
Quest supremacy: new player!!!

this is the card system from quest supremacy in the lookin verse Dongyu Han was the average bullied kid. But after Daniel park left CHUNGCHEON he became the new “pokemon” to Logan and his bullies. but after gaining the card system he became the strongest. see what quest he gets and if he’ll be able to complete them all!!!

Zaycanwrite · Komik
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8 Chs



I felt a powerful blow to my stomach, leaving me gasping for air and collapsing to the ground. "Ouch!" I choked out, struggling to catch my breath as the imposing figure and his cronies loomed over me.

"What a pathetic excuse for a human being," Logan sneered, a lit cigarette dangling from his lips. One of his companions spoke up, taking a drag from his own cigarette. "Hey, Logan, seems like you've been taking out your frustrations on Dong yu ever since Pikachu left, huh?" The large boy crouched on the floor, his voice filled with resignation. "Why do you think? When one friend leaves, another one takes their place. Anyway, I'm transferring to a different school tomorrow, so make sure that loser Pokémon stays insignificant, alright?" Logan answered as they shared a mocking laugh before exiting the bathroom.

"Darn it, darn it, DARN IT!" I shouted, my fists pounding the floor as tears streamed down my face. "Maybe... just maybe, if I were stronger or wealthier, I would be more accepted, and no one would dare to bully me."

As the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, I made my way home. Along the way, I noticed a poster of Charles Choi from the prestigious HNH Group displayed in a window. "If only I could be like him," I murmured to myself, envisioning a life where no one could ever bully me. I glanced down at my clenched fist and continued on my way.

Upon entering my house, the aroma of my mom's cooking greeted me. "I'm home, Mom," I called out, a forced smile on my face. She turned towards me, her eyes filled with warmth. "How's my pride and joy doing?" I shrugged off my jacket, forcing a chuckle. "You know me, Mom. Always doing great." Little does she know the truth about the regular bullying I endure.

"I should get started on my studying. I'll be out for dinner," I announced, retreating into my room. I flopped down onto my bed, feeling a heavy weight of loneliness settle upon me. "At least Logan is leaving the school, so I don't have to worry about that anymore. But still, I need to find a way to improve myself. How, how, how!" I began biting my nails anxiously and got up to search for ways to get stronger and learn how to fight. "No, no, no. Darn it," I muttered in frustration as I scrolled through multiple NewTube videos, but none of them seemed to fulfill my needs. "I need to become stronger quickly and efficiently," I thought to myself, standing up and deciding to take a stroll outside to clear my head.

"Maybe I should just stop trying to rush-" I was abruptly interrupted as a punch landed in my stomach. "Ouch!" I fell to the floor, greeted by three of Logan's lackeys. "You think just because Logan's gone, you can stroll around? You're pretty cocky," one of them sneered.

After enduring their brutal assault and being left in a corner, I groaned in pain, coughing up blood with tears streaming down my face. "Darn. I hate my life," I muttered, struggling to regain my balance. "Quest window," I whispered to myself. "Quest window. Quest window!" I yelled out in frustration, before finally resigning myself to lay on the alley floor. "Heh, should've known. This isn't a game. I'll just lay here and pass out," I said to myself, closing my eyes.

[System] (Quest window activated)

[System] (Would you like to accept the quest?)

Said an artificial voice woman as it resounded throughout the alley, the glare of the bright blue system window hovering above me.

I stared at the window in front of me, feeling a surge of disbelief and confusion. Without wasting a moment, I ran back home and into my room. "WHAT THE HECK?! THIS DEFIES ALL LAWS OF LIFE." I reached for the window but my hand went right through it. "What the?" The quest window still appeared. "Accept quest." I said hesitantly.

[System] You have accepted the quest

[System] Help your mom cook; as you struggle at school, she struggles on her own at home

[system] reward: {golden card} {silver card}

"That's all? How hard can it be?" I muttered to myself and ran to the kitchen excitedly. "Hey mom, need any help?!" I asked happily and she nodded. "I'm just cooking all of the Thanksgiving meals for next week. It's nice of you to help." Hearing that my jaw dropped. "Darn it!" I muttered to myself.

3 hours later

I laid on the bed and groaned. "I owe mom a huge apology, she really does this all on her own?" There was a moment of silence until I sat up excitedly. "Oh yeah! My reward!" I grabbed the card and said excitedly. "CLAIM CARDS!"



Level: 1}


Current stats: Dongyu Han

Strength: F

Speed: B

Potential: IMMEASURABLE!!!

Intelligence: B

Endurance: A

"JEEZ! WHAT'S UP WITH MY POTENTIAL?!" I muttered to myself, kinda excited. "Anyways what the heck are invisible attacks?" I raised my hand and punched a pillow and my hand went incredibly fast; it was like I never punched! "Whoa!

[System] (Invisible attacks: Level 2)

"And I'm flexible now?" I raised my leg and it went over my head higher than I ever imagined. "WHOA!"

I finally felt tired enough and ended up falling asleep.

The next day

"GOOD MORNING MOM!" I yelled and ran to give her a hug and kiss before leaving the house and to school incredibly excited. "I can't wait to get to school!"

As I ran to the school and entered. As always I was greeted by dirty looks from girls but it didn't matter because I have a system now!

As I walked there was a fist that punched me in my face and knocked me down. "Ouch!" I said in pain as Panjun and Mae Kim stood over me.

[system] {quest starting} (beat up Panjun and Mae Kim)

Reward: Silver card

Time: 20 minutes

"Who did he think he was? Coming here all cocky and what not." Pajun kneeled down and Mae Kim raised his leg. "Let's teach him a lesson."

He sent his kick flying to my face. I thought all hope was lost until I kicked his foot with my right foot and spun my body around using his leverage to kick his body far into a wall making him pass out.

"Y-YOU, YOU JERK!" Panjun yelled in a scared and surprised tone and threw a punch at me but I invisible kicked his hand and raised my leg high with my insane flexibility, and kicked his head in an axe kick way knocking him unconscious.

There was a moment of disbelief from everyone in the school but eventually I began getting applause from the kids who were picked on and angry looks from the bullied.

[System] (congratulation: you finished the quest!)

{1x Silver card}

{invisible attacks: level 5}

I ran into the nearby bathroom and hid in a stall. "Claim card." I muttered under my breath.

Reward: {Silver card: Capoeira- half moon kick}

"Another martial art? At this point I'll be the strongest in CHUNGCHEON" I chuckled.