
QUEER Platonic

I gulped and started my walk to my room. I stopped at the entrance to the dark hall. What was that? I swear I saw something moving. 'Is that you Casper?' I yelled into the dark. My moment was interrupted by snickering. I turned and saw nothing. I gasped and stepped behind nearly knocking over the vase. I grabbed it before it fell. The culprit came out of their hiding spot, down the stairs. My mouth dropped when I saw tan skin peeking out the spaces of the Celtics jersey he was wearing. The muscles, such burly glory..the height, like a tower. Just kidding, a 6'3 perhaps. His shorts exposed his muscular legs, I remembered Levi..that's when I looked at the culprit's face. Dark messy hair, straight nose with a nose piercing on the left side, salmon lips and that jawline...ohhhhh 'Oops you're drooling!' His voice shocked me out of my scrutiny. I quickly wiped my dry mouth and heard him chuckle. 'A clumsy one_' 'If I was you I'd wipe that smug look from you face_' I crossed my arms over my chest. 'And why is that?' He imitated my action. 'Your zipper is undone!' I shamelessly pointed. He laughed rolling his eyes, he thought I was pulling off the same trick he'd used on me. 'Yah sure!' He waved his hands in the air. 'Perhaps Casper can back you up on your allegations!'

La_Mujer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Avian Viridian


I lay safely..or at least I thought..in the arms of my saviour.

He moved around confused about my directions.

I weakly murmured as he tried to listen and follow, my language wasn't clear but he tried.

By the time he got to the hedge for the third time, I was out.


He watched in awe the sleeping beaut..umm..the unconscious girl in his arms. He hated to think what would have happened if he hadn't been in the vicinity.

He was out looking for the Lexve Prince, Levi Arcane. Soft mumbles escaped her pale heart shaped lips..he could imagine how colored they were before that tree drained her out.

He turned and gave a good look at the tree. It oozed of darkness, something darker than his kind.

'Erior?!' A blonde lean man walked closer. He was a few inches shorter than this quiet superior of his. Directing his gaze to the girl, he whispered, 'Do you think it is appropriate for you to take her to her house nevertheless carry her there too?'

A pointed look gave him his answer before a verbal response followed.

'What do you think Hugh? Should I have let her die or walk back half able to breathe?' Avian replied hiding his sudden curiosity about this human girl. Why did the Tree of Perpetual Darkness drain her blood.

Why did it look like it was suffering from its own curse?

'Uh..no sire!' He nodded stepping back to give him space.

He got a curt nod before the journey resumed in silence.

At a distance, he was able to see smoke. There was a house nearby, his steps quickened in that direction.

A moment later, he could see it. It was a small two story house with a olden look. It had a few hints of the modern day but this stood out less compared to the arcs and straw roof.

'We should leave her here sire!' Hugh murmured earning another pointed look from Avian. Why did he not want anything happening with this girl? She was already close to humans who would help?

Up front stood a woman worriedly waiting at the front door. She tightly held on to her sweater wiping her tears. Avian stepped out taking firm steps to the house. She had to be her mom. The woman watched in fear as they came but her eyes caught what or who they carried.

She came running towards them.

'Are you her...?' Avian asked only to be interrupted by her cries.

'Samuelle!' She cried trying to carry her down. Almost immediately, a man came out of their house. He looked equally worried. He instantly moved to Avian and tried to take her away but he stepped back.

Levi's eyes shot up in shock for being rejected, he wasn't used to being refused what he wanted.

His expression changed when he saw Avian, it sent a message to his head that they had called a search on him all over the realms.

He returned his gaze to Samuelle who looked pale. Did Avian drink from her? A loud growl erupted before his hands were around his neck.

'What is wrong with you Levi?' He rolled trying not to lose his cool. He hated reacting before understanding, something wolves did.

'Did you drink from her?' He asked as Samuelle's mother's detached eyes rose to him in shock.

'No!' He rolled. 'The tree did..and she'd be dead if I hadn't helped her!' Avian explained. Immediately he mentioned that, Levi noticed the piercings all over her body and once again attempted to take her. Avian refused. 'First.. tell me why you are here while everyone is on the search for your arse!'

Levi bit down on his lip as he sent his host a pleading look to invite them in.

He had some explanations to give.


I woke up to a splitting headache, luckily I was in my room with plasters all over my arms and legs. One was stuck to my cheek.

I sat up ignoring how my room suddenly smelled like mom's guest. I carefully pushed up wincing and stopping when I felt the pain was a lot. Limping to the door, I opened it and struggled down the stairs.

I could hear discussions which quietened when I walked in, Danielle and Levi sat alongside two other men at the table.

She rushed to me hugging me as I took in what seemed to be happening. I locked eyes with the man I saw earlier, it was hard for me to look away with the fact that he was gorgeous. The sound of Levi broke me out of my trance..

Boy did I hate this guy.

'What did you think you were doing?' He started. I limped to the seat next to my mom picking up a fruit from the basket.

'Relax grandpa! I am alive, aren't I?' I bit into the apple, trying to forget how death kissed me right on the lips earlier.

'Yah.. thanks to Avian right there!' He growled again? I hated how tough he sounded but I moved my eyes to the Avian guy.

'Thank you Avian!' I whispered hoping he'd hear me, which he did and gave me a curt nod.

I sat aside watching the hushed discussion they were having. I noticed how irritated the blonde guy looked. He had already caught me looking at him thrice and practically hissed at me. I bit into my fourth apple wondering what was up?

'I'll just go out for a bit!' I stood up trying not to sound irritated at how they kept me out of their conversation.

'No!' Danielle said leaving no room for arguments. I raised my brows moving a few inches from the table.

'Well I can't sit around as you guys whisper to each other!' I rolled crossing my arms over my chest. It was kinda getting to me.

'But you haven't gotten better yet!' She explained walking closer to me. Levi moved to her softly placing his hand on her shoulder. She looked at him and they shared a silent discussion before she turned to me and shrugged before taking her seat.

'Just don't go too far!' Levi yelled as I limped out the door loudly slamming it to show how I did care what he thought about my situation.

I moved to the porch taking a seat at the stairs, my mind played about as I tried to ignore the shivers the biting wind gave me. My eyes travelled to the tree, that tree! I had a reason to fear it now. Nothing anyone could tell because..

I felt it first hand.

The door clicked open as the two men stepped out, Avian stared at me curiously before brushing past me. The other guy followed silently.

'Good bye!' I yelled as the two disappeared around the corner simply ignoring me. 'Huh..'