
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Alone and in Pain

Waking up in his bedroom Grayson felt his exhaustion hit him from yesterday. Dealing with Evan, Nala and his master was mentally and physically draining. Stretching himself to feel at least a bit better physically he dressed himself and rinsed his face.

'Sigh. Ok so yesterday sucked, so today has to be my lucky day.' He resolved his mind. 'Yeah, I have another job but Nala really did look after me, regardless if it was just to use me, she did come through.'

"I need to check on Shae, he should be waking up soon."

Grayson quietly left his dorm and headed to Fates nurse office. While walking he began to reminisce about his time at Fate Pre-Academy.

His classes really only covered the basics for the last five years. Magic and physical training was only touched briefly and not truly educational for him. Instead he mastered the worlds long and boring history, as well as the country of Qast rise to power.

Qast is a newer country throughout the world but is still an upcoming superpower going into the future. Many other countries were on good terms with Qasts Kings and Queens mainly for there prestigious Mage Academies.

But unlike a Mage Academy, Pre-Academies didn't focus on magic. Instead his schoolwork was useless in his mind, not preparing him enough for his future. The only real help the school gave him was the opportunity to meet some small time Nobel heirs here and there.

'Maybe they will help me achieve my goals in the future? Regardless I won't say my time here was a complete waste. I did meet my shadow here, even if he's a fool with a righteous heart.'

"Shae you really need to think these things through." He mumbled to himself while finally reaching the nurses office.

He looked at the white door that had a single plaque: Halsworth M.D. was written on it in flowery calligraphy.

Knocking loudly, Grayson let out a loud voice to be heard from inside. "Coming in Dr. Halsworth, Shae. Pardon me."

Inside though Grayson only saw Shae lying on one of the recovery beds. The rest of the room was empty except for empty beds and a few medical supplies around the office. A single desk in a side room could be seen but no one else was there.

"How are you feeling Shae?"

"Better now, by the way you just missed Dr. Halsworth, she had to rest."

"No matter, I just came to check up on you."

"I'm fine Gray, the potion you gave me took care of most of my injuries. By the way why did you use it on me, it's not like your one to hand out a free lunch?"

Grayson smiled slightly just enough that Shae could tell he was not going to like what Grayson said next.

"Because now you owe me." Grayson let out through his twisted smile. "As for my payment, you know what I'm gonna say."

Lying back down on the bed Shae sighed. "Your gonna stop me from going after Sarah."


"Gray isn't that too cruel she needs help? Our help. Why won't you stop him?"

"Don't worry Shae, I don't like Evan either, but right now I can't face him or his family, while only barons I still can't touch them yet. I promise in the future we'll save Sarah, but right now she has to endure."

Gray thought to Sarah's unique situation. Her family had recently gone into a heavy debt with a merchant family and needed support. Evans family was one of the few who could afford to pay it off, but they wanted the families to merge thus giving his family two heirs in the kingdom. Sarah had agreed to it to save her families title, rather than be broken and taken by the merchants, she could at least hold onto her name even if it meant Evan would be her future husband.

"Evan won't harm his future wife. He knows this is his only chance to become a head of a family."

"That bastard doesn't deserve her. He doesn't value her as a person only a means to an end, a tool. His personal plaything to attain power!" Shae cried. Letting his voice tremble with anger and sadness. Finally allowing his emotions to take control his eyes couldn't stop the building waterfall any longer.

Turning his head to not embarrass Shae, Grayson spoke "Shae we need to head to class. It's starting soon." Turning to leave.

"I know, you can head there Gray." He sniffles between his silent cry. "I just need a minute, also Gray I'm sorry for making you use the potion. I know what it meant to you, and I'm sorry." Shae's face was flushed, a mixture of tears and snot clung to it.

"Don't worry about it." Gray reassured him. "I mean if I die without it, I can always spend my afterlife haunting you for a bit." He teased to release some tension that had been slowly building.

Shae let out a half-hearted laugh. 'He won't really choose to haunt me for the rest of my life right?' Grayson twisted smile made Shae feel that he probably would.

"See you later Shae I'll be gone this weekend and probably next. Train without me for the rest of the school year. I'll be there for graduation though."

"I understand Gray."

With that Gray nodded to Shae and left the nurses office. Heading to his first class, and one of his favorites, magic history.