
QT: Finding Meaning

*** My health has been very poor this year alongside loosing my mother-in-law and cat so I'm sorry but this will be rewritten and finished when I'm well, I'm doing it all offline in my rare creative moments, hopefully with a more mature touch *** [WARNING: Mature Themes (smut, violence, murder, suicide, domestic violence, etc.)] --------- Waking up naked and alone with a murderer, without a single memory, she relies on System to understand her existence in another person's body. --------- Still don't know if you should read me? Here's a quick breakdown to help you make up your mind if this novel is right for you: This is my own twist on the QuickTransmigration System genre, giving it a more 'spiritual' twist. It explores sensitive themes throughout each arc and I will do my best to give trigger warnings at the start of chapters containing them. It is written in the first person and revolves around a female lead (FL). This is a weak-to-strong novel, she will have heavy flaws and make repeated mistakes and seem generally weak at the start, bear with her as she grows. Romance is a heavy theme within the story that contains a lot of smut, with more than one character. However, there is only one male lead in the end. The story is less about fluffy romance, instead, it's a journey of growth and self-discovery, revolving around the main storyline. Although, each Arc will have its own separate storyline that will have an impact on the main storyline with both new and reoccurring characters (so skipping arcs is not advised). I have currently written the rough drafts for four arcs at the point of writing this: 1. Ghosts & Guns 2. How do you keep a child alive in the Zombie Apocalypse? 3. Abducted by Aliens 4. Freed by the Fae Folk 5. .... --------- --------- Cover Art made by myself, using nightcafe AI Art, check out my page, I'm attempting to make novel art and character art for each arc: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/u/Raychbunni

Raychbunni · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
207 Chs


Launching myself across the room, I found my blade beginning to pierce his chest before anybody could react. 

His hand gripped the blade, uncaring for the blood spilling from both chest and hand as he used all his strength to push it away. 

"Luna," Dax grabbed me from behind, yanking me away, and my dagger fell to the ground. 

Guards hurried in as Dax dragged me to the opposite end of the room.

Uncaring for the audience watching, Lex pulled his clothing aside to let a guard check his chest. 

"See it's healing, not to worry," he brought a water bottle from his space and washed away the blood on his hands with the help of the guard. "You can go now," he ushered them away as he dried his hand.

Not bothering with the blood stain on his chest, he waltzed over to the empty seat and sat down leisurely. 

"Star Traveller what is the meaning of this?" The grey elder clenched his fists in anger. 

"What else? I want this bastard dead."