dates, and she started to feel close to him. He became more sensitive to her thoughts and she explained to him would have be to me in disguise when it comes to having a completely honest relationship.
The end of the relationship came when Mom was out for the evening with her sister, Aunt Diane. Blake came over and Stephanie thought a hot make out session was in order. Blake's intensions were much more involved. Stephanie had submitted to losing her blouse and bra; but she did not feel the relationship was ready for sex. Her virginity meant something special to her and she wanted to wait until she knew the relationship was solid. Blake left soon after being told no.
After hearing this I was again so very proud of her. She has her standards and was not going to be bullied into having sex just for the sake of having sex.
"If only he had hung around for the Prom! Who knows brother, I might have lost my virginity like you did last year!"
"Hold on darling sister, stop making assumptions you know nothing about."
"You and Kathy had been dating for six months, it made sense to me that you finally took the plunge."
"Stephanie, as I recall you were cold as ice to me for weeks after the Prom last year, we really didn't speak."
"I love you big brother, but you never shared any of the details with me. I was mad."
"Kathy and I had been struggling with the entire issue of realizing we were going to different Colleges. A long distance relationship was not going to work and we knew it. We went to the Prom together but the distance was already crushing us."
"So, are you telling me you're still a virgin?"
"God, sometimes I wish we weren't so close Stephanie. This is really a very embarrassing moment for me."
"To bad! I am starting to feel so much better about everything!"
The tears from an hour earlier had been replaced by her sensitive giggles and her playful nature. My embarrassment faded and my love for Stephanie overshadowed anything that had been said that night. We once again fell into the place we both cherish so much in our relationship. I told her if I was home, she would be getting a much needed hug and kiss from her brother. She responded with a sweet loving kiss over the phone.
Chapter Two -- Our Nightly Calls Continued
The hardest part about leaving home to attend college was missing Stephanie as much as I did. She felt the same way. From my first day away we have spoken two or three times a day. Most are playful calls; we share our thoughts and feelings like we still lived together. That is why I knew I was the first to know about the Prom. We end each call with a soft meaningful: I love you.
Once her Prom issue was in the rear view mirror, Stephanie decided she wanted to discover more details surrounding my Prom night. I could hear a certain tone in her voice whenever she brought it up. Then I remembered how she acted after my Prom when she thought I had taken the plunge. Could it be we both harbored some jealousy towards others getting too close to one of us?
My Friday dates were now long phone calls with my sister. We enjoyed these calls more than any other part of our week. Her playfulness made me laugh, and the calls began to get more erotic. Then one Friday I asked if she missed me every morning in the bathroom when she would be getting ready for school.
"Of course I do Scott. Remember my birthday when I came out of the shower and you told my how sexy I had become."
"True statement Stephanie. I never even thought about what I was saying, it just came out."
"You made me feel incredible. I could not help but walk over to you and spin around so you could see every part of my body."
"If you weren't my sister, I would not have let that go without taking advantage of the situation. Your body is to die for."
"Please know Scott, seeing you naked all the time is something I miss the about you being so far away."
"Damn Steph, I'm going to need a long cold shower after our call."
With that exchange our daily calls moved beyond the superficial things going on in our lives. We talked more about both of us missing out on what she termed "Prom Privileges". At least now we both knew we were virgins and she did not have to think about the sad ending to my Prom. She became more open when it came to sharing her thoughts on sex. The subject was available anytime she wanted to discuss it.
Chapter Three -- Stephanie's Big Surprise
My sister has always been one who could come out of nowhere with the biggest surprises. One Saturday morning while I was getting ready to get to the library; I got a ding on my phone, a text from Stephanie. It simply said:
"Remembering what you once told me, and thinking about you."
Before I could send a reply a second ding came through. It was a picture; a picture that knocked me off my feet. Stephanie was in our bathroom completely naked looking into the mirror.
I did not put the phone down or even try to look away; I was spellbound. All 5'2" of my sister was staring into my eyes through the reflection in the mirror. Her long wavey light brown hair was running down her back side, so nothing was hidden. Her smile was simple and her green eyes sparkled. Her breasts were very perky; perfect c-cups, and her nipples were hard with excitement. Gazing down further her little belly button dove inward in a very attractive manner.
Still lower she had gone from a tiny beautifully groomed landing strip, to being completely bald. Her soft firm thighs glistened from the moisturizer she had already applied. My sister was more than hot, more than sexy, more than beautiful. She looked like a goddess wanting to be taken. My thoughts went wild, I could not control the flashes going past my eyes. Spellbound is all I could say to describe my thoughts.
DING! "Well Scott, does the cat have your fingers all frozen up, lol!"
Even typing was hard, but I tried.
"Stephanie, I have seen you naked our entire lives, but this photo is more erotic than anything I have ever seen."
DING! "Glad you finally took note big brother."
We spent the next several minutes texting back and forth. The conversation was hot, for the first time in my life my sister was making me harder than I had ever experienced. We teased each other, pushed every little button we could find. Then a ringtone chimed in, it was the one I purposely selected just for Stephanie. I immediately took her call.
"I've moved to my bedroom Scott."
I wasted no time; I went directly to my bedroom in the apartment.
"I'm now in my bedroom also."
"I love you Scott, I miss you so much, I wish you were in my bed right now, laying naked with me."
"Oh God Steph, I would be kissing you all over your body."
"I know you must be so hard Scott; I want so badly to wrap my fingers around your cock and watch your face as I bring unlimited pleasure to your body."
"I would glide down your perfect body baby and let my tongue caress your completely bare pussy. I would not stop until your body exploded with pleasure you have never known."
"Don't stop Scott, wrap you hand around your cock and believe it is mine. My finger is pushing deep into my pussy for you."
I did as Stephanie instructed. Our whispers back and forth encouraged each other to pleasure ourselves, yet it felt like she was the one pleasing me.
"I love you Stephanie, I want to feel your warm virgin body squeezing tightly around my cock."
"Push your cock in deeper Scott, you feel so hard, so thick, so manly. I love you so much baby!"
"Stephanie, I cumming. Please cum with me love."
"Oh god Scott, UUUUHHHHHGGGG!"
Our phones got lost on our beds and we pleased ourselves in a way we had never before experienced. I ended up with cum over my belly and sheets. Stephanie's sheets were beyond moist, they were soaked with her own sex juices. Screams filled our bedrooms, then soft erotic moans slowly took over our senses.
I continued to slowly stroke myself as we whispered back and forth. Our lives were now changed forever, we both knew it. We both wanted it to be this way; we struggled to pull ourselves together. That phone call continued for another hour or so.
Chapter 4 -- Still Another Surprise Phone Call
"Scott, did I catch you at a good time?"
"Of course mom, anytime you call is a good time!"
"Smart answer son! I'm proud of how I brought your up, lol!"
"What's up mom?"
Mom took over the conversation. She and Aunt Diane had planned their annual sister's get away months ago and mom never really looked at the calendar prior. Turns out that weekend was the same weekend as what was supposed to be Stephanie's Prom. Mom asked Dad to come to town and be around to support Stephanie and spend some quality father/daughter time together.
Dad had other plans, he always does, so he passed on the opportunity. I was glad to hear that. Quality time with dad never happened for either of us: he was into his new life and we became just as distant.
"Mom, Stephanie has never said a word to me about being alone that weekend. That is not like her. What is going on?"
"I think she is still recovering from Blake being so cruel. The past few weeks she has been in a daze, almost zombie like."
"She has been so delightful on the phone mom; I am surprised to be hearing this."
"Well you two have always lived in your own private little world Scott. She simply snaps out of her funk after you two have spoken. But then later she slides right back in."
"So it boils down to me calling her and letting her know I am coming home for that weekend, or should I just surprise her and show up?"
"Once again son, I am so proud of the way I brought you up, lol! Just call her!"
"I'll call her right after she gets out of school; she needs to know I want to be at her side. You know I love her mom; I can't let her sulk a weekend away."
Chapter 5 -- Calling Stephanie!
"Stephanie! I have great news, my study group session got cancelled for next weekend. I can't wait to come home and see you!"
I had to lay my phone down as the shrieking sounds coming out were too powerful for my ears to bare.
"Baby, calm down, my ears are in pain, lol!"
"Scott, I really wanted you home next weekend, but I was afraid to pull you away from prepping for your finals."
"I love you Stephanie, I really want to be with you. I know this was supposed to be your Prom weekend."
"It will be now brother! You're going to take me out on a date and we can celebrate like it is our Prom!"
"Better yet little sister, why don't we join your posse, it will be like old times. Brad told me he was going home to take Sara to the prom, you and Sara have been besties forever. Oh god Stephanie, this could be a blast!"
"Damn right Scott. Gotta go brother. Mom and I have some serious shopping to do. I promise nothing over the top Prom like, but I want something special that looks perfect."
Suddenly I was cut-off; her phone went silent. Then, it all set in and I started to feel warm goose bumps going down my back.
Later that evening I got yet another all from Mom. She could not stop thanking me for coming home next weekend, and adding the Prom on top of that! Stephanie was over her cloudy, moody, depressed state. She was once again glowing with life. I was happy, my sister means everything to me, and I always want her to be in a happy place.
It seemed like Stephanie and I spoke every hour the rest of that week. We were planning the best Prom two people could ever enjoy. She and Mom had an incredible time shopping for her dress. They also picked out every accessory a proper lady would want to go with the dress. They also picked out my Tux! It seemed like all I had to do was to show up at home and be ready to have fun.
Chapter 6 -- Driving Home
The excitement that built while I was driving home went beyond description. I actually felt like I was going on the date of my life that night, with the most incredible woman I have ever known. And all of that was true! I was going to the Prom with my sister! I have always loved her more than I can explain, and I have always felt the same in return from her.
As the miles kept passing by, my arrival time seemed to be pushed further away; my mind was totally concentrated on seeing Stephanie. When the driveway suddenly came to focus, I woke up from my fog and realize I was home. I saw Stephanie's car parked in her usual spot and I parked next to her car.
The front door of the house suddenly flew open and Stephanie came running out to greet me. As I stood up outside of my car, she sprang up in the air and landed all over me! We both laughed hard as she hung on wrapped around my body.
"Not letting go until you carry me back into the house Scott."
With that we shared one of our lovingly sweet kisses and slowly made our way to the house. Once inside I gently set her down and we could not stop talking to each other, catching up on every detail of the night in front of us. Sara broke up our conversation with a phone call checking in to see if I had made it home yet.
After a while it was time to start to get ready for the Prom. Stephanie made me promise not to look into her room and see her dress until she was ready to model it for me. I was amused by that as I stood naked in front of my mirror shaving while she was totally naked in the shower. Some things just never change, and honestly, I was not about to change anything we have always shared anyway.
But there certainly was a different feeling going on this time. When I heard the shower being turned off, I watched as she reached for towel just outside of the shower. I could see her drying herself off in the shower, unlike before when she would stand outside and chat with me. When she was finished, she wrapped the towel around her body and then came out.
As she stepped out our eyes came together quietly. Our faces were full of expression, a new expression. We walked towards each in a way different than we ever experienced in the past. As we got close Stephanie reached up and dropped her towel, no ballerina spin this time, she gently pressed her beautiful young breasts into my chess as we wrapped our arms around each other and enjoyed a kiss that changed everything.
When we broke our kiss, we smiled at each other and then dove in for one more kiss. Her skin felt like soft warm velvet, we caressed each other's back as our bodies gently swayed together. While we both were excited, our bodies did not expose our intentions for later that evening. That was an amazing kiss, it was pure love for each other, lust was not yet going to take over our senses.
Chapter 7 -- Gathering for the Prom
Within an hour the entire posse gathered at our house. Stephanie waited for everyone to show up before finally enchanting me with her very well planned out entrance. The living room suddenly went silent, painfully silent, as Stephanie walked into the room. Once more she spun around like a ballerina and broke out in laughter!
God she was beautiful. I remember once telling her what the perfect dress would look like on her. She nailed it! Soft chiffon in color, one shoulder exposed, the line from her other shoulder crossed her breasts while another line came around from her back and dove in under the first right between her breasts. Her back was bare and I could obviously see there was no way she could be wearing a bra. The lines continued down to her tiny waist and rounded gently over her petite hips. That curve was perfect.
The dress then rode down her thighs just beyond her knees, but a slit came up the opposite side of her bare shoulder exposing one thigh. Somehow it projected something other than sexy, it seemed to catch her nature beauty, and also her sparkling personality. A huge applause filled the room and everyone started to chatter away.
A Limo Bus came and took us on our great adventure! We had all been friends for such a long time the atmosphere was electric. Dinner went by faster than I realized and soon we were headed to the main attraction! Once there Stephanie grabbed my hand and swiftly moved us to the dance floor. We have always enjoyed dancing together and this night was our best ever. I don't think we sat for more than a minute or two the entire evening.
It must have been our second slow dance when we started whispering things into each other's ear. It started with Stephanie reminding me of our one very sensual phone call just a short while ago. I told her it was the only sensual phone call I have ever experienced. She confided the same for her with a wicked little giggle. Her playful side continued to build our excitement.
Whispering again in my right ear, just after gently teasing my ear with her tongue. "Scott remember my comment about Prom Privileges?" Along with that comment came a gentle press of her hips into my body as we held each other tightly.
"Stephanie, are you going to be making me take a very long cold shower when we get home?"
"If you want to Scott. But I would hope your intentions would be very different."
"Are we insane, or is this something we are really ready for?"
"I'm totally ready for this Scott. We have the house to ourselves tonight."
"You know I want so desperately to drive my lips deep into yours this very moment Stephanie, but that will have to wait until we get dropped off at home."
"In the meantime Scott, you should know you were right, there is no way this dress would allow me to wear a bra. So I also decided no panties too!"
"Uuuuummmm, how should I say this... two virgins..... and all night to enjoy Prom Privileges!"
Chapter 8 -- Arriving Back Home
It was funny listening to the other couples in the Limo Bus making alluring comments about their plans. As you would expect they had hideaways all planned out for themselves. We simply were going to be dropped off at home and their celebration we going to move on to more private accommodations.
We gave everyone a pleasant hug goodbye and innocently stepped off the Limo Bus, then turned to wave to them as they drove away. Finally alone, I grabbed my sister standing right there is our front yard, spun her around gently, and drove my lips deep into hers. Stephanie was not shy and she slid her tongue into my mouth. I was hoping it was so late that the neighbors were all in bed as my hands slid down her front and I caressed her firm young breasts while enjoying the taste of her tongue.
"Please Scott, we need to get inside before I rip this dress off and have you make love to me here in the front yard!"
"Sorry dear, but when we get inside, I'm the one who gets to rip off your dress!"
"Actually Scott, remember just before we climbed into the Limo Bus I had to suddenly go back into the house for my purse? Well I have a very special surprise for you waiting inside. I want you to go to your bedroom and make sure you have our bed ready. I will invite you into our bathroom when I'm ready."
We walked hand in hand to our bedrooms, we stopped at her door and gave each other several loving kisses, then she walked into her bedroom and closed the door behind her. As I checked everything in my bedroom and pulled the covers back properly I heard the water running in our tub. When the water turned off I heard her sweet delicate voice.
"Please Scott, come in."
I cautiously, very gently opened the door to our bathroom. The light was dim, and it dawned on me that the room was only lit by candlelight. My eyes were drawn to our two person soaking tub filled to the brim with fragrant bubbles foaming at the top. I saw Stephanie laying still, very quietly, looking directly into my eyes. On the ledge was a bottle of Champaign with two empty glasses.
"So glad you could join me, Scott."
"God Stephanie, we have shared a thousand baths together, but this one is a total surprise to me in the best kind of way!"
"Why don't you pour us a glass of Champaign; then I want to watch you take off all of your clothes and slide into our warm tub."
Being the perfect gentleman as my mom brought me up to be, I walked over, sat on the ledge and poured each of us a glass of Champaign. I couldn't help but glance into the bubbles as I poured. Protruding out of the bubbles I saw Stephanie's perfect pink, rock hard nipples hitting the cool hair beyond the warmth of the water. When I passed the filled glass to her, she sat up enough to expose her entire breasts.
"Scott, you have seen enough, my turn, I want to see more."
"Yes, sister, as you command!"
So began the process of my first ever strip tease. I reached down to the buttons of my tux shirt and slowly removed it from my body. I could feel my blood rushing to my manly member, and I thought I should hide what I am feeling. Then I was overwhelmed by the experience of wanting my sister to see how she truly affects me. I removed my slacks and walked over near to her. Looking deep into her eyes, I reached for my briefs and seductively slid them down.
My rigid cock bounced close her as she sipped her Champaign with her right hand. Her left hand then emerged from the bubbles and gently wrapped around my exposed shaft.
"God Scott, you feel more incredible than I expected."
Chapter 9 -- Enjoying our Tub Together
Once in the tub, sitting opposite of Stephanie who was also submerged, our legs found their way perfectly until mine were outside of hers, and her legs were riding in between mine, with her feet resting on my chest. We just rested quietly and sipped our champaign.
I gently raised her foot to my lips and tenderly kissed her toes. We have always enjoyed taking baths together, but this was the first time our minds were in a different place. I loved hearing her soft giggle as I kissed her toes. Then she pulled them away and floated over towards me, her eyes fixed on mine. I felt her naked breasts as they gently caressed my chest while her lips closed nearer to mine.
We have kissed each other a thousand times, but this kiss was very different. We also held each other differently. Our bodies slid about in the bubbles with ease as she floated on the surface. Her nipples were inflamed, and so too was my manhood. I was not shy about letting her feel how excited I was being this close to her, while tasting her lips like never before. My hands reached down her back and I grasped her perfectly smooth butt, caressing firmly, but in a tender way.
Our bodies instinctively pressed into each other as our kisses became deeper and deeper. I hesitated a little, but finally I pressed my tongue against her lips. Stephanie opened her lips and I tasted her mouth for the first time. She responded by gliding her tongue to mine and our tongues danced together as lovers prefer. When we broke our kiss to catch our breaths, we share our feelings again.
"I love you, Scott."
"You have always been my everything Stephanie, I love you baby."
We rolled on our sides and floated together; kissing deeply but calmly. I felt her fingers as they once again approached my hard cock. She broke from our kiss and her eyes looked down towards her goal. My eyes followed as she wrapped her tiny fingers around my thick manly member.
"Oh god Steph!"
"Shhhhhhh Scott. Just let me caress you."
Stephanie gradually brought her eyes back to mine, and as she began to slowly stroke me, very softly. I was excited by this, but it was different than what I would normally expect. I just conceded myself to her, I was comforted by her touch, the pleasure was truly remarkable. I did not feel the incredible need to cum, I just wanted to enjoy the feel of my sister being so open and I also wanted her to explore her own feelings as well.
When she gently let loose of my cock, I rolled her under me and began to slide down her very toned body. She placed her hands on my face, then my hair as I continued to glide down her belly until my body fell between her firm thighs. My eyes never left her gaze as I moved my mouth closer and closer to her smooth bald flower. My chin fell between her thighs and my tongue slid over her perfect pink flower.
Her gasp of pleasure was quickly followed by the tightening of her thighs around my head. Her fingers ran gently through my hair as I kissed and licked her petals. My fingers found their way into the feast and they began to caress her folds as my tongue drove into her clit.
"Good lord Scott!"
Then I heard moans of delight, her body swayed in unison with my licking and probing. I held her tight with my hands and brought her more pleasure than she had ever imagined or experienced.
I quietly whispered to her. "Concentrate on your pleasure Stephanie, close your eyes and let me focus completely on indulging you with my desires."
"I'm cumming Scott! Push in deeper with your tongue."
Her body shattered with pleasure again an again. Her thighs continued to squeeze tighter around my head with every pulse of pleasure. Her fingers pulled on my hair in a firm but gentle way. I could feel her pulse as her heart was pumping hard and fast. I slowly continued to lick her pedals softly as I let her come back to reality from the most perfect orgasm she had ever experienced.
It seemed like hours but it was only a few minutes before she started to relax and float in the tub. We rolled on our sides once again and softly kissed each other. Our fingers were gently running over each other's naked body. We were not in a rush; this whole weekend was too important for both of us. Finally we both stood and I grabbed her towel. She turned her back and I dried her back first, then patted her long hair where it had gotten wet. When she turned to face me, I wasted no time running the towel over every part of her very sexy body.
The quiet soft moans I heard when I dried her naked breasts brought goose bumps down my back. The gasps I heard when I placed my fingers on her bare flower brought shivers down her body as she kept her hands placed on my shoulders. We had grown up always seeing each other naked, but this night our bodies were experiencing a new pleasure.
When Stephanie stepped out of the tub, I followed, still wet, and knelt before her and started drying her legs. When I finish that task, I leaned forward to kiss her tasty flower. My shoulders felt a pinch as she stood still and enjoyed the pleasure of that kiss. Then I stood, smiling cheerfully, and once again tasted my sister's lips against mine. Stephanie then grabbed a fresh towel and started to dry me off. She enjoyed caressing me all over and I could not hold back the moans of pleasure especially as she took her time with my rock hard member. After she completely dried me off, I placed my hand on the small of her back and guided her towards my bedroom.
Chapter 10 -- Stephanie's Thoughts
Feeling my brother's fingertips gently pressing the small of my naked back as he directed me towards his waiting bed was reassuring. I had long ago lost any inhibition or hesitation about what we were going to do. My heart was confident and my soul was comforted by his sensitive touch. When we reached the side of his bed I made no effort to stop, I simply slid my body onto his bed and rolled on my back. I reached my fingers up to his hand and guided him onto our bed.
The feel of his naked body next to mine as each of us laid on our sides to embrace was a sensation beyond any expectation I ever had about the moment I was going to lose my virginity. Our lips locked and our tongues danced passionately. I felt his hands squeezing my ass until he gently pressed my hips to guide me on my back. Our lips stayed together as he reached up to caress my inflamed breasts. His touch sent a wave of thrilling passion through my entire body.
"Scott I can't wait any longer. My body wants to explode. Please make love to me now!"
Scott did not heed my request; he placed his lips on my left nipple and began to suckle as his hand caressed my other breast. I could feel the intense pleasure of his tongue and lips as he devoured each breast in tasty delight. My body was craving for more yet he continued to kiss my naked skin as he slid his fingers to my yearning virgin pussy. I started to beg, I needed to feel his erect cock in my pussy. My begging starting to become more desperate, my words started to drive both of us deeper into the unknown. I began to beg with words I ever dreamed I would say.
"I need your cock Scott. Please stop teasing and drive your cock deep into my pussy!"
"Your demands are starting to drive me crazy my love."
"You want my pussy Scott, just admit it and fuck me!"
"My dirty little sister is going to be my dirty little slut tonight!"
He drove his finger into my virgin slit as his lips once again closed in on my mouth. We kissed deeply, our tongues smashing into each other's, our bodies clinging tightly. He then broke off our kiss and stared directly into my eyes as his finger was now two fingers gliding in and out of my soaking pussy.
"My dirty little slut wants to be fucked hard."
"Yes, I'm begging for your cock Scott. I want to be your perfect baby slut. My virgin pussy is yours tonight, total Prom Privileges"
"You are on the pill dear, that means I'm going to do more than fuck you, you are going to feel every seed waiting my balls when they explode inside your tight little pussy."
He pulled his fingers from my dripping pussy and demanded that I spread my legs far apart. I loved watching as he slid down to inspect my bald pussy and kiss it softly before he threw his body on top of me.
"You perfect nasty little slut, how does it feel to have my throbbing cock sliding between your naked thighs?"
"I crave the feel your manly cock Scott. I love how your body tightens up every time you call me a slut."
He then placed the head of his rock hard cock at my wet opening. I nervously moaned but stayed still, waiting for that first plunge that I knew was going to be painful.
"Yes Scott, I'm ready to be fucked like the little whore you need tonight. Don't be afraid, tear my pussy with your cock."
Scott had suddenly rammed every inch of his thick member completely into my pussy with one large forceful thrust. I wrapped my legs around his muscular body to hold him in deep and my arms pulled the rest of his body tight to my mine. We were now locked together and neither of us were going to let go.
"Stay still Stephanie, give your body time to adjust. I promise the pain we gently transform into pleasure. I won't move again until your body is ready for more."
The feel of my brother's cock solidly planted in my pussy began to overwhelm the initial thrust of pain. My heart was pounding with passion and desire. His cock was throbbing and I could feel the beat of his heart against my naked breasts.
"I'm ok Scott. It hurt more than I thought it would, but that is now behind us. Please started to gently stroke my pussy."
Scott then slowly withdrew the entire length of his thick cock. He rubbed it across and around my opening before gently, very slowly guiding it back deeper into my pussy.
"Oh god Scott, that feels so wonderful now. Your cock is so hard and you are stroking me so gently. I never dreamed being your little slut would feel this good."
"You know how your turn me on when you talk dirty baby, be careful"
I placed my hands on his face and brought my lips to his. Whispers suddenly without control or any inhibition began to flow.
"I love your cock in my pussy brother. Fuck my like I'm your wild whore."
Scott began to pound me like an out of control jack hammer.
"I'm going to fuck you baby so hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow."
My body let loose and I began to hump him back, the bed was shaking, our bodies slamming hard into each other. Sweat was pouring over our entire naked bodies and we fucked like wild animals.
"I feel like your slut, like your personal whore. Keep fucking me Scott!"
"I'm going to blast you any moment now Stephanie. My little slut is going to feel me cum and fill her pussy completely."
"Cum in me, cum in me!"
Scott placed his hands on the mattress by my sides and lifted his torso up. We both looked down at our joined bodies and suddenly he screamed a loud primal noise.
"Fuck Stephanie, I'm coming hard baby."
I screamed unexpectedly as the first blast took me by surprise. Soon the second, then the third. Our lips crushed into each other and we screamed into each other's mouth as his cock emptied seeds into my no longer virgin pussy. He pressed himself as deep as he could into my pussy and just held it tight.
My hands gently started to glide up and down his back. My finger nails softly caressed his skin as we both struggled to find more air to fill our lungs. We were quiet for a few moments, just indulging in the afterglow.
"I love you Stephanie."
"I love you Scott."
We stayed connected and rolled on our sides. He slowly withdrew a little then slowly slid his cock back in deep. We both felt the warm sex juices as they flowed from my pussy lips between us. We tenderly kiss each other's lips and we began the process of coming back to reality. I felt no guilt or any feelings of shame. I had just made love to the one man who will always be the closest to me.
When Scott finally withdrew I rolled over on my side and slid my creamy soft ass into his still hard wet cock. He opened my cheeks and let his cock rest between my cheeks as we cuddled into a perfect comforting spoon hug.
Most girls will never want to remember their first time. I will treasure it for a lifetime!