
Chapter 3: Sky Dream 1.2

Once school was out, Karin went to one of her employers, Mrs. Marika, who happened to be the toughest of all her employers, and told her that she was resigning. Miyano had actually wanted to resign from this place for a while now, but never got the curage to go against the woman. Not only that, but despite the harder work, this place was actually the one that paied the best. She still kept her resurant work, though, and had asked for a leave that day so that she can return home with Yuka and her friends today.

Returning to the quite house, they were greeted by their grandparents sitting outside and waiting for them. Her grandmother appeared rather happy that Miyano returned early and decided to make Miyano's favorite for tonight's dinner.

As usual, Yuka got ready for dinner by soaking the rice in water and shopping the firework for the stove while Karin went into their garden and picked up some vegetables to add to their meal.

After Dinner was finished, Karin thought that prophase she should bring up her thoughts on moving them into the city once she gets her inheritance to grandpa.

"Grandpa," Karin began.

"Hum?" her grandfather turned to face her from his place on the rocking chair.

"Grandpa, you know I'm turning 18 soon, right?"

Grandpa leaned forward in his seat. "Oh yes, our little Karin-chan is growing up. She's pasting into the age of marriage."

Karin inwardly flinched upon hearing his familiar teasing words.

"Grandpa, I'll get to the point," said Karin. "I think it's best that once I turn 18, we leave this place."

Grandpa frowned. "You want to go back to your old house?"

Karin shook her head. "No, but I do want to go into the city. I want to attend college, but I don't want to leave you, Yuka, and grandma here alone. I want grandma to get treatment and have someone help look after you guys. I, I don't-"

"I know," Grandpa interrupted her. "We'll go with you."

Karin's eyes widdened. She thought that it would be hard to convience her grandparents to move away from this place, as her father had failed in it once before.

Yuka also seemed to think so, as she puased in putting away the dishes and said, "Really?"

Grandpa nodded. "When your father asked us to go live with him back then, we didn't want to because we were still able to live by ourselves. But now... your grandma and I don't want to put up with this anymore, and we can't bear you two to live like this either."

Karin was silent for a moment before nodding and said, "It's good that they're not here, but auntie will probably realize soon that I'm turning 18. I've saved up some money for grandma's treatement, but I think that we should proabaly find a house and move out first before auntie decides to stick close to me and hooge all our money for her family again."

Once all was in agreement, everyone retired for bed. Later that night, Karin could hear the sound of a car coming into the drive way and the door to the house being unlocked. She knew that the family of three were back and were about to search the fridge for food. She sighed and returned to slumber, making sure to cover her grandmother with the blanket that the old lady had pushed off.

The next day was a Saturday, and Karin got up to prepare breakfast while Yuka helped their grandmother get dressed. Once the table was set, she called the family of three down to eat. Once finished with washing the dishes, Karin got ready to go to her part-time job when her aunt suddenly showed up and stopped her.

"Karin-chan," said Akira, a kind smile on her face. "Are you off to work already?"

Karin frowned, but nodded at her words. "How has your grades been lately? I heard for our neighbor that you've fallen behind? Can you make it into college with what you have right now?"

"you don't have to worry about me, aunt Akira," said Karin. "Just worry about your son's lack of attendance in school." At the mention of this, Akira's smile disappeared. "If he's not going, you should just stop paying for it. It's a waste of the family's money."

"You-! What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing really," said Karin. "Just that, I don't want my family's hard earned money to be wasted on a unless and lazy outsider with no blood connection to us what so ever yet still dare-"


Silence regained for a few moments after that resounding slap, but it was broken when Yuka ran to Karin with worry.

"Sis!" said Yuka.

"I'm okay," Karin assured her. "It's just one slap." Karin stared at Akira. "I'm not wrong, and you know it. Your son is just here wasting away the money everyday-"

"You shut up!" said Akira. "Don't insult my son, you're also a waste of money to raise!"

"What's going on here?" her uncle's voice came in as the man appeared from preparing the car for today's outings.

"I see." Karin broke eye contact with Akira and turned to her smiling uncle. "Great timing, uncle," said Karin. "I'm late for work, can you drop me off?"

"Err," her uncle eyed his wife.

"Also, can I have 2,000 yen for lunch."

"You don't need it," Akira blew up. "Just ask your employer for lunch. Since they hired you, they should at least treat you to lunch also."

Karin frowned. "Okay, fine. So about that ride..."

"Just bike there yourself," Akira retorted once more. "You always bike there anyways. Why ask for a rid today. Besides, we're not going that way."

Karin was surprised. "You're not going into the city today?"

"We are," said Akira. "But we're using a different route."


And thus, Karin had to speed ride on her bike to get to work on time.