
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


Gray looked down at the blade and then at his assailant. For the first time he could see under Jess' hood. 'She has such a gentle face' he thought. 'Her eyes are so big they barely fit her, but yet they're a nice shade of hazel. Purely beautiful eyes to see in my final moments.'

'I wonder why even though she's killing me I don't see joy, satisfaction or even greed in her eyes, only a since of almost nothing. Like that's what she sees from me, nothing. I'm not even worth a thought?' That's what her face told him.

'My life is so unimportant, so meaningless that you couldn't be bothered to care?' Tears started to form from his violet eyes. "Seems that you don't." He let out with a handful of blood.

"Just business, Thunder." Jess told him as she laid him down on the cold vault floor. Quickly retracting the blade from his chest she wiped it along his cloak to remove the blood that had gathered.

As Gray laid there drifting off to eternal rest he saw her sheath the blade and pull out a small black orb. "All these hoops just for you, huh? Better be worth it." Jess disappeared leaving those words behind.

Gray thought back to when Jess had came and got them from the tunnel and everything started to make since, but it was too late. He laughed when he thought about it. Coughing up some more.

Slowly Gray felt himself get swallowed by the darkness.


*Somewhere Else*

A child like voice could be heard almost laughing. "Oi! Wakey Wakey!! Graysoooooon! GRAYSON!"

Grayson felt his mind come together, but still felt a mess. Like he had to concentrate or he would spill out in every direction. "Oh, yeah that makes since.. Hear ya go!" Said the voice again. Suddenly Gray felt his body reform to its usual self. He could finally see the nothingness around him. Everything was a void all around him, except for a small child floating in front of him.

The child looked normal but fake at the same time. Like he was right there, but also everywhere else.

"Wha-Where am I?"

Thunderous child like laughter could be heard, "HMM.. where are you? Better yet, how are you here right?"

"Yeah that I guess. I thought I died." Gray said before letting out a heavy sigh.

The child giggled, "You did die." Gray then heard the same voice form his left "Super died." He looked to see an exact copy of the boy on his left. "Mega died." A third voice chimed in on his right.

Gray looked between the three as they moved closer and closer to each other fusing into one child. "What the hell is going on?" He asked the child.

"Well ya see Gray, we need you.." "I need you." "The world needs you." the voices said overlapping.

"Me? Why me?" Gray couldn't believe them. No one needed him before why should that fact change?

"Well not really you, but you'll do." "Yes you'll do." "Hopefully at least." The voices corrected themselves. "Gray we just need you to choose, do you want to move on or would you like to continue."

"Continue? Like stay in the land of the living?"

"Yes! Would you like to keep going?" The voices asked in earnest.

"Why me? Why would you bring me back?"

The children looked at one another, and laughed. "Oi we can't bring you back, you just have a choice to go back." One child said while raising Grays new bracelet. "A choice with a cost, but the cost won't be much this time!" Another voice chimed in.

Gray stared at his bracelet. The feline charm had been pulsating for awhile now. Slowly glowing bright yellow and fading again and again. "What's this bracelet have to do with me dying?" he asked.

"Nothing." "Everything." "Some Things." The voices disagreed. "So, do you wanna live?" They asked.

"Ye-Yeah let me go back."

"Excellent!" "Great!" "Groovy!" "Just one thing.. we need you to pick."

"Pick? I thought I could choose if I wanted to live."

"You can, you can! There's just this small [Redacted] going on and we wanna know which [Redacted] you'll play for. We promise its only a small deal which one you'll pick. Currently two other [Redacted] have been selected, so there are [Redacted] [Redacted] left."

"Why are only some of your words coming through?"

"Oh its because he's not one yet he can't know about them unless he becomes one. Just choose one Gray."

Seven Statues standing on pedestals where conjured up in front of Gray with two turned away from him. Both were giving off an eerie vibe. The children disappeared, leaving Gray to make his choice. Each statue looked identical except for the two on the ends that were also not facing him. On one end was what looked to be a child while the other looked to be a fierce looking woman. The rest were blank statues with no discrepancies to tell them apart. Gray decided to choose the one next to the women.

Slowly the statue morphed into an alternate version of Gray, at least in build. Its hair turned Gold instead of his natural Silver. Its eyes shown a glimmer of bronze. The statue began to smile while it spun around to face away from Gray. In a millisecond Gray was on the other side now facing the three humanoid looking statues. He began to read the plaques on the pedestals that he hadn't noticed till now. The child had one word "Cupid," while the fierce woman had another "EGO." The smiling version of Gray also had a plaque but it was blank. As he continued to stare at the plaque letters started to form. First a G, followed by a R, then an E and finally a Y. "Grey, huh? Think its funny to take someone elses' name?"

The statue stopped smiling, as if it had heard his complaint. "Hey I changed a letter thought you'd be more appreciative you little brat! You know what I'm not gonna give you my gift you gotta earn it now." The statue said before it went back to its smile of stone.

"What the fuc-" Gray disappeared from the void of statues.

"OOO so he got him huh?" The childish voices returned. "Will he be ok?" Said another voice. "HMM, well the disciple for Greed is definitely gonna be interesting this time." "Lets see what he can do."