
I’m The Protagonist?!6

Feng Shi stood in front of a blue and silver giant gate with Xiao Wang on her hand.

One of the benefit of being a Feng in this world, very few is daring enough to to try and stop her from doing whatever she likes.

The school was very different from the bustling city to say the least.

Flowers bloom in every corner and the green tress brimming with life and energy softly swayed with the winds.

The academy is very spacious and the architectures are masterpieces, like miniature castles.

It really deserves the name of Royal High Academy.

As she walks inside since cars aren't allowed on certain areas of the academy, students stops on their tracks and looks at her with admiration and envy.

She smiled brightly as was expected of her and greeted back all those that says hello.

"Goddess Feng, I heard that you fainted. Are you feeling fine now?" A girl who dresses the way she does immediately walked over and asked followed by four others.

She remembers this group, they call themselves's the Xie Fei's which translate to Time fairies, the head of her fan groups.

They consisted of Mei Xiang, Ren You, Bei Bei, Thang Dey and Peng Rei. They prefers the term Mei, Ren, Bei. Dey and Rey.

Aside from her friends it was these cute junior fans of hers that defended her fiercely before.

"Goddess Feng, we prayed to all the gods and goddess of health for your recovery. Fortunately, even they took pity on you"

"Yes, yes. We were so shocked when the news circulated that you where hospitalized."

"But Cheng Xiu was so frantic when he found out that you were in the hospital by your from your adviser. He dashed out immediately"

"Right? It was so romantic! He immediately went to his princess in distress, kya! I wish I had a Prince Charming as dashing and good looking as God Xiu. My life would be complete." Peng Rei swooned before putting the back of her wrist on her forehead while the other fans her face before pretending to fall feint. Meng Xiang immediately supported her dramatic friend.

"Apparently, the professor run after him to the classroom door threatening him for a detention too" Thang Dey added her eyes seemingly having hearts in them.

"We wanted to go visit you too but our professors would chew us out if we did huhu" Bei Bei dramatically exclaimed pretending to cry on Ren You's shoulder.

Feng Shi laughed slightly at the image of Cheng Xiu actually being chased by their small and old history professor since he is their first period.

The professor is strict but is a great and understanding professor.

"Are you girls still struggling with your studies?" She asked replying to the last part.

She had taken responsibility for the girls' lack of academic achievements because of they mostly spend their time popularizing her. So, the previous host would sometimes take time off to tutor them or simply hold a study session with them.

She had lacked love going further in her group and so, she treasures the genuin love she recieved from others. She is not ignorant to the fact that some only wants to curry her favor but these five are good at vetting those people out of her fan circle.

"Nope, Xiao Mei reporting to goddess Feng. All Xie Fei's are all doing good in their studies." Mei Xiang proudly informed her like a little soldier with a salute which was cute coming from a charming little girl like her.

Feng Shi talked with the hyper girls tolerating their antics as it distracts her from the males ogling and females stares before she reached her classroom prompting the girls to say goodbye.

She let out a small breath before entering the classroom.

Chaos. That was the he first word that came into her mind upon entering.

Some boys where bundled in the corner talking about the latest action game, some talking about sports, others goofing around chasing each other and throwing paper balls. The girl's on the other hand were giggling with each other, putting on make up and such and two lonesome at the corner one fat with a lot of zits talking to the other girl with glasses curled up on herself reading a book that looked to be full of codes which earned her interest.

Since her friends aren't here yet, she made way towards them.

When the boys noticed her, they momentarily froze before acting like goofballs trying to impress her. One boy in particular flexed his muscles when she reached him but she just walked ahead instead of stroking his, clearly, already gigantic ego.

"Hi" She greeted the two girl's which startled them.

The previous host may have been friendly but she never actively made friends before as she was too shy about it.

"You're, you're talking to us?" The fatty, which if she remembers correctly is called Yan Yan asked bewildered before looking around to see if she was talking to someone else instead.

The whole class quieted down also wondering why she is talking to these two wall flowers.

"Yes, Yan Yan and Zao Ran , correct?" She replied smiling gently as to not startle them.

"Yeah, yes. Can we help you Miss Feng?" Yan Yan asked wondering why would the school goddess talk to them, the school outcasts.

"I noticed that your talking about codes and her book. I actually recently gained interest on those but can't fully understand it. Would you mind talking about it with me?" She asked as sweetly as possible.

"If Goddess wants to learn I can also teach you" Another boy volunteered making Feng Shi glance back and notice a nerdy looking boy but if given proper make over, can actually turn out cute.

"Well if they don't mind?" She answered indicating to the other two girls.

She noticed that the girl blushed and was shyly looking at the new boy that approached her.

Yan Yan looked at her friend teasingly before replying with a smirk. "We don't mind. You can join us all you want"

"Feng Xie, how about you join us instead of these... nerdy beggars" Chou Ran invited her over to their group where her 'friends' were waving her over.

Feng Shi knew these girl very well. They where the first to turn to her step-sister and caused the previous hosts a lot of humiliation and pain together. Even at this moment, they smile at her while secretly plotting her demise in their mind due to jealousy.

A cold glint appeared in her eyes for a second and the others failed to noticed how her warm smile reflected that coldness with a small arch before everything went back to the way it used to be.

The previous host failed to use her reputation correctly for herself but Feng Shi have no qualms in doing so. She did not reign as the Queen of the Entertainment industry in her previous life for nothing.

"What's wrong with being nerdy? I think their smart and their not beggars. They are admirable for doing their best for themselves and their love ones. They aren't as fortunate as you and I but are admirable for the effort they do put through because of that!" She righteously declared before the sides of her lips curl up mischievously.

"Master please try to remember you current role as a highschool sweet heart. The host is still the protagonist not the villainess" Xiao Wang reminded her through their mind link.

Feng Shi immediately scold her expression to being sweet and charmingly oblivious.

"I think it's rather cool that people have their own unique charms. Like how cool the sports players can be when they are filled with fiery passion on the field, how amazing the gamers can be in their games. You can't just despise others just because their different you know?" She softly scolded her eyes getting a little bit teary from passion.

Her face flushed and her plump lips formed a pout but hidden within those watery eyes was a glint of piercing darkness.

"It's not nice to look down on others just because their not like you." She reprimanded for giving Xiao Wang a silent command to make her loosen her mouth a little bit.

"Cool? Amazing? Those so called jocks are just stinky muscle heads while the good looking once aside from those who actually do have face value hahaha. As for those geeks? Oh please, they are nothing but freaks" Chou Ran ridiculed head tilted up acting like the total spoiled rotten brat that she is in the inside.

The darkness in Feng Shi's eyes flashed brighter while she tilted her head innocently eyes widening in shock at what she had heard.

"Chou Ran, you can't just say that. You need to respect others interest. After all, you can't say you can do better in their own field of expertise right?" Feng Shi baited with a sweet smile waiting for her prey to step into her trap.

When Chou Ran's eyes flashed in indignant and her noise pointed to the sky, she knows that she had won. Feng Shi chuckled darkly in her mind, 'How dissapointing, she didn't even have to do much to take this little black bird down'