
CH. 10 Alvarez Empire

It has been a month since Zeref starts teaching Juvia about magic. He was surprised at how fast she could improve. Zeref have taken interest in teaching her, as he teaches her many magic. He teaches her new magic like Snow, Sword and Storm Magic, which Juvia has mastered it quickly.

"So, what are we learning today?" asked Juvia. "Today I am teaching you two types of magic and improve your Enchantment Magic," said Zeref and he start showing it to Juvia. "The first is Space or Spatial Magic." Zeref start teleporting himself away and back. "Next is Living Magic." Juvia who was sitting on the ground jumped. "What are you serious about this?!" "Yes, Juvia I am serious about this," said Zeref looking determine to teach Juvia Living Magic no matter what. "Fine" sighed Juvia.

Time Skip ~ 2 years

Over the two years, it has been great for both Juvia and Zeref. Juvia has improved a lot from before. She has mastered Enchantment and Living Magic, while still having some difficulty with Spatial Magic. Her Magic Power has also increased. At this moment Juvia could face August in a one to one battle and she could stay for an hours in the battle between Zeref when he is serious. She also learned Dark Magic, Command T and Arc of Embodiment from Zeref, in which she is still trying to control. As for Zeref, it has been great, since it has been a long time that he is traveling with someone.

"Zeref, why don't we find land and stay there," asked Juvia as they have been changing places almost every month, because they keep destroying them in the end. "Yeah, why don't we headed to Alvarez then." which was much to Juvia pleasure. Suddenly remembering her Special Mission that was delayed for at least two years.

"Zeref, is there anyone strong in your empire?" asked Juvia. "Yes, there is. Why?" "Well you see in Fiore there are the "Ten Wizard Saint", is there anything like that in Alvarez?" "Well, there is, it is called the "Spriggan". Why?". "Well, do you think I would it be fine if I join the Spriggan?" asked Juvia. "Sure," answered Zeref not realizing that he is being used to complete her special mission. "Really, thank you!" shouted Juvia as she went forward and hugged Zeref tightly not noticing that he was blushed. "It's fine," said Zeref not understanding Juvia, but was enjoying the hug.

After letting go of Zeref, she immediately checks the Special Mission.

[Special Mission Half-Complete]

"System, what is this?" asked Juvia "I remember that I have complete this mission."

[Master has received the title from the Emperor, but Master haven't been to Alvarez, so the mission is Half-Complete]

"What's wrong?" asked Zeref, as he cared for her. "It's fine, let just hurry to Alvarez," said Juvia.

Time Skip ~ 1 week

Finally, they have reached Alvarez Empire. It took them a week to travel from Fiore to Alvarez. "Finally! We reached," said Juvia excited as she never been to Alvarez before. "Come on, Zeref let's go." dragging Zeref from the boat. "Wait! Juvia, Don't!" Zeref who was finally dragged out of the boat. Suddenly Juvia turned around noticing everyone kneeling down in front of Zeref. "Your Majesty is back!" cries and cheers burst out everywhere. As they both start walking toward the castle. Endless cheers for Zeref return. Juvia was amused at how Zeref was respected.

As she was walking behind Zeref, a group of soldiers came and blocked her. "What are you doing?" asked Juvia, but there was no response except being drag away. "Hey! Let me go!" shouted Juvia as she was fighting back against a group of soldiers. "STOP!" The group of soldiers turned around. "Let her go! NOW!" shouted Zeref releasing his magic. Immediately they let go of her. Juvia slowly walks toward Zeref, as he pulled her into his arms and continue walking toward the castle which surprised everyone. Suddenly the cheers start again "Long Live His Majesty" "All hail the emperor and empress". Juvia was shocked that they are calling her an empress.

At the Castle

Finally reaching the castle, it was a long walk for Juvia. Both went in and then they greeted by an old man with blackish eyes and roughly shoulder-length, wavy, grayish-white white hair, with the majority of his bangs swept leftward and a young man wears a simple pair of dark dress pants and a white collared dress shirt, completely buttoned up with a blue tie hanging from the neck. Over this, he dons a trench coat with a white border.

"How are you Invel?" asked Zeref

"You have to return Your Majesty," said Invel bowing toward both of them "and seem to return with the empress.". Getting a blushed from both Zeref and Juvia. "How about you August?" "I am fine Your Majesty," answered August. "So you are August, right?" asked Juvia. "Yes" "Then come one, let's fight!" said Juvia excited.

"What is the meaning of this, Your Majesty," asked August. "Well, Juvia want to become a "Spriggan", so I told if she could fight against you, then it's fine," answered Zeref. "Are you fine with that?" asked Zeref, hoping August would disagree. However "Yes, Your Majesty," said August. Both Juvia and August agree their matches the next day, as they had a long journey for Juvia and she needs to rest.

At first, Juvia insisted on sleeping in a different room from Zeref. However, in the end, they went to the same room since the maids didn't clean up the other room. "Are you sure about tomorrow?" asked Zeref. "Yes" answered Juvia and went to sleep. Zeref sighed and went to sleep as well.