
Quick Transmigration: i want to go back home (快速轮回:我想回家)

[My own story] [inspired by those Chinese novels that i have read] ——————————- “I’m bound to you?” [yes, you are host] “No.” [okay then] “Is that it? You won’t beg me?” [No. What kind of novels have you been reading? Besides the higher ups can give me a new host] “Oh. Then return me to my own body” [No can do host. You died already, you also didn’t accept this missions so i got no choice but to kill you] “Kill me!?” [yes! Good bye ho-] “no! Okay! I accept the missions! I jus want to go home” The system smiled and replied [well, let’s have a nice trip host] —————————— the art is from : ziseviolet.tumblr.com

opshutit · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs


Trigger warning: violence, mentions rape, blood (?)

It has been 3 days. Silvia Lost a lot of weight as she did not eat nor drink anything that was given to her. Raizel has been asking her nonstop to allow her to force escape this world yet Silvia said no.

[Host, you might die at this rate!]

{ trust the letter }

[You have been saying that for the past 3 days! Host let's go okay? We're lucky that Matthew hasn't made a move yet on you! Let's go okay?] Raizel begged once again yet she did not receive any reply. She's very worried, Silvia might not die because of failure but because of not eating nor drinking anything.

"Matthew! I told you to ruin her! Why is she still looking like that!" Briana shouted as she entered the house? She was glaring at Silvia as she shouted at Matthew. Silvia should have been raped already yet this incompetent bastard hasn't made a move yet.

"I'm not a rapist nor be a rapist Briana we might have been friends and I might have owed you once but I don't do these things," Matthew replied.

"You're a murderer, you're an assassin, Matthew. Raping someone is easier than killing people! Matthew is there something wrong with your head!?"

"More like, what's wrong with YOUR head Briana.." Silvia said as her voice sounded so hoarse from not drinking anything.

"Fuck off! I'm not talking to you. Better shut up or else!" Briana shouted at Silvia.

"Or else what?" Silvia replied while looking at Briana with Ridicule.

Briana came towards her and pulled Silvia's hair hard.

"Shut up!" Briana shouted. But Silvia smirked, it made Briana angrier so she decided to bang Silvia's head on the ground. So many times that Silvia's head started to bleed.

"BRIANA!" shouted Matthew. This was the first time he saw Briana acting like a maniac. The Briana that he knows was long gone. Matthew held Briana's arms before if could bang Silvia's head again to the ground. Two more impacts Silvia might get a head injury or worst..death.

"Let go of me," Briana said, her voice was menacing and it didn't sound like her. Matthew could only look at her but he still didn't let go. Briana let a breath out then slowly let her grip go from Silvia's hair.

"She's making me angry!" Briana shouted as she stamps on the ground.

" You...you double face b...bitch." Silvia still managed to say these words out. Even though Silvia's face is now covered by her blood

Briana turned her back and looked at her. She walked towards Silvia then kicked her in the stomach. The impact was so hard that Silvia coughed some blood

"Bitch.Bitch.Bitch." Briana kept repeating these words as she kept kicking Silvia on different parts of her body. Matthew stood there, only looking at Silvia pitifully. Only if he could help her but he can't right now.

"Matthew give me your knife."


"Matthew give me your fucking knife!" Briana scowled. Matthew was having second thoughts but eventually, he gave her his knife.

"Let's cut you up.." Briana declared frankly to Silvia. "What part should I cut first??" Briana let her eyes roamed around Silvia's body. Silvia was having a hard time breathing as she was being kicked multiple times a while ago. Her head is getting fuzzy from the different Impacts that she received that she could only squirm a little bit.

A sound of cloth being ripped echoed around the room. It was the top part of Silvia's dress. Silvia's eyes widened as she saw it happen! She wanted to cross her arms together to cover her front, but she can't. Her body is sore.

Matthew looked away as he saw Briana cutting Silvia's upper clothes. He was still a man, and he still respects girls. Even if Silvia was still wearing a brassiere, he knows that Silvia's uncomfortable being looked at while wearing undergarments.

More sounds ripping echoed the room until only a small section of clothing remains.

Fortunately, Silvia was still wearing her undergarments and a little bit of skirt that is still covering her waist until her thighs.

[ host! Please let's get out of here. This bitch is a lunatic!] Raizel was panicking. This is why the world did not go back to being level F, Briana is the reason why The world is stuck at Level E.

{N..no} Silvia managed to reply. Everything is fuzzy, Silvia already wants to close her eyes but she can't. Not yet at least.

"Argg!" Silvia moaned in pain as Briana put a cut on her shoulder. Briana looked at herm amused. "This is fun!" she said.

Briana kept putting a cut on Silvia's body and every time she did it, Silvia moaned in pain. Seeing Silvia in pain makes Briana happy, she's a sadist. She enjoys seeing others experiencing pain than herself experiencing it

The joy that she felt was two more times better since it was Silvia being tortured. Now Silvia's upper half was full of cuts, it made Briana even happier.

"Haha...Haha...HAHAHAHA" Briana laughed Hysterically.

Silvia was laying on the ground, her forehead was full of sweat, her eyes were tearing up. Everything was hurting. She can't move properly, every time that she does, it hurts so much.

[ host...] Raizel's voice was wavering. She wants to force her host soul out of the body but she can't. Silvia was too stubborn. She wants to finish this mission.

"Are you crying? Good!" Briana said as she looked at Silvia's face. She burst out laughing as she saw how helpless Silvia looks. She wanted this, she wanted to let Silvia feel horrible! She wanted to ruin her. Silvia stole what's hers...she deserves this!

Matthew stood there not doing anything. He wants to help Silvia but his body does not move.

"I'm getting bored. I guess I will kill you then throw your body in a place where no one will see it. Isn't that nice?" Briana said as she giggled.

Briana put her hand up and stabbed Silvia in the stomach



Suddenly the door opens and when Briana looked over, her face paled.

When the door open, Silvia looked up even if she was wincing in pain. She smiled as she saw the people who she anticipated to come. With her last strength, she said


Before everything turned black, the last thing she heard was Adrian calling her name.


Yet! Done! We are almost at the end of this Arc/World! I hope you like this chapter! To be honest, I have writers' block right now but I tried my best to make this chapter. I hope this makes sense hehe

And yeah! I hope you could give me a like or comment. I want to interact with y'all!

Btw liking and commenting makes me happy and it means a lot! Thank you!