

  Chapter 39 Xiao Lan's advancement (first update!)

  Just like that, Xiao Lan became a member of this courtyard.

  Usually, when Su Yun was practicing in the courtyard, Xiao Yixian would fly around in the sky with Xiao Lan.

  But the man and the beast would not fly too far, after all, the Monster Mountain Range was nearby.

  There were other flying monsters in the sky, and once you encounter a flying monster above the second level, you can't run away.

  Because of this, Xiao Yixian was scolded by Su Yun.

  A month later, Su Yun was at the Mitel Auction House.

  Ya Fei took out a magic core from the ring.

  "Master Han, this is what you want, a second-level blue eagle magic core. The third-level one is really hard to find."

  Ya Fei said to Su Yun with a respectful look.

  Su Yun nodded and put the magic core into the system space.

  Magic beasts like the blue eagle can generally only reach the second level after adulthood, and to reach the third level, the blue eagle itself must have extraordinary talents. It is

  even more difficult to reach the fourth level, unless the bloodline mutates, or it eats some rare treasures, otherwise it is impossible.

  During this time, he only got a few first-level blue eagle magic cores from the Xiao family, the Gale family, the Miter auction house and Luo Qianchen.

  After all, it requires a specific magic beast, and it only took a month.

  The first-level monster does not necessarily produce magic cores, and the blue eagle is a flying monster, which is not easy to kill.

  Su Yun took out a card, paid Ya Fei a fee, and left the Mitel Auction House.

  Ya Fei looked at Su Yun's back as she left, and her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled into a "川" shape.

  During this time, she had already established a firm foothold in Wutan City with her extraordinary skills.

  She saw the situation in Wutan City with her own eyes, and she could see clearly that Han Li was the biggest local snake in Wutan City. He

  had a lot of connections with all the forces in Wutan City that were still worth considering, and as for those who had no connection, they had already been wiped out.

  Han Li was not only powerful, but also decisive in killing. He used two fourth-grade elixirs to mobilize the Xiao family and the Jialie family to wipe out the Oba family.

  Elder Kuang Tang is experienced and shrewd, but even so, he spent two years trying to persuade Han Li without success.

  Before she came to Wutan City, she was still full of confidence, but now, even she has to admit that Han Li is very difficult to deal with.

  But it is impossible for her to give up like this. The value of a fourth-grade pharmacist is huge.

  What's more, he is a fourth-grade pharmacist who can refine fourth-grade peak elixirs.

  Give him some time to grow...

  Fifth-grade, that is an existence that can be on par with the Fighting Emperor.

  A trace of envy flashed across Ya Fei's face. If she could become such a being, she might be able to control her own destiny.

  Although she is a direct descendant of the Mittel family, the big family is so cruel.

  For a woman like her who has no talent for cultivation and is extremely beautiful, the most likely possibility is that her family will arrange a marriage...

  Ya Fei looked unwilling, with a trace of struggle on her face.

  If there was a fifth-grade pharmacist standing behind her, then even a powerful family like the Mittel family would not dare to touch her at will.

  Take control of your own destiny...

  Ya Fei's heart flashed with determination.

  Su Yun returned home and came to Xiao Lan.

  He often had to explore the functions of the system by himself.

  The two functions of scanning and recycling were easy to say.

  But fusion was different. This thing had a large operating space, and correspondingly, if you wanted to operate it, you had to spend a lot of time exploring it.

  When he just came into contact with Xiao Lan, he was thinking about whether he could fuse the magic core with Xiao Lan.

  He tried many times this month, and without a doubt, all failed.   

  But he didn't give up, and as time went by, he came up with a feasible plan.

  Using the magic core of the same monster as Xiao Lan, the Blue Eagle, maybe it would work.

  Some time ago, he got a few first-level Blue Eagle magic cores, but he failed again.

  But that failure was different from the previous ones.

  In previous failures, the system always displayed, "Ding, the plan is detected to be unfeasible, and the fusion failed."

  But using the Blue Eagle's magic core is different, "Ding, a fusionable plan is detected.

  Three first-level Blue Eagle magic cores, one second-level Blue Eagle magic core and one first-level Blue Eagle.

  Can be fused into a second-level Blue Eagle, requiring one second-level magic core."

  Su Yun stroked Xiao Lan's azure feathers with his hand.

  If Xiao Lan could have the strength of the second level, he would be more assured.

  He is not far from Dou Ling now. After the breakthrough, he will set out to the Tagore Desert to seek the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire.

  At that time, he will definitely not bring Xiao Yixian with him. The Tagore Desert is not like Wutan City.

  There are mercenaries gathered there, and there are snakemen lurking. There are many strong men such as Dou Ling and Dou Wang. He cannot guarantee the safety of Xiao Yixian.

  So it is better to leave Xiao Yixian in Wutan City.

  Thinking of Xiao Yixian, Su Yun couldn't help but think of her happy silly smile every time he went home.

  This silly girl.

  A trace of worry flashed across Su Yun's face. The evil poison body...

  He hasn't figured out when to let Xiao Yixian activate the evil poison body.

  Now he has a way to make three kinds of strange fire, but the other materials are still missing.

  Su Yun took a long breath, clenched his hands, and didn't dwell on this.

  Instead of worrying all day, it is better to fill your schedule and work hard to grow.

  "System, fuse three first-level blue eagle magic cores, one second-level blue eagle magic core, and Xiao Lan."

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected, and a second-level magic core is required. Do you want to fuse?"


  With Su Yun's order, three first-level blue eagle magic cores, one second-level blue eagle magic core, and one second-level magic core quietly disappeared in the system space.

  A strange energy merged into Xiao Lan's body, and its body underwent visible changes.

  Xiao Lan's entire body stretched out, her azure feathers became more lustrous, her eagle claws stretched out and became sharper.

  Xiao Lan felt the changes in her body, and she let out a long cry to the sky, with a soul-stirring power, and her eagle eyes became sharper.

  Su Yun reached out and stroked Xiao Lan's feathers again. Xiao Lan lowered her head and rubbed Su Yun's cheek.

  She whispered twice in Su Yun's ear.

  Although the second-level monster was not very intelligent, Xiao Lan felt that her changes should be brought about by Su Yun in front of her.

  "Ah, why did Xiao Lan become like this?"

  At this time, Xiao Yixian, who was staying in the room, heard the noise in the yard, came out, and asked in surprise and surprise.

  Xiao Yixian lifted her skirt and ran to Su Yun.

  "Brother, did you do it?"

  Xiao Yixian's face was full of admiration. In her opinion, her brother Su Yun was omnipotent and could do anything.

  Su Yun pinched Xiao Yixian's cheek with his fingers. It was very soft and elastic, exuding the unique body fragrance of a young girl.

  Su Yun smiled, not admitting it, but not denying it either.