
Queen's Royal Blood

Asteria Robertson, heiress of the Serian dynasty throne lives the normal princess life until her father dies and becomes the queen of the kingdom but all the responsibilities are uncontrollable so she escapes her kingdom leaving her obligations behind. She meets Gavriel in the woods while escaping her reality and falls inlove with his charms not knowing his pasts. Will she fulfill her duties or create her own fairytail?

riestell · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

01: Until the end

"Princess Asteria, you are requested by the queen" one of mother's court lady called me.

I was picking up roses and daises at the flower garden for a new perfume I wanted to have, well mother doesn't want me doing these because she says it's just a waste of time but flowers are father's legacy. He is the first king to construct the first ever perfume laboratory in the nation by just using flowers, I just wanted to continue the legacy he will leave in our dynasty. I pricked my finger on the rose thorns so I grabbed a cloth and wiped the blood off but a strange movement in the gazeboo caught my attention.

"Hello?" I said while looking around.

I was frightened by the sudden appearance of the court lady because mother is in such hurry. I put some of my platinum locks behind my ear and pursed my lips before following the court lady into the palace lounge where I saw mother sitting across with the king and queen of the Ididor dynasty, since when did mother welcomed guest?

I did a respectful curtsy before sitting next to my mother and gave her that "what's happening?" look while smiling so I looked a little bit weird. Mother held my hand and the words that came out of her mouth is unacceptable.

"The Serian dynasty and Ididor dynasty will be united as one kingdom when you will marry their first son" mother's word were still not sinking into me.

"Since when is this agreed upon?" I calmly said still maintaining my poise.

"Since you were born" mother directly said not minding how her words hurt me.

"I'm sorry Princess for the late notice but this is for the best of two kingdoms" the king of Ididor tried to make me feel better with his informal words.

"Of course, yes" I said with a fake smile on my face "If you won't mind, I have a lot more important things to do, excuse me, your highness" I left, not minding my mother's disappointment killing my conscience.

I can't believe that this is happening, It was already too much for me to rule the kingdom and now I'm suddenly getting married to a kingdom that father despised. I wanted to rule the kingdom on my own and now this prince is blocking my way on achieving the only thing I could ever do for my father.

I went upstairs to my chamber and laid on my bed while looking up in my ceiling which are full of stars. I just thought that I was born to be a weapon, a weapon against other kingdoms because I was born to be different, very different.

I slept thinking about horrible stuffs and it's now curfew so I can't go out of the palace so instead I went to the king's chamber because the family dinner is useless without him. My heart breaks as I was walking towards my weakened king.

"Father" I said before taking a seat beside him and placing his hand on my cheeks "I'm sorry I failed to do my promise, I can't rule the kingdom" a tear fell down and I could feel the warmness of my cheek and the coldness of his hands "I am a failure, I can't be queen" I was crying when he suddenly held my hands.

"You are the daughter of King Nicholas IX and Queen Isabelle" he reminded me "You will never be a failure, you are different Princess Asteria"

"How am I different? your highness" I questioned him.

"You are the Granddaughter of Queen Qraana, the Goddess of Beauty" he said which made me shocked, I've never heard this before.

"I am the Granddaughter of the goddess of love?" I repeated in confusion "How did this happen?"

"I'm sorry you have to find it this way but your mother wanted to hide it from you" he answered "but I don't want to take that away from you"

"Why does she take everything away from me?" the anger was building up inside me.

I was shocked to see mother open the door, I just hope she didn't hear what I said. She excused me from father because she wanted to talk to me in private so I followed her to my chamber. I was still furious about what I found out about my identity.

"The way you acted infront of our guest is unacceptable, you are going to ruin our reputation" she blabbered but all of her words doesn't seem to bother me.

"Well the way you sold me to the Ididor dynasty is unacceptable too" I fired back.

"Don't you dare point your mistakes back to me, Asteria" Mother seems to be running out of patience.

"Mother, why are doing this?" I questioned her which made her face palm herself.

"Why?" she clenched her fists "This is all for your future, to protect you"

"Does protecting me require keeping away secrets on my own identity?" I walked towards her, trying to threaten her.

"I am not keeping away any secrets from you" she denied like she didn't know anything at all, acting all elegant and poised for 6 decades seems to be making her good at faking everything.

"No secrets? really?" I was even more agitated "Come on mother, I am the granddaughter of Qraana, the goddess of beauty-" A hard slap from mother made me shocked and out of words.

"Do not ever mention her name" she threaten me back "This is to protect you so just abide by my rules" I was still holding my cheek where it was the first time when mother landed her hands on and she left me alone in my room.

When I woke up, everyone was busy and running up and down the stairs so I got confused not until I saw the family doctor enter the palace gates again so I rushed into the king's chamber. I saw him laying in bed catching his breaths and mother was on his side. I moved closer to him and he held both of my hands.

"Always stand tall, my queen" those were his last words until his hands felt numb and the last heartbeat said goodbye as my tears continuously fell for losing my hero and everything.

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