
quiting D' book

Shadow_Kings · Fantasi
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1 Chs

A New Beginning

| Downtown Tokyo |

inside a coffee shop couples normally gather are two people. These two people are Dominic and Elizabeth.

"Happy Birthday, Liz. Here is my present for you" Dominic happily said as he handed her a golden necklace.

In front of him, was a girl with a ponytail. Her face is slightly beautiful with a graceful body. Looking at her is a sole motivation for Dominic to try harder, but his happy face suddenly froze after what he heard next.

"I'm not going to accept this garbage, I'm breaking up with you" Sandra said

Dominic Ashheart is a 16 years old boy with poor motivation toward his life. In his house, his parents only send cold glares everytime he met them, while his younger siblings always beat him up. His younger brothers are more handsome and talented then him. they always gets top position in the school. this being one of the reasons why his parents hate him. The older sibling is so useless while the younger ones are so talented.

In school, Dominic has poor performances, resulting in him at the bottom, he got bullied with his classmates too. So he always went to school with eyes looking like dried fish. Elizabeth was the only one who treated him indifferently, after 2 years he finally confessed to her and she accepted. That was the happiest day for him, that's why after he heard what she said his world shattered. all determination he had previously shattered with the world.

"Why?" Dominic asked not even looking up from the table.

"Because your just a useless piece of trash!" Elizabeth said as she held up her new necklace and said mockingly, "This is Diamond necklace. I could buy many of those gold necklace with this. haven't you noticed how this whole building is rented out for the day. And I can easily have my new boyfriend buy me as much goodies as I'd Like because he will pay for it! Isn't this reason good enough ?"

True, because of Dominic poor performance, his parents never give him allowances, to buy golden necklaces he got many part-time jobs.

"I never would have taken you for this kind of girl, I thought you are different" Dominic said tiredly as he tried to hold back the tears.

"Don't be silly! This is the reality of life, blame yourself. Your siblings and your parents are talented but you! You are lucky enough not to be disowned! I will never have a happy life as your wife."

"You...." Biting his lips as a tear rolled down his face

Getting up Dominic walked out of the cafe almost running. As Dominic made his way out the building he noticed his younger sibling. His younger sibling had just parked his new car, and now Dominic's younger sibling is heading towards him.

"k-ko-Kody what are you doing here?" Dominic said as he was confused why his younger brother was here.

"What I can't leave the house, and when did I take orders from you?" Kody said as he pretended he.was going to hit Dominic. This causes Dominic to duck down and cover his head with his arms.

" your such an idiot your wide open." Kody said as he kicked Dominic in his side. Dominic end up falling over leaving himself even more open.

kody then went on to stop all over Dominic. And would have done it some more if it weren't for Elizabeth.

"Your gonna get your shoes dirty by kicking such filth." Elizabeth had said as she looked down at Dominic with disdain.

"Your right this filth isn't even worthy of a dog shitting on him." Kody said as he smugly grinned while grabbing Elizabeth by the waist.

When Dominic saw this something inside of him snapped. Even though Dominic knew he wasn't a match for Kody he tried to tackle him.

But before Dominic could even get close enough Kody had already moved to the side. this causes dominic to crash into a dumpster.

"Right were you belong." Kody and Elizabeth both said .

A banana peal feel off of Dominic's head as he stood back up. Dominic then tried to charge at Kody again. once he was in range he through a punch at Kody.

But Kody just grabbed Dominic's fist as he tossed Dominic over his body. upon hitting the ground Dominic was knocked out cold.

When Dominic woke back up he was sleeping in somewhere damp and dark. Dominic's back felt uncomfortable from laying on something rough and uneven.

Standing up Dominic bumped his head on something. this causes light to sleep into his containment. Dominic then gathered all the strength he could as he pushed the top off.

Dominic stood their for awhile surprised, but this surprise was soon washed over with anger. Dominic then jumped out from inside the dumpster and into the alleyway. Dominic then looked up into the sky as the sun started to descend.

" I swear I'm gonna get my revenge on them I'm not letting it slide this time." Dominic said as he sweared he wasn't gonna let this slide.

Dominic then started walking toward his apartment. Dominic decided he would take a short cut to get their faster. but as he was making his was to his apartment he was reminded why he never took this short cut.

Dominic never took this short cut because of how many people would try selling things. And everytime somebody came through here they would always buy something. most of the time they didn't even notice they bought it until it was to late.

As Dominic was making his way through the alleyway he caught a whiff of something. Before Dominic even knew it his feet were already moving on their own. it wasn't long before Dominic was standing in front of a old man.

"it would seem that they have chosen you." said the old man.

"what do you mean they have chosen me, and what are you even selling?" Dominic asked the old man.

"Candy." the old man replied

"oh so your selling drugs." Dominic said as if he was just enlightened

"No I'm selling Candy." the old man said a little irritated.

"how much for one." Dominic asked

"two million for one but for you I will give you a special discount. Instead of having to pay full price you can just give me your golden necklace and I'll give you all of them." the old man said to Dominic with a toothy grin

Dominic thought about it for a couple of seconds. but decided he didn't want to think to much about it. after giving his necklace to the old man he was given a bag of candy. There had to be at least a thousand pieces of candy.

"what's the name of this cady anyways." Dominic asked as he grabbed a piece of candy out of the bag

"I like to call it the Lucky Vampire it's also no wonder you were chosen." the old man said to Dominic.

"What do you mean by that." Dominic asked with a confused look on his face. As he was asking this he was putting a piece of candy in his mouth.

As Dominic put the cady in his mouth he could feel the candy disolve.into his mouth. the candy then shredded all across his body. this causes his body to feel like he was a thousand times stronger, faster, and even smarter. even his sense's felt like they were a thousand times better.

" It's probably because your like a well collecting water, but instead of water your gathering luck." the old man replied

" If I'm as lucky as you say you are then why is my life dog water?" Dominic asked genuinely confused as he tried to get over the feeling the candy gave him

"You'll have to figure that out yourself now go I have other customers to get to." said the old man as he shooed Dominic away.

"Yeah yeah what ever old man." Dominic said as he started walking away in a random direction.

| 12:01 Am |

if you were to be outside walking or driving at the moment you might feel a gust of wind pass you. along with this the gust of wind will be a streak of red followed behind. Experiencing this you'll think that the flash is real. but that's not the case it was only Dominic running just now.

'what is this feeling I'm getting. it's almost like I'm high of adrenaline but better. the more I run the fast I get.' Dominic thought to himself as he sped by a lamppost.

"woohoo!!" Dominic excitedly yelled as he started to run up a building.

'ah shit and just when I thought things were going great.' Dominic thought as he misplaced his foot. and now he was fall to his death.

but before he could even hit the ground he was hit by a truck. 'So much for luck' was the last thing Dominic thought to himself as he got ran over by Truck-Kun.

1,516 words