
Quest to Oblivion

A twenty-five years old man saught for the demon that caused him to be transported in a different world. After knowing that the demon died hundreds of years before his wake and that the people he once was associated with were still alive, they decided to meet one another and to reunite. But upon percieving that the demon's death and the transportation of people from different world like him and his friends matches the lore written in the codex of a fallen church, they went off their ways and pursued for the real meaning behind the book only to realise that there was a deeper story behind the lore that involves even the smallest life form in the world they're living in. Join their perilous voyage as they complete the Quest to Oblivion. ps. this is the first time I'm writing a novel. I'll apologise in advance to my future grammatical errors and typos :'>

ScaredyFrench · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

His Name

"I really am in a different world…"

Dybrin mumbled to himself as he stared at his reflection in the puddle of water. The rain stopped as the dark clouds dissipated, giving way for the sun to luminate the once gloomed day.

His green silky hair was similar to the avatar of his character, and his armour was the same armour he equipped during the quest.

The only difference is the face that was altered. He looked a lot more like his real face than the avatar.

"Am I that handsome or is it just because of the green hair?"

Dybrin adapted into the situation he was in faster than expected, it might be due to the knowledge he had after reading fantasy novels and mangas related to isekai.

Dybrin went back to the area where he and his party died.

The area changed. Before, it had a large vacant area with a goblin's base but now it was an area covered with vegetation. The tree of where Joan once stood on to was taller than the last time he saw it, the area where the party flocked as the demon picked them off one by one was now a field of flowers and weeds.

The equipment that the party once used was lying down in the field, Nimbus's rare staff "Staff of Ignis", Zeubo's hybrid katana-longsword "Kazi", Joan's legendary quiver that creates unlimited arrows and Daphne's tome "Majika's Tome".

He grabbed the equipment and stored them up inside a bag that was just beside the weapons. He carried the bag while he adjusted the holster of his mace in his waist.

It took him a while as he adapted himself in the world he was now revolving in. He used the Majika's Tome and checked whether he can use magic leading to a failure. He equipped the Kazi but it released electric shock from its grip, electrocuting himself.

'It looks like I still can't use magic and carry offensive build weapons.'

Zeubo, Daphne, Joan and Nimbus classes are classified as Offensive classes meanwhile the vanguard class Dybrin chose, which is 'Hospitaller' was a defensive one.

Upon knowing that the rules of the game was still active, he stored the weapons back in the bag then threw a sigh.

"Looks like the dream of being a magician swordsman is shattered in an instant."

Dybrin grabbed his mace then polished it, his mace was named the "Mace of Hebor", fabled to be the mace used by the Knight of Baux. Labelling it as an epic weapon.

After polishing his mace, he placed it back on its holster and later on grinned after thinking of the future that lies ahead for him in this new world.

Even if he adapted in the situation, the feeling of being transferred to an another world still remained intact on his mind, just by thinking about it ignites his childish twenty-five years old soul.

He was about to pick some leaves but the field of flowers caught his gaze, the moment Dybrin looked at the flowers forced him to remember the demon that killed them, the memory was embedded deeply that every time he thinks about what happened to him and his party builds up the anger even more.

"Malcolm… I'll surely kill you this time," Dybrin said unto himself as he clenched his fist. Seeking revenge not just because he died but because of hurting Daphne.

'Its not like I like her or something, he just gave her a fright and I won't let that slip off. Hmph.'

It was as if a scene where a son seeks for revenge after his father was killed by the antagonist, or a tsundere man seeks vengeance after touching the person he had romantic interest with but the mood was broken after Dybrin heard screams near him.

It wasn't a monkey's mating yell but of a human's, he knew what it was for he had a sister who screamed like a chimpanzee back home.

Out of curiosity, Dybrin went to where the screams were coming from. He grabbed a sickle from the bag he was carrying, turns out that inside the bag was the party's rations and supplies for the quest they once participated.

And speaking of quests, if you want to know what happened to the quest.

They failed.

He used the sickle to cut off the vines and leaves that was blocking his path, after a minute of hacking and slashing of weeds, he saw a road.

It was almost mid-day. The sun was near its highest peak, scorching the dominion with its light. The northern winds that were supposed to be stuck between mountain ranges were present just to weaken the heat of the sun.

To Dybrin, it was hot enough to let people enter their homes to turn their air conditioners on but what lies there was a carriage in the middle of the road, most importantly there were humans.

Dybrin, after seeing the humans almost leapt in joy, after hours of isolation, he finally found someone to ask where he was and to socialise with.

But there was a problem, the humans were surrounded by kobolds. The demi-humans with quite a bit of intelligence that usually hunts down merchant wagons and carriages in rural areas for food was present. You think it was goblins but no it's us kobolds—

There were four humans and six kobolds in total, three of the humans present might be hired adventurers. No matter how you look at it, the humans will have a hard time dealing with that amount of monsters, let alone kill it.

"Split up! protect the convoy!"

"Protect the rear!"

"Prioritise the merchant's safety first!"

Dybrin watched them as he hid on a shrub from afar. He was getting information just from watching the party.

"They lack in cooperation. Must be a ragtag group," he mumbled.

"The man at the back needs milk after this fight, he's gonna get wounds due to the lack of concentration…" he added.

"They might be on a convoy quest. Better leave them be," he said as he turned around. He knew he should not interfere with someone's business. And he won't even dare to steal someone's spotlight, that's disgraceful as a knight.

He was about to leave when there were two kobolds behind him, the kobolds saw him as he saw them, there was silence in between them. An awkward silence to be exact. One of the kobolds decided to take an action and drew its bow, the other drew it's sword and ran towards Dybrin.

Without thinking about what to do, his own body ran towards the monster, he unknowingly bashed the rushing kobold's face with the shield, shattering it after receiving such powerful blows. The other kobold fired an arrow, but the draw of the drawstrings was weak that the arrow just bounced off on Dybrin's shield.

Dybrin leapt towards the remaining kobold and bashed its head with the shield, a precise hit in the middle of the head that opened it like coconut.

He stood up as he wiped the blood off his shield by using the rags that one of the kobold's wore. Out of habit, he counted the kobolds that was surrounding the humans once again.

A kobold threw a spear to the merchant, wounding the merchant on his arm.

The merchant let out a loud scream afterwards.

"Louis! Heal the merchant!" the woman wearing plate armour shouted, a man in a white robe responded as he chanted a healing spell to the wounded merchant.

After witnessing the scene, Dybrin knew he must act. He was not a stalker who would just hide and watch as people die but a vanguard which protects people in need.

And then an idea popped inside his head, he thought about checking his character's strength. With that he decided to help the adventurers in distress.

"I'm unsupposed to pry but I want to know my strength so…"

Dybrin dashed out from the forest like a knight in his steed- but without a steed, and rammed one of the kobold's in front of the wagon. The kobold immediately fell down as it was hit by a rushing speed as powerful as a rampaging elephant.

Dybrin grabbed the spear of the fallen kobold then threw it to the other one who was carrying a club, the spear hit it's head, piercing through as it hit the third kobold which was coincidentally standing next to the second kobold, resulting to a double kill.

"Ah, I missed," Dybrin said as he watched the kobolds fell down lifeless which was a blatant lie.

The woman who was protecting the wagon stood still without any words to say as she witnessed a knightly scene right from the storybooks.

Dybrin looked at her then said;

"There are three more at the back, hurry or they will attack your ally."

"Y-yes!" even with the stutter, the woman managed to respond and act quickly. She scurried and aided her comrade at the back then engaged in fighting the rest of the kobolds.

Dybrin checked the kobolds whether they're dead or alive, he kicked the first corpse, there was no response. He slapped the second one's buttocks with a spear, still no response. He was about to check the third one but the head was pretty wrecked after the spear blew it off so he considered it as D.E.A.D.

He then went to the man in a robe, knowing that the man was having a hard time casting healing spells, he placed the bag down then dug deep and offered him a healing potion.

The man looked at him with pure blank thought on what to do or to say next.

"Use it on him."

"But sir this potion is expen…"

"It's just a healing potion."


"It's fine, really."

"O-okay then."

The man poured the potion onto the merchant's bleeding arm. In an instant, the wound healed up.

The merchant slowly opened his eyes then stood up to thank Dybrin.

"Thank you for the potions mister but isn't that an expensive one?" the man asked Dybrin.

"Expensive? That's the cheapest one I bought though."


"Instead of chattering, let's go and help your comrades from the rear."

"Yes sir!"

Dybrin and the man in the robe accompanied the rest of the party at the rear, Dybrin's arrival was flawless that the kobolds even stared at him with awe and adoration, he accidentally landed onto a kobold that died instantly not long after it got crushed by him.

The woman managed to pick off one of the two remaining kobolds while the remaining one scurried back to the wilderness. The convoy quest was a success but it was not over. The merchant went to gather the adventurers for regrouping, Dybrin was behind the merchant. The adventurers went in front of him then bowed their head down out of gratitude.

"Thank you very much for saving us, good sir!"

"We will engrave this deep in our hearts!"

"Er… it's nothing though, I just seemed to pass by and saw you guys having a hard time." Dybrin replied, which was another lie, he was watching them from the shrubs for almost a minute and even had the thoughts of abandoning them.

"May I ask your name sir?" asked the merchant.

Dybrin was not gonna answer the question but the look of the adventurers' faces made him so. It was as if an honour to know your saviour's name so the adventurers were curious of his.


"Dybrin?" the four asked, they didn't hear it clearly but they had the idea that it was Dybry or Dibby.

Dybrin closed his eyes, looking as if he was proud of himself but he actually was thinking of a surname, just a fact, Hisaki was bad at naming stuff, his first account was named after his favourite author and an English King.

Then he had decided, he opened his eyes and posed sternly like a knight turning to a decorated hero. After mixing his neighbour's dog and his cat's name, he finally had a surname for himself.

"My name is Dybrin Soulenfe."