

  Chapter 335 The Late Stage of the Spiritual Realm (First Update!)

  "Ah! It hurts!"

  Zi Yan hugged her little head, tears glistening in her eyes, and looked at Su Yun fiercely.

  "Little Zi Yan, this is for Qing Lin."

  The little medical fairy at the side came up, hugged Zi Yan in her arms, and comforted her softly.

  "Hmph! If you don't make a pill for me today, don't even think about leaving!"

  Zi Yan broke free from the little medical fairy's arms, turned around and hugged Su Yun's thighs, muttering loudly.

  "I'll make it for you when we get back."

  Su Yun's tone was perfunctory.

  "Give me the herbs."

  "Then you'd better hurry up, I haven't taken a pill for a long time."

  Zi Yan took off her storage ring and handed it to Su Yun, with a hint of reluctance in her eyes.

  "This pill, when Qing Lin comes out of retreat, you must give it to her, understand?"

  Su Yun reminded.

  Although Zi Yan is greedy, she is not vague about serious matters. It is not a big problem to give the Imperial Pill to her.

  "Don't worry."

  Zi Yan patted her chest and assured.

  Su Yun nodded and left with the little medical fairy.

  After returning to the small attic, Su Yun spent some time to refine all the pills that Zi Yan wanted, and then took out a black light ball from the system space, which contained a good soul power and violent aura.

  This was the fierce soul released by Xuan Hufa when the old demon and others attacked Canaan Academy.

  This thing is condensed from countless souls. Although it is not fully formed, it is already a fierce soul comparable to the Three Star Fighting Sect.

  Refining it into the soul essence, after refining, his soul power will increase greatly.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

  Before, because of the escalation of the imperial incident, he did not have time to deal with this thing, but now he has the leisure.

  Four-color flames instantly gushed out from Su Yun's palm, covering the black light ball.

  Countless miserable souls screamed, like wronged souls from hell.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of indifference. Perhaps a few years ago he would have felt sorry, but as he experienced more and more things, emotions such as sympathy and compassion became increasingly weak.

  "For you, death may not be a kind of relief."

  Su Yun whispered to himself.

  The power of the four-color flames was three times stronger, and Su Yun accelerated the refining speed.

  It was enough to rival the fierce soul of the Dou Sect. Even with Su Yun's current strength, it would take half a day to refine it.

  Half a day passed, and a ball of pure soul origin appeared in Su Yun's hand.

  A smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and the soul power penetrated his body and led it to the center of his eyebrows. The soul spell quietly operated.

  This refining took another day.

  The ball of soul origin at the center of Su Yun's eyebrows gradually became smaller until it disappeared, and Su Yun's soul aura became stronger and stronger.

  The huge soul aura spread out, even waking up the Little Medical Immortal who was in the process of cultivation.

  Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  The eighth-grade elixir is different from the low-grade, intermediate, advanced, and peak classification method before the seventh grade.

  Instead, it becomes one color for the eighth grade, two colors for the eighth grade, three colors for the eighth grade... until the eighth grade has nine colors.

  The level of spiritual realm soul power will also directly affect the grade of the refined eighth-grade elixir.

  The soul in the late spiritual realm is already not low.

  With the gradual improvement of soul power and cultivation.

  In terms of medicine refining skills, he is almost reaching the level of Medicine Venerable during his lifetime, and can be called the level of the number one medicine refining person in the mainland in the past.

  At this time, the Little Medical Immortal pushed the door open, stepped on the lotus steps, and nestled in Su Yun's arms.


  "Yes, my spiritual power has improved."

  Su Yun held Xiao Yixian's slender waist, and the smooth touch like warm jade from his palm made Su Yun feel a little itchy.

  Amid Xiao Yixian's exclamation, Su Yun picked her up and walked towards the dormitory.

  Xiao Yixian's face flashed a trace of shyness, and she buried her delicate face in Su Yun's arms, not daring to raise her head.

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian's brocade stockings, and a different thought flashed in his eyes.   

  "Xian'er, let's play something else today."



  In the Gama Empire, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao were recuperating in a cave.


  Iron Protector!"

  A trace of hatred flashed in Xiao Yan's eyes.

  "There's no way, we are not his opponent."

  Yao Lao shook his head and sighed.

  Xiao Yan's face also showed a look of despair.

  After they returned to the Gama Empire, they found that Su Yun had returned before them and solved the three empires.

  This was a good thing, but when Xiao Yan returned to the Xiao family's residence, he was shocked to find that only two-tenths of the Xiao family were left.

  This made Xiao Yan furious. Later, after investigation, he found that every time the four countries fought, the people of the Xiao family would be abducted by mysterious people.

  After Su Yun defeated the three empires, the mysterious man lurked in the Gama Empire, trying every means to find the traces of the Xiao family.

  If it weren't for the pressure from the Yunlan Sect, Xiao Yan had divided the Xiao family into dozens of groups and let them leave separately and contact each other in a specific way. This time, I'm afraid they would have been caught in one fell swoop.


  I found you!"

  Suddenly a strange laugh rang out.

  "Not good!"

  Xiao Yan and Yao Lao were furious.



  Xiao Yixian's eyes flashed with shame and anger, and she scolded.

  Su Yun smiled embarrassedly and untied the brocade stockings that bound Xiao Yixian's two jade hands and covered her eyes.

  The little medical fairy hammered Su Yun's chest with her jade hand, and the blush on her face had not yet faded.

  The two of them were fighting and quarreling, and Su Yun coaxed them in a gentle voice. After the little medical fairy smiled, the two of them got dressed and stood up.

  "Brother is so bad."

  The little medical fairy hugged Su Yun's arm and said coquettishly.

  It seemed that she thought of some scene again, and the little medical fairy's face became even more red.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed a smile, and he gently tapped the little medical fairy's forehead.

  Then the two began to practice.

  Sitting cross-legged, Su Yun's mind moved, and the four-color flames shuttled through the meridians and surged towards the demon poison spots on the chest.

  It is not advisable to refine too much at one time, but it is okay to refine a little each time.

  It can be imagined that before this evil poison spot is completely refined, his cultivation speed will be much faster.

  It takes a month for the Skyfire Venerable to restore his fighting spirit to its peak. During this time, Su Yun has nothing to do, so he can concentrate on cultivation.

  A month passed leisurely.

  Su Yun summoned the Skyfire Venerable, Qinglin and others.

  "Where is Qinglin?"

  A look of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Little Medical Immortal.

  Su Yun also frowned.

  It has been a while since the soul communication, and it is time for him to come.

  If there is something urgent, Qinglin did not reply quickly.

  Could it be that he encountered trouble and did not even have time for soul communication.

  Su Yun formed a hand seal to attract the soul mark left on Qinglin.

  He originally used this secret method to monitor Zhang Wei, but later, because of its practicality and because he was worried about accidents happening to people around him,

  he left a soul mark on Xiao Yixian and others.
