
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Broken Heart

The hole in Grays chest started closing. The muscle fibers started to regrow and reattach themselves while his vital organs did the same. Quickly his body had returned to what it was before he had been stabbed, with the only reminder being the hole in his hoodie and the dried blood surrounding him.

Gray opened his eyes and let a deep breath. 'I really am alive..' He thought as he gathered his feet below himself. Looking around he could see the rummaged vault and Sloan's dead body over some chests. His neck had been gashed and the blood had long since stopped flowing out. Sloan's eyes were wide and his face left a look of bewilderment. Gray closed them both and said a small prayer for him. He needed to get out of there before anyone came looking.

Gray moved closer to the door which had been left ajar. Peering out he saw not much had changed, except for the fowl odor which had since grown. He turned towards the master bed and couldn't help to creep closer. Pulling back the silk sheets he found a large naked body bathed in blood. Its detached head contained no emotion, like he didn't even wake up from being killed. Unfortunately for Gray he recognized the man in front of him.

Earl James Masons, one of the most powerful men in Winter. Uncle to Evan Stone, owner of several businesses and even had a sizeable fiefdom that he had gifted his son-in-law to be for his only daughter. The most important thing to Gray was 'He's definitely not suppose to be HERE, dead!'

Gray moved with a mission towards the underground passage to see that it had already been closed. Not wanting to waste time trying to figure out how to even open it again he headed for the main door. Cautiously he opened it to find two guards dead body right outside. He stepped over them and started to silently jog down the corridor. He came across various rooms one might find in a house but he was headed for the main hall.

Once he was a bit closer he noticed that some guards were still alive and doing their duties. He needed to make a choice go quietly or try to make a run for it.

Gray took off sprinting, he had noticed a sizeable window and jumped. Glass was thrown about and a few pieces even managed to cut him. Landing in the courtyard a group of guards turned towards the breaking glass, but Gray didn't stop running he headed for the east wall and climbed.

The Masons men quickly following, chasing him with ease. Gray turned down various streets trying his best to lose them. Glancing behind him, only one guard was keeping pace with him through the city of Winter. The guards armour clanked with the stone pavement every step he took and a small shuffling of leather could be heard with every swing of his arms.

Turning down another alley Gray blitzed through something, tumbling to the ground. He saw a flash of snow white hair. "Hey watch it." The voice yelled from below him. Looking down he saw a pair of very dark blue eyes accompanied by an upset visage on the young lady's face. She reminded him of his mother that he hadn't seen in a few weeks. 'I should stop by soon.' He thought.

Grayson was positioned above her and she below him. There eyes met for a moment before she turned away. He thought himself lucky to not be in a cliché were the young lady might take offense. [Thud of mail on stone] Gray quickly spun around and pulled the girl into his chest with his back to a small doorway in the alley. A "Sorry." came out his mouth curtly, while he gagged her with his other hand. The last of the Masons guards continued past their alley and kept looking for Gray.

Releasing the girl Gray stood up and continued on. "Damn criminal I should have your whole family killed for your recklessness!" The girl shouted at Gray.

Moving through the night Gray thought he should report what happened to Nala and how the mission had a traitor. He came to her apartment complex quickly and was just across the street when he saw her. Nala was standing calmly at the edge of her building smoking a cigarette. He was about to set out into the street to head to her when he saw another person approach.

The cloaked figure walked to Nala and greeted her. Nala didn't look surprised by the late visitor. Then Gray saw the cloaked person hand Nala the orb Sloan had wanted from the vault. Nalas face flashed with a smile of greed as she took the orb. Gray had guessed that Jess was working for Nala and had gone out of her way to get her the orb.

Moving closer to them while maintaining his hidden presence Gray was finally able to hear what they were saying.

"-usiness is complete. Its a shame that they wanted two fall guys for all of this. Sloan I understand, but losing my young and up-and-comer is a huge hit for me." Nala said.

"You said you would do anything for the orb, and you know how my employer wanted both the Earl and Sloan gone, one extra death is nothing for you, plus no one will think my employer was involved just an ill timed robbery where the thieves betrayed one another. The perfect plan if I don't say so myself." Jess let out with a small laugh at the end.

"Tell 'your employer' I appreciate her business and to contact me if she needs anything in the future." Nala said while turning around to head back to her apartment.

Jess nodded and turned to disappear, before she did she looked around and didn't happen to spot Gray. Then she vanished.

Gray took a half step back not sure what to do with all this information. 'So all this was really just an assassination? Who would go through all that trouble?' Racking his brain Gray headed back to his dorm room.

Once inside he quickly changed and went to the bathroom. He wanted to examine his wounds but found nothing there. Not even a scar. Gray washed his body and started to wash the blood out from his clothes. Finishing up he finally laid down to rest.

A few hours later Gray woke up to someone pounding on his door. 'Its Saturday who the hell is trying to wake me up?' Gray angrily threw on some clothes and opened his door, to find Prof. Curr and the Dean of Fate pre-academy, Hamilton Phang. "Prof. Curr, Dean Phang, whats going on."

"Gray can we come in, it's very important we speak with you." Prof. Curr said.

Gray let them in an Prof. Curr took Grays desk seat while Dean Phang sat on his bed.

"There's no easy way to tell you this boy," said Phang, "Last night your mother was killed."