
Quick Transmigration: The Villain Saving System

Yin Mei is, or was, just an ordinary girl. An actual ordinary girl - not just those girls that claimed to be ordinary, but had hidden powers or identities. But, upon her death, she was bound to the villain saving system. It's fine and all reading about transmigration, but actually experiencing it? Having to deal with those brain dead male leads, those immoral female leads, and those pitiful cannon fodders, all while helping out the thoroughly blackened villains... Yin Mei: I wanna go home already! Male Lead: Request denied. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for all the support! Current status: indefinite hiatus

littlemist · Fantasi
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117 Chs

Dragon and Phoenix (3)

"No, it's really fine. I have my own plans for Yao Ling. All you guys have to do is not interfere. I'll take care of her." Seeing the dazzling smile on Yin Mei's face, the girls all agreed, feeling that that Yao Ling's end wouldn't be too pretty now that Feng Hua and the phoenix clan had set their eyes on her.

The five continued chatting amicably and a few hours later they left one by one as the day grew later. Feng Hua promised to visit Gui Neng later as she saw her off. It was when Yao Lan was about to leave that she stopped her.

"Yao Lan," Yin Mei said. Feng Hua's voice was very beautiful, the type that would sound like an angel's voice when she sang.

It had a sort of magnetic pull, causing Yao Lan to even feel a little mesmerized as she came to a stop. "Yes?" She asked, turning around to look at Feng Hua, who had on a faint smile. For some reason, Yao Lan felt that this Feng Hua was a little different from usual, but she couldn't pinpoint why.

"Don't bother helping out the dragon clan. I know that you like Long Aotian, but a person who cheats once will cheat again. It isn't worth losing your head and heart over him. There are plenty better people out there in the world. As for Yao Ling, your clan shouldn't interfere. Our phoenix clan definitely won't let her go." Feng Hua said, her advice very sincere. She felt bad for Yao Lan, this girl that was constantly nursing this unrequited love of hers.

Yao Lan seemed to blank, looking at Feng Hua as if she was looking at an alien. After all, this was completely out of character for Feng Hua. But, Yin Mei was never a good actor and she didn't even plan on bothering to try and act at Feng Hua, instead just being herself.

"I..." Yao Lan started, but didn't finish before Yin Mei interrupted her.

"A man who isn't able to keep it in his pants is definitely not worth any effort." She almost choked at how vulgar Feng Hua was, but thinking of Long Aotian together with Yao Ling really did make her feel a little sick. Was he really worth it? But, things like feelings, they really couldn't be controlled. Yin Mei didn't push Yao Lan, just telling her to think on her words before bidding her farewell.

She was just worried that the medicine king wouldn't take kindly toward others disciplining his clan members, but if Yao Lan said something, she didn't have to worry much. As to withdrawing their business deals, among the families, she knew that the ghost king and the demon king were likely to withdraw. This was because the ghost king doted on his daughter excessively, and their families had a very good relationship, with Feng Hua and Gui Neng being especially good friends. As for the demon king, he would withdraw firstly because it would be interesting, secondly because he was the type to hit others when they were down, and thirdly because they had a closer business relationship with the phoenix clan then the dragon clan.

As for the beast king and medicine king, these two that were very concerned with honor and reputation, they probably wouldn't make a move, and may even warn the dragon king. Yin Mei wasn't sure what choice they would make, but she wasn't too worried. After all, this time around Long Aotian was definitely in the wrong, so they would at least give the phoenix clan some face.

But, like Yin Mei thought, just this was not enough to take care of the dragon clan. When the phoenix clan, ghost clan, demon king's clan, and even the medicine king's clan withdrew their business deals with the dragon clan all it once, it certainly caused the dragon king to be flustered. He flew in a rage against his useless son, who, with one move, caused such a disaster.

Yin Mei was pleasantly surprised that the medicine king's clan had actually withdrawn their support. It was clear that they did not like that a branch family member's daughter had gone over their heads to get together with the dragon clan's young prince. The medicine king was afraid that this would damage their relationship with the phoenix clan. Not only that, but with his daughter whispering in his ear, the result was that their family joined the other three clans in withdrawing from business with the dragon clan. As for the beast clan, after all, they were too honorable to also withdraw, and still gave the dragon clan their support. But, they made their disapproval over Long Aotian's actions clear.

"Seeing as it's true love, their relationship shouldn't collapse with just this, right?" Yin Mei murmured as Mei Lan skewered a piece of preserved mandarin orange for Yin Mei, feeding it to her.

It had already been a week or two since the tea party, and Yin Mei was enjoying the spring breeze out in the garden. Aside from perhaps the Jade Emperor's garden, the phoenix clan had the next best garden the upper realm. Phoenixes loved beauty, so they surrounded themselves with beautiful things. From their garden, to their clothes and jewelry, to their servants, it all had to be beautiful.

Currently Yin Mei was alone, save for her personal maidservant, and was taking the time to think. She couldn't leave things just like this, or the dragon clan would eventually recover in give or take a few years. She felt that it was no longer at the level of just throwing rocks at them while they were down, she would need to take a boulder and throw it.

The solution that she came to was one that she seemed to always favor - steal treasures. It seemed that habits die hard, and she could only come back to her old trade, treasure stealing.

But, it wasn't just treasures that were up for stealing. For example, the campaign that allowed Long Aotian to regain his reputation. In the original storyline, Long Aotian's reputation had taken a hit after he had broken the engagement with Feng Hua and insisted on marrying Yao Ling. Although it wasn't as bad as it had been now, and the dragon clan didn't suffer as much in the original storyline either, it was still by a decent amount. In the end, it was only after he had been assigned another campaign by the Jade Emperor and came back with a crushing victory that he regained his former glory.

But Yin Mei felt that stealing this campaign from him was possible. If she blew his actions up out of proportion, it could make even the Jade Emperor doubt that Long Aotian had the personality qualities required of a capable general. After all, he couldn't even handle his private life, who was to say he would do any better in his work life? The rumors were already much bigger then they were in the former storyline, so they probably only needed a little more work. There was even the perfect candidate waiting behind Long Aotian to receive this campaign, so what more could she ask for?

She thought that this idea was pretty good, and applauded herself for coming up with it.

Of course, there was no way she could do this by herself. She would need people who could spread rumors, whisper things into the ear of the emperor... of course, the first option would be Feng Hua's older brother or father. They were also probably the best option. In the Jade Emperor's court, Feng Hua's father had a fairly good reputation, considering his personality... which wasn't bad, but he liked taking revenge for small things, and he would do it in a vicious manner as well. But, even so, to have a good reputation despite that really said a lot about Feng Hua's father's skill.

"Mei Lan, go call my brother here. I have something I have to ask him." Yin Mei said, leaning her head on the palm of her hand as she took the gold toothpick and skewered another piece of mandarin orange for herself.

"Yes, young miss," Mei Lan replied, bowing before retreating and then running off.

It wasn't too long when Feng Tian arrived. He had already been at the residence, and with the movement speed of upper realm cultivators, moving to and fro from place to place only needed a moment. He did spend some time to send off the people he had been talking with, but it wasn't much. Yin Mei had only finished her third slice of orange since Mei Lan left before he arrived.

"Big Brother," Yin Mei said, pushing the plate of orange slices in front of Feng Tian as he sat down across from her.

"What is it that you wanted?" Feng Tian asked, skewering a piece and placing it in his mouth. Actually, he wasn't a big fan of oranges, but since his little sister was giving him some, he would gratefully eat them. Even if she fed him something poisonous, he would still eat it. After all, it wasn't like he would die from a little poison.

"Big brother, the reason I called you here was to ask you to recommend Hu Nan as general for the next campaign. Ask father for me too, will you?" Yin Mei said.

"The beast king's eldest son? That's fine, but why?" Feng Tian replied. Feng Hua had never really involved herself in politics before, so he was a little confused why she wanted to now.

"I don't want Long Aotian to get the position." Yin Mei once more showed a cruel expression. These years, her heart had become more and more cold, and more and more vicious. It was as if, ever since she had killed the former male lead, something had changed in her. She had never been a nice person, but she also wasn't the sort of person that would so willingly destroy the lives of others like this. "I want him to suffer. I want him to fall. I want him to be unable to climb up from this pit that I've dug, until he comes to me begging for mercy." Her smile never left her face as she spoke, as if she was already relishing the image she had described.

Feng Tian didn't find anything wrong with this. In his mind, Long Aotian deserved anything that came to him now, even death was too little for scum like him that hurt his little sister's heart. Yin Mei's heart definitely wasn't hurt, but even if it wasn't, Feng Tian's opinion wouldn't change.

"Hu Nan is plenty capable, he is just outshined because Long Aotian is here. I'm sure that if he got the chance to battle against the devils, he would definitely be able to impress the Emperor." Feng Tian said, thinking that his sister was very smart. If it was Feng Tian, he would also choose Hu Nan as Long Aotian's replacement. He nodded. This was doable. It wasn't too good if he or father said anything, considering how involved they currently were with the matter, but it would be fine if he got someone else to speak up about it. "Alright, don't worry and just wait. I'll take care of this little matter."

Yin Mei nodded, happily sending Feng Tian off. It was good to have such a capable family, she didn't need to make any moves herself, only having to say a few words and everything would get done for her. Yin Mei took a look at the information. Well, she would probably have to personally make a move if she wanted to get that item though.

The Amethyst Mountain Range, huh? At least, now that she was in the body of a famous person with heavy backing, she wouldn't have to worry too much about being chased down by other people. She was still holding a little bit of a grudge over how she left the lower realm. At least her bad luck then had been countered by the good luck in succeeding in her soul transfer, or else she really would want to cry.

She sighed. "When is His Majesty going to ascend?" She laid her head down on the table, closing her eyes. She was already tired from waiting.

It's like half past midnight now, so I'm in dire need of sleep lol. Can't believe I finished three/four-ish chapters in one day :O it's a record. Not sure if I'll be able to keep this up. I might not write too much tomorrow, since I have some assignments I really need to catch up on >_>

Rec of the Day: Petshop of Horrors/New Petshop of Horrors (mysterious pet shop owner sells equally mysterious pets? It's got pretty art and interesting stories)

littlemistcreators' thoughts