
Pushing Back Darkness

Serafina, or "Finn," is a 17-year-old girl from a small village who doesn't always have the self preservation instinct one might desire. Rushing headlong into danger, she finds herself drawn into a treacherous whirlpool of circumstances and intrigue far beyond her illusions of control. As she leaves her village on a journey that will change her life forever, she’s joined by her neighbor Mayra and Mayra’s quick-witted and charmingly irritating brother Riley, whose kindness and admiration for Finn begins to show through his teasing banter. Roland, an orphaned doctor's apprentice, is on his own quest to help save the lives of his city’s people. Coming across the three villagers on the road, he is enchanted by Finn’s beauty but finds a wall around her heart. These four join forces in an effort to help the people they love, conquer their own pasts, and survive the onslaught of romance, magic, strife, loss, and war. As these young adventurers are bound together and torn apart by the circumstances around them, they will begin to learn just how different the world is than they had always thought. Their battle against the darkness, both external and internal, could define the future of their nations. *Book is completed and fully published, I hope you enjoy!*

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525 Chs

Quickly shifting loyalties

"You're staying with me." The General's voice was harsh and commanding as he addressed his subordinate.

"I'm going, too." 

Simone stared in horror as not one, but two of the General's scouts turned away and pledged their loyalty to Beast in direct contradiction to the man's order. 

He was imposing, and a brilliant warrior. How could they disregard him so easily? 

She shrank back in involuntary fear, forgetting that Shayn was still sitting behind her on Judah's back. It was oddly comforting having the wall of his chest to lean into. 

"Something's wrong," He whispered. They're loyal, they would never…" 

"And yet, they are. And the giants are split, too." Simone darted a glance towards Jarnsaxa, who was storming off towards Klain in a rage that her husband was following Beast, along with the other female giant. Hugi had gone after his mother, leaving the group behind. 

She swallowed. "Do we follow the queen or stay with the General?" 

The whisper was met with silence, and she turned her head to make sure Shayn had heard her. His face was so close to hers that when she looked at him, she could feel his breath on her cheek. 

"Wait for Riley's command," He said after a brief pause. "He's still my commanding officer in times of war… which this apparently is, now." 

Simone looked out from the shadows as Riley sat up to his full height and stared at the Beast once again. She liked hiding better, although part of her knew that the many-headed creature likely knew exactly where she was and just didn't care enough at this moment to kill her. 

"You see? I am merciful," Beast's voices sang out. "I take only two of your men for the present time, when I could have had all. And your army on the way! I might have my hands full of worshippers soon enough. But now, you must go and take the message to your king. He will surrender and serve me, with the whole of humanity." 

"Your mercy is indeed unexpected," The General's voice was tinged with sarcasm, and Simone became afraid that Beast would grow irritated and obliterate the man. Had he no fear at all? "I will consult with my king and get back to you when I can." 

The bitterness was almost too much to handle, and Beast grinned with several of his mouths. 

"Then be on your way, little human. There is no time to waste. I would hate to grow impatient and simply kill everyone out of boredom." 

The threat sent shivers down Simone's spine. He seemed to mean it, and she couldn't disregard the possibility that he very well did. 

"Good day, then," Riley nodded curtly, but apparently Shayn caught more in the gesture than Simone did. His legs moved, nudging into Judah's sides, and tugged to the left. 

Riley pulled his horse around and kicked its sides a little more roughly than strictly necessary, fire in his gaze visible even from a distance. The remaining few soldiers around him exchanged looks, then followed the General. 

Judah ghosted along in the shadows of the trees, keeping out of the sunlight and hopefully, out of the view of Beast. 

Riley didn't spare them a glance, despite the fact that Judah was moving slowly enough to keep pace with his horse. It was unusual for the giant cat, and was much easier to stay atop the creature. 

After several miles, when Beast was no longer visible over the treetops, Riley pulled his horse up short. 

Judah crept from the deeper shade of the trees, and Shayn hopped down, then reached up for Simone. 

Too emotionally and physically exhausted to resist, she put her hands on his shoulders and allowed him to grab her around the waist and lower her to the ground. His hands stayed barely long enough to be sure she was stable on her feet, and then were gone. She withdrew her own from his shoulders a little absently, focused on the General. 

Riley threw a look at his remaining scouts that demanded they remain still, then dismounted and approached Shayn. The two men embraced fiercely for a moment before Riley pulled back with a scowl. 

"Gabriel's message said you were all headed home with some halflings, not South with some giants. And is that Roland's old cat friend?" He spoke in low tones. 

Simone didn't know whether he was wary of Beast having insanely good hearing, or suddenly distrustful of his own men after two so easily abandoned him. 

"The giant portal in the North let in the giants, and Judah. Rather than let them run around the countryside unsupervised, we thought it would be a good idea to accompany them," Shayn explained quietly. 

Simone's eyebrows rose. It was her idea, and hers alone. He had been against it, and yet, he was ready to include himself and take the brunt of his brother's ire? 

Riley's gaze flickered between the two, something in them that Simone couldn't quite read. The brothers held eye contact for several long seconds in a silent conversation that reminded Simone of Kyler and Shayn. Clearly this talent was a family trait. 

"What are the giants up to?" The General changed to a more formal posture, and Shayn responded by straightening his posture and addressing the man as his superior.

"Queen Jarnsaxa reported on arrival that the Fae had directed her to lead the giants South once they arrived in our world. There was a conflict of some kind the giants were to respond to." Shayn's voice tightened. "Her husband and the other female giant have now defected to serve the Beast, and as you saw, she and her son departed, upset." 

Riley chewed the inside of his cheek thoughtfully and glanced at Simone. "Anything to add?" 

"Something is strange about that Beast… other than the obvious things like seven heads and ten horns. The moment we came in proximity to it, it was like Awarnach's whole personality changed. He'd said hardly a word since arriving in our world, and suddenly he was contradicting his wife at every turn." She shivered, and Shayn stepped slightly closer, blocking the wind. 

Riley's eyes narrowed slightly. "Was it this cold to the North?" 

"It was about normal for this time of year up there. I expected it to be warmer so close to the Southern ocean, but the south wind is cold," Shayn observed. "Isn't that strange?" 

"Yes, especially for the middle of summer. I wonder if that is Beast's doing as well." The General mused. "Do you know where the giants have gone?" 

"Judah can probably find them fairly easily," Simone put in. "In the histories, he's always been able to locate giants." 

Riley looked her up and down for a moment before turning back to Shayn. "They intend to be allies to Klain, you think, since they are apparently taking instruction from the Fae?" 

"I believe that is their intention, but I cannot say what consequences may come of this rift," Shayn whispered. 

"Are you willing to go find out? I believe your intuition that giants shouldn't go running about in this world unaccompanied was legitimate," Riley huffed. "Roland had sent me to come kill the monster that had come from the sea, but I wonder now if that is possible." 

"You don't think it can be killed?" Worry colored Simone's words despite her best efforts. 

"I think I brought an army prepared for battle, but without batting an eye that thing stole the loyalty of two of my closest scouts. To bring the rest of my men could just be to feed it more worshippers." The General looked stumped. "There must be a different strategy to employ, or some sort of help we can ask for." 

"What of the Fae? The giants spoke of them, and they have helped humanity before," Simone lowered her voice. "If Queen Serafina can ask the Fae for more of the herbs that stop magic, perhaps that would protect the soldiers from having their loyalty magically captured by the Beast?" 

The General stared at her long enough to make her drop her gaze to the ground. Finally, he spoke. 

"Finn must trust you more than I thought to let you read all the secure archives with those details." He observed, and she lifted her chin. 

"I've done a good job, and worked hard for Klain since I was young." She bristled slightly. 

Shayn was staring at her oddly, and The General moved on. 

"Will you go giant-hunting, and corral the queen and her son to Klain if you're able? It looks like we'll need all the allies we can… feed." He grimaced. 

"Yes, Sir." Shayn saluted, and Judah chirped anxiously. 

"Yes, Sir." Simone echoed quietly, and The General looked at her curiously. 

"I hadn't actually meant to thrust you into more danger, but since you're so eager, I suppose you may go with Shayn." 

Simone opened her mouth, and then snapped it shut again, her face reddening. She really ought to try harder to keep herself out of trouble!

She really should. You all should.

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