
Quick Transmigration: i want to go back home (快速轮回:我想回家)

[My own story] [inspired by those Chinese novels that i have read] ——————————- “I’m bound to you?” [yes, you are host] “No.” [okay then] “Is that it? You won’t beg me?” [No. What kind of novels have you been reading? Besides the higher ups can give me a new host] “Oh. Then return me to my own body” [No can do host. You died already, you also didn’t accept this missions so i got no choice but to kill you] “Kill me!?” [yes! Good bye ho-] “no! Okay! I accept the missions! I jus want to go home” The system smiled and replied [well, let’s have a nice trip host] —————————— the art is from : ziseviolet.tumblr.com

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17 Chs


"Why did trip me, Lady Silvia?" Briana said as her clothes were now full of dirt

Silvia raised her eyebrows. What the hell does this bimbo thinking?

"What do you mean, Lady Jones? I'm walking in front of you."

Briana's face turned red from embarrassment. "D-Don't lie! You tripped me! You were beside me the whole time and your clothes are heavy, to begin with! You purposely moved in front of me so that people would not suspect you! You also did the same thing before. You pushed me and used your dress as an excuse."

Silvia heard murmurs surrounding them both. She mentally laughed, as she made fun of Briana for being stupid.

"How bold of you to suspect me" Silvia eyed Briana up and down, silently Judging her

" Don't tell me, you can't see what I'm wearing" Silvia Smirked

"That won't work again! It's not that hard to admit you did something wrong!" Briana shouted at Silvia, Briana earned a gasp from the students that are near them. Briana did not care about the other students, yet she thought "you'll regret making me feel humiliated, now let's see how you make another stupid excuse.

Briana was still sitting on the ground, Silvia looked at her without any emotion. Briana mentally laughed as she thought that she got Silvia cornered, but Silvia crouches down to the same level as Briana. Their position is both on the ground while looking at the eyes of each other.

Silvia smiled. "Hm. I know you were stupid but I didn't know you were this stupid" she laughed

" Here I thought you know what kind of dress I am wearing...but I stand corrected. It turns out you don't know what kind of fabric that my dress is made of" she continued.

Silvia stood up and looked down on Briana who was still sitting on the ground acting like a pathetic little bitch.

While being in that position, Briana felt inferior towards Silvia who's standing while looking down on her.

" I am wearing a Silk Fabric dress, it weighs from light to medium. If you haven't noticed, both of our clothes are made of Silk fabrics even tho yours is made from Silk satin and mine is made from Georgette, it is still the same silk fabric."

Briana looked at Silvia wide-eyed, how can this woman know a lot about fabrics!?

" I hoped that you knew this since this fabric is usually used by lower-ranked nobility such as Baroness and by Commoners too since it is quite comfortable to wear. I guess i was wrong about you" Silvia continued

"Next Time Lady jones. if you want to make trouble for me, you better to know things more than me. Right now you look ridiculous on how eager you're making me look like the villain." Silvia added. With that, She left Brianna with those students that are laughing at her.

Briana's hand formed a first, she was careless but she won't stop unless Silvia becomes guilty.


Briana tried again and again and everyone got tired of it but Silvia didn't. She liked how she can make fun of Briana's intelligence without even lifting a finger.

Everyday Briana tried but she goes away defeated until

"omg!" a student shouted as it saw Briana pouring a cup of hot tea over Silvia's head. Every student in the cafeteria turned their head towards the direction of Briana. Their faces were full of horror, "is Briana out of her head!?" they thought.

The students were amazed at how Silvia handled Briana professionally, they never saw Silvia do the same thing to Briana. Right now, Briana is very lucky. Disrespecting a noble with much higher status than you could lead your family from being stripped from Nobility, but disrespecting a Noble that has a higher status than you and has a relation with the Imperial family...not only getting put down to jail is the price but also public execution of the whole bloodline.

And Briana just poured hot tea over Silvia's head. "Shit," they all thought. They know, they know Briana will die sooner or later.

"Silvia!" Adrian shouted as he saw her dressed getting drenched with hot tea. Adrian glared at Briana and was about to touch her but Silvia stopped him. He looked over at Silvia wondering why she stopped him but he met Silvia's cold eyes. He felt uncomfortable...no he felt fear. It was the first time Silvia's eyes showed anger.

Silvia slowly stood up and got her cup of hot chocolate and plate of food. Everyone thought she'll just leave but when Silvia looked over at Briana, She did the same thing. Silvia threw her food over Briana's head and body.

Everyone looked at Silvia wide-eyed. Briana's cream-colored dress was now filled with chocolate and vegetables. Briana's eyes were wide but slowly relaxed as she smirked. She thought "finally..you can't get away with this anymore Silvia"

Briana started to walking away while wearing a smile. She thought that she could get away from what she is but a hand stopped her. She was forcefully brought back to where she was standing while stumbling.

"Let go of me Silvia!" Briana shouted as her wrist started to hurt. Silvia's frame is delicate and beautiful, it was not expected that her grip is that strong.

"Hm.." Silvia hummed, she doesn't care if she hurt Briana. Briana has been testing her for quite some time now, and she has been letting her do so, but this is the last straw.

Silvia let go of Briana's wrist, instead, she pulled Briana's hair.

"Ah! It hurts! Let go you bitch!" Briana shouted as she tried to lessen Silvia's grip from her hair.

Every student is terrified of what is happening in the cafeteria.

" I don't want to stoop low as you but this is the final straw. You ruined my dress." Silvia's voice was cold that it sent a shiver to everybody.

"O-oi..Silvia stop"

"Do not fucking stop me, Adrian. You do not know why I'm getting angry" Adrian tried to stop Silvia but it didn't work. Silvia's mouth was like a poisonous cobra when she's angry and right now, they are seeing how terrifying she looks.

Silvia pulled Briana's hair and every time she does it, Briana winched in pain.

"It hurts! It hurts! Let go of my hair!" Briana kept shouting but Silvia did not even felt pity.

Everyone stood there, horrified by what they are seeing. They see Silvia as a tiger dressed as a cunning fox. Silvia never lost her temper even if she was bullying or getting jealous of Briana, this was the first time they saw it and they hope they will never see it again.

Briana's face was stained with tears, her head hurts but Silvia didn't stop. The more Briana felt hurt, the more she hates Silvia. If Silvia was just a commoner, she could've killed her but Silvia's a daughter of a duke, she'll get killed instead.

"What's happening here!?" a man's voice rang all over the cafeteria. Every student turned their head including Briana to know which person did it came from.

"DEAN!?" They all thought.

Briana'a face formed a smile, then she suddenly cried so hard.

"D-Dean! Help me! Lady Bright-" Briana did not manage to finish her sentence when her cheeks suddenly felt a sting. Briana held her cheeks as she looked over to Silvia.

Silvia slapped her. The sound was so loud that everyone turned their head towards them.

"You started this shit, now don't act like the victim. Everyone saw what you did"

"It's only a dress! You're Physically abusing me!" Briana cried

"This is not just a fucking dress. This dress was a dress that my deceased mother wore, this dress means a lot to me and you ruined it. This dress held a lot of memories yet! you.." Silvia's eyes started to sting as tears started to fall on her face. Silvia's hand formed a fist as she almost swung across Briana's face.

"Lady Bright! Stop this instant" The Dean stopped Silvia as she almost punched Briana. Silvia pulled Briana's hair one more time before she let go.

The Dean stood up between them. Sweat forming on his forehead.

"I will call both of your guardians tomorrow. We'll talk about this matter. As of now, this issue should not be able to spread outside. The issue started here and it will remain here." The Dean announced.

The Dean carried Lady Jones as Lady Jones's body was sore. But before they could walk away Silvia said " all of you can bully or hurt me, but never hurt the things that I love. What you saw right now is not all, if you think this was terrifying..just wait until I'm full"

With that, Silvia left the cafeteria with Adrian still dumbfounded with the scenes that he saw "Damn that was scary" he thought


[Host..that was]

{too much? Yeah, I know. But it wasn't my feelings, I want to let the matter go but something just rose inside of me} Silvia explained to Raizel.


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