
Quick Transmigration: How to deal with a Nutcase

Fu Youngchan is an award winning actor. He was known as 'The Multifaceted Genius' in the entertainment circle due to the variety of roles that he played in every movie or series. Every character that he plays, struck to the hearts of many people due to the genuine feeling that Youngchan was able to make them feel. He reached the peak of his popularity at the age of 31. And is currently receiving the Grand Slam title for winning all 3 of the major film awards. He said his carefully written speech on the stage accompanied by the claps and admiration of the people around him. He then left the stage carrying the trophies contentedly. When the awarding ceremony finished, he came home and slept with a smile on his face. But when he woke up, he was in an empty white room with an overly enthusiastic system with him. Eh?

Crispy_Cookies_24 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 17: I can't bear it!

Xavier's POV:

I woke up extremely refreshed today because Rion was beside me. Oh! The happiness of waking up everyday seeing his face!

After we had the conversation, the maid called us and we went down together. Mr. And Mrs. Smith was already there waiting for us. Rion came forward and gave them both a kiss in the cheek. My eyes lingered at their cheeks, I want to get one too! Before my thoughts further strays, I also greeted them both and we started eating.

The breakfast was very short and we went back to the room. I was ushered back to the Guest Room's Bathroom and Rion went in his. I quickly washed up and prepared. I'm excited to see Rion in his uniform!

I listlessly waited in the living room while glancing around the stairs.

I heard footsteps and my neck rotated on their own. As he walked down the flight of stairs, his eyes seems to shine and his smile so kind. White does suit him, especially with gold inlaid patterns. He looks so cute and regal at the same time!

We proceeded to the car, and the drive is mostly silent with occasional reminders from Mrs. Smith.

"Rion, remember to listen to the teacher, okay?"

"Yes, mommy!"

"And be nice to your classmates!"

"Yes, mommy!"

"Xavier, I'll accompany you to the Headmaster's Office to inquire."

"Thanks, Mrs. Smith."

The drive was quite short as the school was not that far from Rion's house. The only us 3 went down, while Mr. Smith continued to his company because there's gonna be an important meeting.

We entered separately, Rion went to the classrooms while we went for the administration building.

The secretary of the Headmaster let us enter immediately.

In the office, a smiling old man welcomed us.

"To whom do I owe this visit Mrs. Smith?"

"Don't mind me, I'm just accompanying this child here. Go on Xavier, state your questions."

"Uhm. I'm Xavier Lawrence. What are the enrollment procedures?" - I asked, I hope that doesn't sound so rude.

"Lawrence? Oh! You must be the son of Mr. Naz Lawrence! He's an avid supporter and donor of our school! Enrollment procedures are really simple here. You just need to list down your name and take an exam. After 3 days, were gonna let you know of the results."

"Is there other important things that I should take note of?"

"Oh! If you get 100% in the Entrance Exam, your tuition fee for the year will be waived by the school."

"Thank you for the information! I'd like to enroll." - I straightforwardly said.

"That's great! Come back here after 2 days to take your entrance examination. For the mean time, you can tour the school to explore!"

"Thank you headmaster." - Mrs. Smith said as we left the office and the Headmaster waved at us amiably.

"Xavier, where do you want to go?" - Mrs. Smith asked me.

"I want to see Rion."

"Haha, you just parted but can't wait to see each other again. What good friendship."

I didn't correct her.

She led me to the classrooms to see Rion.

What would Rion be like in the room?

We arrived in front of Diamond Class.

"This is Rion's room, the Diamond Class. Let's see what he's doing secretly." - Mrs. Smith shushed me

I looked through the window, and the whole scene shocked me to the core!

Everyone is flocking to Rion! He's so likable.

He's smiling kindly to others! Just like how he smiled to me!

He's playing with them just like we did!

I-I thought that he's only kind to me. B-but Rion is really kind so I understand.

But everyone is touching him, deliberately!

Get your dirty hands off Rion! I can't bear it!

As I've thought, I must make Rion exclusive to me and mine alone! The thought of having these filths surround him nauseates me. While having these thoughts I shuddered, I can't believe myself.

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