
Quick Transmigration: i want to go back home (快速轮回:我想回家)

[My own story] [inspired by those Chinese novels that i have read] ——————————- “I’m bound to you?” [yes, you are host] “No.” [okay then] “Is that it? You won’t beg me?” [No. What kind of novels have you been reading? Besides the higher ups can give me a new host] “Oh. Then return me to my own body” [No can do host. You died already, you also didn’t accept this missions so i got no choice but to kill you] “Kill me!?” [yes! Good bye ho-] “no! Okay! I accept the missions! I jus want to go home” The system smiled and replied [well, let’s have a nice trip host] —————————— the art is from : ziseviolet.tumblr.com

opshutit · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Welcome to the System or not?

[Good morning]

A cute mechanical voice woke Athy. Athy held her head as she felt a sudden headache as she tried to sit right up.

[You can just lay down, no need to sit Host ]

"Host?" Athy asked herself

[Yes, You are my Host] replied by the voice

"Who are you? What are you? Why am I here?" Athy questioned the voice as her eyes roamed around the white room she's staying in. She does not remember going out of the house, or entering this place. How the hell did she end up here?

[sorry for being rude. Host, let me introduce myself. I am a system called Raizel. I have been existing for quite some time now. This is to be the case. A system like mine helps a person's soul to travel to different worlds and helps assist them to complete their missions so that they can move on and be reborn or they can fail and lose their lives. Permanently. You are my new host and you are now bound to me]

"What? No, wait. Tell me why am I here? And how am I bound to you?"

[You no longer have a physical form. To be precise, you are now a wandering soul.]

"Are you saying I'm dead!? How am I dead? I just came home from partying and I remember only drinking wine!"

[Not exactly dead, but you are losing your life]

"Why!? I didn't even do anything! I just drank that stupid wine!]

[A wine with peanuts host. Aren't you allergic to them? And you ate quite a lot without even noticing.]

Athy was about to question Raizel again, but was interrupted .

[I am sorry host. I cannot answer any more matters. The higher-ups told me that the more we waste time, the more your original body loses its strength. Even if you finished all of the tasks, mission, you might not ever see your own body again]

"No! I won't do this shit! I want to go home! My family needs me, my friends need me! I am not bound to you and I will never do this missions."

A sudden light showed in front of athy's body and a white female liger came out of it. Athy was struck by how beautiful the liger was. It's fur was as white as snow. A little bit of dirt can already ruin its color. Its eyes were emerald green, and the more you looked at them, the more enchanting it appeared.

[A pleasure to meet you, my host. I am Raizel, it was not expected that i have to show myself ahead of time, but the higher-ups told me so. If you do not accept such missions, I have no choice but to kill you, and if I did you will never have a physical form, no matter how many years, decades, century it gets]

Athy's face turned so pale, as she trembled in fear. She just wants to go home and yet this stupid system is making it difficult for her.

"no. I won't do this, I can't! My family needs me.." she replied as she quivered

[You are the black sheep of the family. You do not hold any capacities that can top over your siblings. Your family does not even acknowledge you as their child. Acquaintances? colleagues? allies? you know it yourself. you do not have those kinds of people in your life. Do not tell me those bastards who put you in this condition are your friends? are you just plain foolish or was born with a naive mind? Host, let me be frank. You're no one, in their eyes. You are nothing.]

Athy's eyes became wide as she heard Raizel speak. It was true, everything is true. Her family was full of prodigies. She was just normal. Even if she did her best, her family doesn't even recognize it.

Tears fell on athy's face, yet Raizel did not even feel bad. She needs to hear this. Raizel did not have any other choice.

[Don't cry host. You are special in the higher-ups' eyes. You are special to this system. They chose you because you have so much regret in life. This system may serve as a place where you can fulfill those regrets.] Raizel smiled

Athy was still looking at this system's face. Understanding what the system was saying, it made her feel a tad bit better.

[Host, now do you accept these missions?]

"I do."

Raizel smiled as she heard her host response.

[Let us have some fun, good luck]


Transferring data.....data.....data....

Name: Athy Dianne

Age: 20

Class: -F

Level: 1/10

Beauty: 100/100

Luck: 20/100

M-Strength: 60/100

P-Strength: 30/100

E-Strength: 40/100

Intelligence: 50/100

Skills: Cooking, Dancing, Singing

Achievements: [None]

Accumulated points: (—)/1,000,000

Points received:

Total points:

[Are you ready now, host?] Raizel asked with anticipation


[see you on the next world host!]


Chapter 1 done, lmao idk if this is good lol but i enjoyed making this chapter lol

2022 edit: hello opshutit here. i have finally edited chapter one. i still have writer's block but editing my chapters helped.