
Queendom of blood and vengeance

Would you like to be THE Queen? Forbidden love, betrayal, corruption, intrigue, and war... In the struggle for power, no one has clean hands. Bachué was born poor and dark-skinned. In this world, being born dark-skinned means that she will die without the possibility of a better life than one of misery and bigotry. Until she is presented with the opportunity that will change her life forever ... start a journey to become THE QUEEN of all Alba Terra. That way, she will influence to change the lives of millions of dark-skinned like her. However, in order to achieve absolute power, she must defeat her enemies, but to do so she has to stop being the naive girl she's always been. She must learn to manipulate, lie and betray and get her hands dirty. After all, in the power struggle, no one has clean hands.

LuchinSilva · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
113 Chs


Hi guys, I'm Luis, creator of Queendom.

First of all, I wanted to thank those who have followed this series. This is my first time writing in the world of web novels and I am still learning a lot about this wonderful medium. It has helped me a lot to read the comments of some who text me on my social media. You don't know how much I appreciate them.

Now, I have to inform you that the series is going into a two-month hiatus. December is a month in which I will have a lot of work as a scriptwriter and I will also be on vacation with my family at the end of the month and part of January. In other words, in February we will return with three weekly chapters.

Bachué's story is just beginning and the next part of Queendom will focus on the palace intrigues that she will have to deal with in Duke Soto's palace. In addition, Daymara and Marco will have to deal with their own conflicts that will soon become intertwined with Bachué's.

We still have many questions to solve: can Bachué save her sister? Will Delilah and Bachué meet again? Who Killed Queen Catherine? Will Daymara be discovered? What is Queen Antonete hiding? Will Sir Raymi find out who killed Urma? Will Marco get revenge? What is hiding Veny the bard? And the most important ... will Bachué be queen?

Although these two months will be hiatus, I will not be so inactive on social media. I will focus on promoting the story and gaining more readers by next February.

I would appreciate it if you could share this web novel and recommend it. I still don't earn a penny from this project, so your help motivates me a lot to keep going.

Thank you so much! And may the Supreme and the Saints bless you!