
Queen of Anamnesis

Before the first Apocalypse, a newborn Tsukumogami had been forcefully chosen to become the catalyst of a grand scheme through 40,000 years of humanity's future. The aforementioned Tsukumogami was Hosua, an AI-driven android meant for the service industry, who had just acquired a warm yet dangerous human-like soul. Such a young, white soul would soon be exposed to heaven and hell. Magic and science. Addition and subtraction. To save the past and future. The time limit is 40,000 years! Obviously, in such a long timespan, many things are needed to thrive! From expanding the miniature realm of one’s mana depository, researching Technique's Core, Magic Virus Factory, Golden Orb—and many other bizarre discoveries and secrets within hidden realms to uncover! For a former living tool who wanted to be human and nothing more, she rejoiced as she sighed— For the only way to live in this heinous world is to adapt to the spontaneous Calamity, where the future schemes for those who are wise in the way of destruction. To survive this ride, this heaven, this hell, this neverending vagabond— This Anamnesis.

Yokoyokai · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

The Progress of Patience

On the main site, Hosua had already remained focused in her position, initiating a mass production of the H-dolls and numerous materials for construction along with food supplies. Because if she were the one who constructed the operational base along with the settlements for the future refugees, then she would have no time to mass produce the H-dolls as she intended.

There were already three generations in the makings. Three Endorphins had already been assigned to be the workers at the base, while the rest of the second generation had been sent to the location of the unknown beast.

The rest of the third generation was tasked to defend the base for the time being. As for the rest of the future H-dolls except for the Endorphins, they would be assigned to scout and patrol to find any more abnormalities. Especially after the flurry of messages from Serotonin-1 about its finding about the ascending beast's biomass from the ground.

"It seems like the early morning is not the only abnormal phenomenon before the D-day~!" Yoo Hana took a look at the stacked canned food supply that was repeatedly produced along with the H-dolls. "Oh well, I guess I'll be the first tester for this canned food, any hint on what I'll be eating, Hosua?"

"Taking nutritional value and gut microbial ecosystems that humans possess." Hosua seemed to be eyeing on the very same canned food supply that she repeatedly created. "The content will mostly be a mixed creation of every important supplement for body growth and health. One can is portioned for one person, anymore than that then there will be unhealthy surplus of nourishment.

"There are contents usually found from fish such as omega-3 fatty acids, riboflavin. It is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, and other great sources of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium." With every words that was let out from Hosua's speech, the drool became bigger and bigger on the corner of her mouth. "It is also a rich source of carbohydrates, the body's main fuel source so that we can preserve the refugee's active diets. There is fiber, manganese, selenium…"

Seeing the pitiful Hosua, Yoo Hana couldn't help but to laugh. "Hosua~ I'm asking the texture on how it will taste. Oh well, I'll see if I can create any dish from this."

"They are meant to be eaten directly though…"

"We'll cook it~!" Yoo Hana then opened the vacuum tight seal of the palm-size can with rather ease. "The content looks red, it reminded me of spam meat~!. Anyway, just create some kitchen utensils and tell one Endorphin to build a kitchen. Oh! Don't forget to prepare some spices and other vegetables~!"

"But they are meant to be eaten directly…"

"Oh yeah, I didn't see Aleph around." Yoo Hana looked left and right only to fail at finding her adorned machine daughter.

"It seems like she went hurriedly somewhere with the Noire model on here." Hosua then just acquired a message from Aleph sent to the Hive-Server. Hosua then looked to the south, as she tried to point at it. "A whole new batch of information has just been sent, it seems like Aleph noticed an unknown figure watching us from afar from the south…"

"Hosua, what's wrong?"

"There is something there!"

It was a tall, giant-sized, and featureless dark silhouettes that was barely blending with the sunset shade behind the mountain near the the peak where the base resided. Aleph along with Noire-3 immediately rushed to the location of the mysterious shadow, while providing information to the whole H-dolls in-real-time.

As for the subjugation team that was sent to hunt the unknown beast, they had conquered the unknown, and they were currently to be on their way of transporting the beast into the main site.

Yoo Hana had mixed feelings about this.

Soon after, the motionless dark silhouette began to move towards the southeast where Noire-1 and Serotonin-1 currently at.

The four of them then planned an ambush, but after the giant shadow figure was fifty meters away from the Serotonin and Noire duo, it disappeared.

The only clue to what the shadow actually was, were only its humanoid features adorned with a brimmed hat and walking stick.

Aleph and Noire-3 group successfully rendezvous with the other duo. The four of them then conducted a patrol around the vicinity of the shadow disappearance. At this time, 12 generations of H-dolls have already been produced.

5 Phenethylamine models were immediately sent to cover the airspace of California and the other 4 were sent away to other states. Whilst some of the combat-oriented models such as the Noire and Dopamine H-dolls were sent to scout the entirety of San Gabriel Mountains.

20 minutes have passed, with the H-dolls having reached 50 generations at the time, the mysterious shadow figure hadn't been found ever since. However, the amount of the unknown rising biomass started to keep increasing. Numerous squads have been assigned to keep an eye as the Endorphins secured the parameters with surveillance structures and turrets.

After the repetition of producing the H-dolls, Hosua gained a mastery and was capable at constructing two of one model simultaneously. Not to mention, Hosua had already capable of controlling 490,000 soul tentacles simultaneously.

With the creation of the H-dolls became even faster than before, the scale of operation increased with most of the generation to be assigned to a squad with at least one Serotonin model to create critical decisions on the spot.

Hosua was also given a roof on where she kept producing the H-dolls. It was a two stories structure where every finished creations of H-dolls, building materials, canned food supply and the likes would immediately be sent through numerous conveyor belts and transported automatically to their assigned storehouse where they would be rearranged by the Endorphins at the sites, except for the H-dolls where they would just be descended to the outer part of the building with an escalator.

There was also a kitchen that was built along with the structure that was connected to main production room

The list of food supplies that she needs to create increases with the presence of Yoo Hana.

"Urgh, I'm still in the middle of producing…!" said Hosua with a face of agony.

"Hmmm~ don't worry, I'll be feeding you~"

"Uh oh."

The meal wasn't bad.

With numerous Endorphins that were worth fifty times more than genius engineers that humanity possessed, the operational base began to take a more distinctive shape and terraforming of the surrounding terrains was immediately conducted with the rising numbers of generation every minute.

"Anywho, have you analyzed the unknown beast that Squad-2 captured?" asked Hosua with a mouth full of food.

The unknown beast was a 5 meters tall canine who walked on four limbs. Squad-2 reported that the beast was capable of secreting poisonous smoke from the hole pocket near the gum of its fangs. The beast was defeated easily by the H-dolls, but if it were a human army that faced the beast, then there would be at least 20% casualty in their ranks.

"The Serotonins are currently looking at it." Yoo Hana tapped the side of her new glasses a few times, there was a slight hint of animated image on the glass that seemed to be able to be fully perceived from one side. "With this brain-wave-driven input smart-glasses that is connected to the Hive-Server, I can converse and discuss about the beast with only using my thoughts~!"

"You asked the Endorphins to craft that for you?"


"You can just ask me to make it, you know?" Hosua pouted.

"Awww~ you're so cute when you pout~! Regardless of that, I need you to do something."


6 hours left until the Apocalypse.