
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Magic 101

The classroom was lined with desks in perfect rows and columns, all facing the blackboard at one end of the classroom. Various motivational posters littered the walls, with a few that were more focused on being talking points about various usages of magic.

The class was completely filled when Gray walked in. Most of the students ignoring his presence continuing with their conversations. A few did notice him, but choose to quickly avoid eye contact with him. The last group of people, about three spread throughout, stared at him with such hatred, one would think Gray had been stealing their lunch money.

In truth he had a few times. 'Sigh. Sometimes I wish I wasn't the nobles fixer. Stop staring at me like that. You would of done the same thing in my shoes!' He defended himself to them in his head.

The reason why these three had such strong hatred for him was because of his role in the school. Nobles who wanted to pressure commoners need a lackey and there were always grievances for him to profit from. The favor given by the nobles was also beneficial for his future plans.

Grays only saving grace with the rest of the commoner majority was that he wouldn't hurt too weak of commoners. He didn't consider himself a bully to the weak, choosing only victims that could take it. Even going as far as saying he would protect a few commoners that some nobles wanted to take advantage of, if they could afford his protect fees of course. Obviously he wouldn't charge commoners the same as nobles, but hey protection isn't free, right?

Ignoring the hateful trio, Gray pulled out his earbuds and listened to some music before professor Curr arrived. Drumming along to a semi-popular alt-rock song, he waited for his professor.

Yank! One of Grays earbuds were ripped out the side of his head. "What the hel-?!"

Grayson turned to find one of the three. A girl with jet black hair who was not actively trying to but successful at using her R.B.F.(1) She was seething in anger and anyone could tell if someone tried to provoke her she'd try to tear out there neck with her teeth.

"Grayson you tyrant, why did you go after my little brother? He has nothing to offer you and you put him in the hospital!"

"Lexi he was just a job, it wasn't personal. He went after Arthur's little sister. Obviously Arthur wouldn't stand for that. You know I was supposed to go after your whole family but I told Arthur just your brother was enough and that his message would get across." Gray hated this part of his job, commoners knew they couldn't go against a noble normally, so there frustration always shifted to him.

"Still you could of showed him some level of respect and not of injured him like you did."

"Lexi just stop, I really don't want to argue with you about this. A job is a job, as long as I get paid I'll do the work, everyone knows I do my best to be fair to commoners and nobles alike." He sighed starting to become annoyed.

"Whatever Grayson just watch your back!" She said with a huff returning to her seat.

Sigh. 'I'm really not a bad guy I swear! Nobles are the ones that make me do this. People like Arthur who get upset when just his sister having a new admirer pushing them to act should be blamed!'

"Good morning class!" Professor Curr said snapping Gray out of his deflection of his actions.

"Good morning." Some of the more enthusiastic students responded.

"Well class since the school year is almost over, I was thinking that this week we would mix it up for the final two weeks. We are going to do some magic sparring utilizing the knowledge of our past to improve yourselves." With that most of the class became excited. Using magic at Pre-Academy rarely happened.

"So we're off to the gym today don't worry I'll explain the rules for each spar when we get there. Well what are you waiting for let's get going." Professor Curr said leaving the class. With a few shocked and a few nervous expressions the students quickly followed.

The rules to the spar were very straight forward, the first to strike their opponent 3 times wins, with those winning continuing to fight. Stepping out of the ring or forfeiting is allowed but will be counted as a loss. Professor Curr also said the winner will receive a prize.

A few matches had progressed and the original class of 24 had been cut down to 18. The winners usually being a noble with one or two being commoners who were abnormally strong. Only a few people had chosen to forfeit, enlarging a few nobles egos.

"Ok whose turn is it now, mmm Grayson Dyre and Lexi Fullbright, it's your turn." Curr let out to the class.

Almost like there was foreshadowing done by God, Graysons first opponent was Lexi. 'No, wait yesterday wasn't my day, I thought by the rules of good and bad karma today was suppose to be lucky for me, why the hell is my luck so shit?'

Approaching the circular ring Grayson frowned. He noticed that Lexi didn't have her usual expression on her face, instead one of disinterested remained.

"Alright both of you to your sides, Grayson are you ready?"

"Yes professor!"

"Lexi are you ready?"

"Professor.. actually I'd like to forfeit."

"What then why even go up at all? Fine, Grayson advances. Quickly let's get the next two, mmm Jackson Kane and Adam Leywin."

Grayson observed Lexi as she descended the ring, still bewildered by her avoiding a perfect opportunity for revenge. 'Why do I feel like this is going to be a shit day all around?'

(1) Resting b*tch Face