
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

The Way We're Built

The bell to dismiss class rang. The class was filled with chatter and noise as the students packed up, readying to leave. Grayson, however did not have an amused face. Just thinking about the 20 gold he spent on a real healing potion, just to have it wasted… Oh he could taste the shit that life was feeding him.

'Now I'm gonna need a faster way to get the potion again.' He knew he couldn't take his time and slowly leech money from those who needed his help. The first time he gathered the money by doing the odd "helping" job that those of nobility needed. Usually this meant beating or threatening a commoner. He was used to "helping" the students of Fate Pre-Academy, either the nobility or commoners, for him it didn't matter.

In this world magic rules everything, the more magic you have the more power you have, and with power comes resistance. So the governing body of Qast gathered together to establish three rules. No one wants to be a footstool for others, and the ones at the top understood that. So, in order to keep those below them in line strict rules where put into place.

#1. The strong protect the weak

#2. If your weak, get stronger

#3. Everyone fights together

That's it, the so called geniuses of Qast who were all 'powerful' put just those three rules in place. Of course not every country was like Qast, some where more liberal with their laws and some more demanding, but throughout the world most would agree, Qast is a good place to live. This is due to the separation of nobility and commoners. Nobility can not fight or abuse commoners easily. If done the entire family could lose it's spot in the kingdom.

In Qast the government is ran by a council of ten members of nobility, they are the "Kings and Queens" of Qast. Each kingdom allowed to appoint a certain amount of families into nobility. Roughly 100 families a piece. With various amount at different levels of nobility. In that regard the line of nobility went as follows

Kings/Queens families : 1

ArchDukes families : 4

Dukes families : 10

Earls families : 35

Barons families : 50

With that the nobility is decided. While you can move up and down the chain of nobility, it is only done through appointment by the King/Queen or through a Royal bout. With a Royal bout being a fight to the death between the heads of the two families. Limited to only one rank above your families current rank.

There is also a final group of pseudo-nobility that has no maximum limit to families but normally they are kept to a minimum. Those families fall under the knights. A knight family is still a commoner family but if they wish they can issue a Royal bout to barons.

Which finally brings us back to Grayson the current head of the Dyre family. Although he is only 15 he is the current head since is fathers death, leaving him and his mother as the last two members of the Dyre knight family.

Since becoming the head he has but one goal: grow his family and attain power. Which is why he needed that damn healing potion. He alone can't compete with this world and his mother is not one to be of much help. Ever since her husbands death she has more or less given up on the world. Her only happiness when Grayson comes to visit.

Snapping his mind out of the complicated funk he allowed himself to think his way into Grayson gathered his belongings and left the class, heading for his dorm.

When he finally arrived and closed the door behind him. His eyes scanned the barren room quickly. If not for the few papers and pieces of clothing in the closet one might think the room in uninhabited. See Grayson only needed what could be of use to him and disregarded anything that wasn't.

Sigh. "Not much time left before the school year ends. I'm gonna have to talk with Nala and see what she has for me to get the money I need."

He quickly changed from his uniform into a pair of black pants, a black hoodie and some blue sneakers. He looked in the mirror before leaving.

What he saw was a tall man with violet eyes, a sharp jaw, and an uncaring facial expression. Standing 6'4" Grayson wasn't attractive but wasn't ugly either. Although some did seek him for his height and unique eyes, most saw him as just an average person.

He quickly left his dorm and then the school grounds, venturing into the rest of the city of Winter.

Sorry for the info dump but it was needed


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