
Cousin, You Hurt Your Head?

Zhong Yue opened her eyes. Now that she was familiar with this room, she took no time to adjust herself. Glancing at the upper wall, she saw that it was 7 in the morning from the clock.

Today, Zhong Yue had decided to live this life as Qiao MeiLin. She still had to get up so that she can reach A Big University on time. Qiao MeiLin who had enough money to open a dozen large companies resided in the dormitory. She had come to stay at her mansion for the summer vacation and was supposed to return to the dormitory in the morning but caught a high fever as she exchanged her body for her wishes.

Zhong Yue came to realise that she really wasn't a good actor. At least regarding the habits. While Zhong Yue likes chinese food such as fried noodles and rice very much, Qiao MeiLin is a fan of western food and likes macaroni-cheese and pasta. While outside Qiao MeiLin is very polite and quiet, in her mansion she directly opens her aristocratic aura and acts with confidence and a likable frankness.

And Zhong Yue ate her chinese dumplings happily as if she loves them to death yesterday. Fortunately, Tong Ru didn't notice, or she would have asked. Where did Zhong Yue knew that Tong Ru had efficiently noticed this blunder but took it as that her young miss came to love her cooking.

Right now, Zhong Yue was eating her breakfast as Tong Ru packed all her research materials and files for internship in her dark brown handbag. This time, Zhong Yue acted very properly and ate with small bites the western food presented before her. Honey pancakes they were. Zhong Yue was really in a contradiction in her inner mind. She really didn't like sweet stuff except some of them. And she's a picky eater and honey is one the stuff she doesn't likes. Zhong Yue went through the unsaid torture as she finished her breakfast and finally took big gulps of water to wash out the honey flavour on her taste buds. After finishing the breakfast, Tong Ru sent her out the mansion and saw her off as she sat in the car with her luggage.

Half an hour later, the campus building could be seen. Zhong Yue's car drove right into the dormitory's gate and stopped. She opened the door and stepped out with her luggage. The building was in a perfect state and near to the university. Sending her driver off, she turned back to find a long-haired blonde girl rushing towards her. In panic, Zhong Yue quickly slid to the side as she watched the girl hugging empty air. This girl was Zue Rong, her roommate and a 2nd Year Chinese Literature Student.

"LinLin, you're too much! Not even giving your friend a hug!!" Zue Rong mischievously complained to her as her blonde hair shook from her movements.

Zhong Yue quickly shook her head. She didn't want to get hugged.

Zue Rong took her luggage and they chatted as they went upstairs to their dorm. As Zue Rong opened door to their dorm, it only took Zhong Yue one eye to differentiate her side from Zue Rong's. Zhong Yue's side had books piled up on an elegant wooden desk besides a computer while Zue Rong's side was littered with novels, stories and other chinese literature alike. Zue Rong took her luggage and place it on her bed as she mourned that why she had to take so many research materials every time she came back from her vacations.

As Zhong Yue and Zue Rong chatted, time passed and suddenly Zue Rong said such a sentence that it immediately took her attention.

"LinLin, I heard you wanted to intern. I listened from a friend of my mother that there's a company that is currently hiring researchers to work on computer codes and one of their labs is very near our campus. That aunt is also a helper hand working there."


"Its name is Black Butterfly. Sounds like a gaming ID to me, though. Are you interested?"

"Great, Rong! I would love to try."

"Then, I would call my mother tomorrow to recommend you to her friend for a researcher's job."

"No prob!" Zhong Yue gave a big smile.

One of the things that troubled Zhong Yue was the vague memory that she inherited from the body. Aside from her personality, family condition, friends and relatives, any information regarding Qiao MeiLin's connection to the Black Butterfly as well as Bai Hua was lost. She only knew that Qiao MeiLin wouldn't show up at such a spot at end of her life if she really hadn't anything to do there. Even the male master whose arrival saved the heroine paid his attention to Qiao MeiLin's corpse first and then moved on.

Now, Zhong Yue even wondered that if Qiao MeiLin was a researcher there. But then, with her beauty why she wasn't as popular as Bai Hua? It was a mystery...

"Oh right! Rong, one day, I was talking to my uncle about you and forgot your name. So, if Uncle Feng someday came to you to talk about me, do tell him that you provided a big help to me regarding my internship." Zhong Yue didn't want Uncle Feng to be suspicious of her. It would ruin a big backing for her.

"As your command!" Zue Rong laughed a little as she put on a saluting pose.

After a little chatting, Zhong Yue emptied her luggage and arranged all her documents. Both the girls got dressed as they prepared for their studies. After exiting the dorm and locking it, Zue Rong and Zhong Yue parted ways. They had different courses and their buildings were in opposite direction.

As Zhong Yue entered her class and took a seat at the second row, a tall brown-haired girl came her way. This girl was Qing Lan, seatmate and a close friend of Qiao MeiLin.

"LinLin, I heard you fell ill. That's why you didn't come yesterday." Although Qing Lan's speech was a clear statement, the look on her face showed that she wanted to know what happened to her.

"I had high fever. That's why I only came to dormitory today. I didn't even bring any new clothes with me." Zhong Yue put on a pitiful expression. She can't tell her the truth that the soul had changed, right?

Qing Lan put on a suspicious expression. Qiao MeiLin wasn't one to get sick easily. She was a regular student.

"Can I see your notes for yesterday?" Zhong Yue changed the subject.

"Hmm... Professor had said that for the project, we have to prepare a small game sorts of software. Any idea?" Qing Lan asked as she handed her a notebook from her backpack and sat beside her.

"Right now, I'm trying for internship. After all, there's still time until the winter break." Zhong Yue said as she copied the notes in her notebook. She quickly declared her plans.

The two didn't talk much. Zhong Yue peacefully copied as Qing Lan read through her other notes. Soon, the professor came.

Their professor is no simple entity. He's a well-known young master, Feng Rui. Feng... Yes, he's Uncle Feng's son. In a sense, he's her cousin. Inherited from his parents, he also has well-structured body along with beauty. Black hair and black eyes, along with his cold temperament, gives him a cold demon king's look. He's 23 years old. 3 years older than Qiao MeiLin. As for Zhong Yue, he's 6 years older than her. Enough to get her big brother's position. One thing that Zhong Yue appreciates about having contacts with stunning male faces is that afterwards you will be able to escape all beauty traps and will feel that all male faces are just rags in front of the stunning one. No offence to 'male faces'.

Students greeted the professor and he started his lecture about the human-computer interaction and the ways software development comes in helping across many fields of work.

At the end of the lecture as he bid goodbye and students took leave, he called out. "Student Qiao MeiLin, would you please come to me? I heard you wanted to try for internship."

Zhong Yue wasn't much surprised. Uncle Feng must have told him. She bid Qing Lan a good-bye nod as she went towards Feng Rui.

"Yes, professor. I think you must have seen my performance card from my inter school. I feel that I'm quite fit to try for an internship." She smiled as she showed her position. She didn't want this cousin of hers to interrupt her plans now that there was clue to Qiao MeiLin's death - her possible internship at Black Butterfly.

Feng Rui stared at her a little and suddenly felt he can't express his own feelings. He felt weird today. He had felt restless since yesterday afternoon suddenly. And today just a glimpse of this cousin had made him confused and unable to understand the palpitations in his heart.

It was completely strange. He had seen his cousin many times and there was no such feeling in his heart. And they weren't also close. He only got most of the impression from his parents about her. He felt he must have gotten sick. But what to do about these? These fluctuations came from his soul as if trying to remind him of something.

Zhong Yue felt odd as she stared at this person. How much long was this cousin going to stare at her? "Professor... why are you not saying anything?"

Right now, the class was already empty besides the two of them. Fortunately, her classmates weren't gossipy especially when it came to teacher-student relationships.

Feng Rui snapped out of his confusion and daze. And, suddenly his expression changed again as if totally determined to do something great for mankind.

Zhong Yue felt confusing about this cousin. Did he hit his head or something? Won't he think that stopping me from opting internship is a great work? Instead if he did, he will end up destroying the world!

When Zhong Yue was contemplating on the sudden expression changes, Feng Rui stepped forward and grabbed her wrists. Very gently. "Cousin, I like you and want to pursue you."

Zhong Yue felt that she must have misheard. Qiao MeiLin and Feng Rui weren't close. Qiao MeiLin would automatically lose her confidence outside and won't approach someone unless she's close to them. And Feng Rui was a person who would approach only when necessary or to maintain social relationships. Therefore, neither of them tried to contact each other even when one is a professor and the other is a student of his.

"Cousin, you hurt your head?" Zhong Yue didn't believe in such a heavenly pie that fell from the sky.

Had exams... There are still some exams... Fortunately, I have English tomorrow and so, I could take out time for this chapter. And since I lack an editor, I would appreciate if you readers can point out mistakes in spellings and grammar if any.

Little Theater:-

??: Wife, my screen time came.

Zhong Yue: Came too early... -_-

??: QAQ

zelene_aleahcreators' thoughts
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